Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Thank you for participating in the 2025 Farmington Invite, Saturday, April 5, 2025. Please find the attached map with directions.
Your bus will enter via Dustin Ave. or Sunset Ave. indicated by the yellow arrows and park in the "Upper North Dirt Lot," shown with a yellow rectangle.
Please do not attempt to drop off or park your bus in the lots in either pink (handicap parking) or red (staff) squares. Buses and spectators will be turned away.
The parking lots highlighted with green squares are for spectator parking.
The blue arrows show the path your athletes and spectators will follow to enter the field.
There is a charge for spectators. Tickets can be purchased here:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Coach Newland, Coach Gamboa the District Athletic Director, or Johnny Curry the High School Athletic Director.
Thank you,
Johnny Curry
Athletic Director
Farmington High School