Rolla Buck White Sands Invitational 2025

Alamogordo, NM
Registration Closes in 1 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Rolla Buck White Sands Invitational

March 22rd, 2025

The Rolla Buck White Sands Invitational is a State-Qualifying meet. The 2025 edition of the Rolla Buck White Sands Invitational will have a different format.  Many meets are relay focused, this meet will be focused on the individual.    Only the 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 will be run.  However, the 4 x 400 will have a twist.  We would like to run the first ever 4 x 400 mixed relay as an exhibition.  Each team will receive points if their relay finishes in the top six.  Order for relay will go male-female-male-female.  When registering for the 4 x 400 please enter same time for both your girls and boys teams on milesplit.  Field entries will still be kept at 3 entries for meet management.  Running races will be 6 entries.  One relay per school.  All entries are due by Thursday, March 20th, 2025 at 9 pm.  NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED!!!


*NMAA and National Federation rules will apply.


 *A contestant may enter a maximum of 5 events, but not more than 4 may be track events or no more than 4 may be field events.  No more than three of the four races may be 400 meters or longer.


*Meet programs/coaches meeting will be at 8:30 A.M. in the Aux gym.  Scratches for the field events will be made at the event site.


*Field Event Information:

        -Pole Vault starting height:  Boys - determined by entries, posted at coaches meeting

        -High Jump starting height:  Boys - determined by entries, posted at coaches meeting


*Weigh-In - will be at the north portable, next to the shot rings.  All implements must be marked before they can be thrown in competition. 


*All field events will have minimum scratch marks that will be adhered to with no courtesy marks.  Scratch lines will be posted at the coaches meeting and will be determined by entries.


*In the situation where confliction of events occurs with the entries of an athlete, running events will take precedence over field events.  There will be a time limit of 10 minutes for the athlete to return to the field event at the completion of the running event when this situation occurs.


*Awards:  1st, 2nd, 3rd Place will receive medals.  The awards may be picked up in the press box after the event results have been announced.  1st place team will receive a trophy.


* REMINDER - It is the coaches responsibility to register their state qualifiers.


*We would appreciate it very much if you would keep your team camps in the bleacher area and keep the area clean.


*Coaches and Bus Drivers:  Free lunch will be served for all coaches and bus drivers


*Team camps north of yellow seats in main bleachers, or anywhere on the visitor side.

Rolla Buck White Sands Invitational

March 22nd, 2025 

Time Schedule

8:15 AM                Weigh In - In for Shot, Discus, Javelin

8:30 AM          Coaches Meeting/Meet Program pick-up



9:00 A.M.                     Boys Javelin immediately followed by Girls Javelin

                                      Girls Long Jump

                                     Boys High Jump and Boys Triple Jump

                                       Girls Discus followed by Boys Discus

 9:30 A.M.                    Boys Pole Vault immediately followed by Girls Pole Vault


11:00 A.M.                    Boys Long Jump

                                       Girls High Jump and Girls Triple Jump

                                      Boys Shot followed by Girls Shot



10:00 A.M.              Girls 3200 Meter Run

                                 Boys 3200 Meter Run

                                Girls 400 Meter Relay

                                 Boys 400 Meter Relay

11:30 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. Luncheon for Bus Drivers and Coaches - Aux Gym


Girls                        100 Meter Hurdles

Boys                        110 Meter Hurdles

Girls                        100 Meter Dash

Boys                        100 Meter Dash

Girls                        800 Meter Run

Boys                        800 Meter Run

Girls                        400 Meter Dash

Boys                        400 Meter Dash

Girls                        300 Meter Hurdles

Boys                        300 Meter Hurdles

Girls                        1600 Meter Run

Boys                        1600 Meter Run

Girls                        200 Meter Dash

Boys                        200 Meter Dash

G/B                       1600 Meter Relay - Mixed

***After the results are announced for each event, individual Medals may be picked up at the A