At Northwest
April 2, 2025
Entry Information and Instructions
Entry Limitations
Individual Events: 2 athletes per school. An Athlete may not be entered in more than four events. Relay events: 1 relay team per relay event
Entry Procedure
All entries will be done through . No faxed, emailed or phoned entries will be accepted.
The system will suggest the official top time/mark by default. If an athlete is entered in an event and has no qualifying mark during the 2024eason, that athlete must be entered with a NT .Please enter only FAT marks from the 2024season if possible.
Entry Deadline
Monday , March 11 by 7:00 P.M.
Entry Fees
The entry fee is $50 per school. Payment will be accepted at packet pickup. Only school checks, cash, and money orders will be accepted.
Make checks payable to Northwest High School.
Admission cost $8.00
Bring your own starting block. Starting blocks will not be provided
Awards will be given as follows:
Medals will be awarded to the top 3 places in each event, including members of the top 3 relays. Trophies will be awarded for Boys/Girls champions and runner-up. Medals will be awarded for Boys/Girls outstanding track and outstanding field.