Meet Information
Start Time: 10:00am
Entry: $200 per team ($100 for girls, $100 for boys)
Payment: Bring check payable to St. Andrew's Episcopal School to the meet. Do not mail payment.
Entry Fee for Spectators: $5.00
Coaches: Email Elisabeth Gaillet at which field event you would like to help with. If there isn't enough, we will assign at the coaches meeting.
Teams: Pelahatchie, Pisgah, Puckett, Raleigh, St. Andrew's
Running Event Order: Girls -> Boys
Schedule of Events:
9:00am: Implement Weigh In Begins
9:15am: Coaches Meeting
Field Events:
Triple Jump: Boys -> Girls
Long Jump: Girls -> Boys
High Jump: Girls -> Boys
Shot Put: Girls -> Boys
Discus Throw: Boys -> Girls
Pole Vault: Boys -> Girls
Running Events:
10:00am: 4x800 Meter Relay
11:30am: Boys 3200 Meter Run
12:30pm: Rolling schedule
100/110 Meter Hurdles
100 Meter Dash
4x200 Meter Relay
1600 Meter Run
4x100 Meter Relay
400 Meter Dash
300 Meter Hurdles
800 Meter Run
200 Meter Dash
Girls 3200m Run
4x400 Meter Relay
7:00pm: Approximate Completion Time
Registration help: