Meet Information
Order of Events:
Track (Girls followed by Boys):
- 400m Hurdles
- 100m Dash
- 1600m Run
- 400m Dash
- 100/110m Hurdles
- 800m Run
- 200m Dash
- 3200m Run
- 4x400m Relay
- Javelin (Girls followed by Boys)
- Discus (Following Javelin, Girls followed by Boys)
- Shot Put (Following Discus, Girls followed by Boys)
- Long Jump (Boys and Girls, 1Hr Open-Pit)
- Triple Jump (Following Long Jump, Boys and Girls, 1Hr Open-Pit)
- High Jump (Boys followed by Girls)
- Pole Vault (Girls followed by Boys)*
*Boys will start when the bar reaches their opening height. They shall be allowed one (1) warm-up attempt at this time. Remaining girls will then jump concurrently with the boys.