Baker Invitational (formerly Haddonfield Invite) 2025

Haddonfield, NJ
Timing/Results elitefeats
Registration Closes in 55 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

This meet is limited to Colonial Conference schools, Bishop Eustace & select other schools. Password for registration will be sent to the Athletic Directors and coachesof participating schools.

 Long jump and triple jump participants will be allowed (4) attempts (no finals).

9. Shot, discus and javelin participants will be allowed four (4) attempts (no finals). Minimum javelin distance to be measured will be 110' for boys and 75' for girls. ALL JAVELIN ENTRANTS MUST POST A MILESPLIT PR AT OR ABOVE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE. NO COACH OVERRIDES. ENTRIES WITH MANUALLY ENTERED DISTANCES WILL BE REJECTED.

Minimum discus distance to be measured will be 100' for boys and 75' for Girls

ORDER OF EVENTS (Subject to change)

FIELD EVENTS (Please note minimum entry standards & measured distances listed above)  

3:30: Boys Javelin (Stadium Field) & Girls Javelin (Anniversary Field) Boys Shot Put and then Boys Discus will follow Boys Javelin 

 Girls Discus and then Girls Shot Put will follow Girls Javelin 

3:45: Boys Long Jump followed Girls Long Jump, Boys Triple Jump followed by Girls Long Jump 

4:00: Boys High Jump followed by Girls High Jump  

4:15: Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys PoleVault  

4:30:Trials, Middle School, and Freshman events 

1 100 meter low hurdles, girls' trials 

2 110 meter low hurdles, boys' trials 

3 800 meter middle school girls' final 

4 800 meter middle school boys' final 

5 100 meter dash, girls' trials 

6 100 meter dash boys' trials 

7 1600 meter freshman girls (final on time) 

8 1600 meter freshman boys (final on time) (may be combined with boys depending on # of entries)

 9 400 meter dash freshman girls (final on time) 

10 400 meter dash freshman boys (final on time) 

11 4 x 100 relay middle school girls (final on time) 

12 4 x 100 relay middle school boys (final on time) 

6:00 PM Finals 

13 400 meter intermediate hurdles girls (final on time) 

14 400 meter intermediate hurdles boys (final on time) 

15 100 meter dash, girls' final 

16 100 meter dash, boys' final 

17 1600 meter run, girls (final on time) 

18 1600 meter run, boys (final on time) 

19 400 meter dash, girls (final on time) 

20 400 meter dash, boys (final on time) 

21 100 meter low hurdles, girls' final 

22 110 meter high hurdles, boys final 

23 800 meter run, girls (final on time) 

24 800 meter run, boys (final on time) 

25 200 meter dash, girls (final on time) 

26 200 meter dash, boys (final on time) 

27 3200 meter run, girls (final on time) 

28 3200 meter run, boys (final on time) ( 27 & 28 may be combined depending on # of entrants)

29 4 x 100 relay girls (final on time) 

30 4 x 100 relay boys (final on time) 

31 1600 meter relay, girls (final on time) 

32 1600 meter relay, boys (final on time) 
