Summer Training, Week 5: July 27th to August 2nd
This is my last week of running on my own before cross country officially starts with the school team on Monday. I've been going pretty easy over these past few weeks because I don't like to run so much and work so hard before the season starts. My training may seem weak to some people but it's my preference to run the amount of miles I do a week, because I personally feel stronger after a 6 mile run than I do after a 9 or 10 mile run.
Monday: At the beach until Saturday, so today I ran a 40 minute run around mid-day throughout the neighborhood which is all concrete. Was about 85 degrees out so I felt a little overheated but felt strong on my run, which I ran at 7:45 pace. I ran striders afterwards and did ten minutes of my usual circuits.
Tuesday: Went for an early run around 8 in the morning to escape some of the heat for 30 minutes. I ran a new path which had some grass so my knees felt a little better. This run was also at 7:45 pace. No circuits or strides afterwards.
Wednesday: Was out during the day so I ran at about 7 at night. This run was supposed to be only 40 minutes but I ran about 50-60 since I got lost on one of the beach trails and since I ran at night, it was a little hard to see where I was. 7:30 pace. Strides afterwards.
Thursday: Went for a 40 minute run alone at 7:30 pace. I discovered a new running trail which was a little less painful to run on than the main roads and I felt very strong on this run. Did circuits afterward and ran a few strides in the sand. Did a shakeout run for 15 minutes later that afternoon.
Friday: Got up at 5:30 and went for a run at 6 for 40 minutes. The weather this early in the morning was very nice so I ran around 7:15 pace since I felt very strong on this run. Went to the beach and did a few strides afterwards,
Saturday: I didn't run at all today since we left the beach and were traveling all day. I did do 15 minutes of circuits when I got home.
Sunday: Last day before cross country practice starts tomorrow. Went to Bull Run park and ran for 40 minutes on the course which is our district course. I felt really good and feel much better now than how I did 5 weeks ago. Pace was about 7:15 and I ran alone. It was about 85 degrees out for my run. I did circuits and strides afterwards.