Huge Doubles Highlight Sheaner-Jesuit Relays

Charles Brockman 110H & 300H

Charles Brockman III is a senior from Plano High School and he's one of the best hurdlers in the country.

Last year he finished fourth at the Brooks PR Invitational and a few weekends ago he was sixth in the 60m hurdles at New Balance Nationals Indoor. His dominance continued at Jesuit-Sheaner.

He was the fourth fastest 110m hurdles qualifier, running 15.09 (-2.5). While he didn't win in the finals -- the win went to Dallas Skyline's Dorian Andrewswho came away with US No. 15 mark of 14.03 (0.1) -- but Brockman was right on his heels with a time of 14.06 (0.1).

Brockman came back later in the day and won the 300m hurdles in dominate fashion. He went 37.55 for a new US No. 11 time.