Big 12 Meet of Champions 2025

Springtown, TX
Hosted by Springtown MS
Timing/Results Springtown ISD
Registration Opens On Mar 27, 2025

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

                                                        2024 Big 5 Track and Field Meet of Champions


The following is the general information regarding the Big 5 Track Meet of Champions on Tuesday, April 2nd,

2024. We will start all field events, promptly, at 4:00 p.m. Cost of Meet of Champions is $400 per school and

due to Springtown ISD 915 W. Hwy 199 Springtown, TX 76082.

We will start the 2400 M Run at 4:30 p.m. We will run 4 divisions separately (7G, 8G, 7B, 8B)

The 4 x 100 Relay will start at 6:15 p.m. and we will be on a rolling schedule.

All Running events will be run in the order of 7G, 8G, 7B, 8B

We will follow all UIL rules on all events. If there is a false start, the runner will be disqualified.

All field events will take one attempt at a time. If you are in a heighted event (Pole Vault and High Jump) they

need to jump the heighted event first. Please mark any athletes that do a heighted event and another event and we

will try to stagger them so they will have time to go between the two events. Each School is assigned 1 field

event and should supply 2 workers for the field event. Field Event workers need to be at the event location no

later than 3:30 - We have laser measuring devices for long/triple/shot/disc... A Springtown representative will

show you how to operate.

Any relay alternates that run in the Meet of Champions cannot have run 3 running events or 5 total

events in the Zone meet. Please treat this meet and the Meet of Champions like a district prelims and

district finals with regard to the events and event numbers. Its one big track meet that takes two weeks

to run.

There are to be NO camps on the football field. It is to be used as a warm-up area only. All camps will be in the

visitor bleachers. There is to be NO food, drinks, gum, or sunflower seeds on the football field. Also, please tell

your athletes that at no time are they to ever climb over the fence to get to the track; this could lead to participant


All teams must input all of the athletes on You will need to search for 2024 Big 5 Meet of

Champions (You should have received an email from tx.milesplit). The window to enter your athletes closes

on Friday March 29, 2024 @ 3:00 pm. You must have all relay participants listed as well as relay alternates.

Any relay alternate must not have 3 other running events. If they run three events in the zone meet, they

cannot run as an alternate in the Meet of Champions.

If you have any questions feel free to email or call/text Coach Hall at school or on his cell.

Thank you,

Pat Hall

Springtown Middle School Athletics

817-220-7455 (Work)

817-991-7964 (Cell)

                                                                2024 Big 5 Meet of Champions

                                                                                April 2, 2024

Schedule of Field Events

ll Field Events Start at 4:00pm

Pole Vault - 8B 70 7B 66 8G 60 7G 60 - LW / Highland

High Jump 1 - 8B 46 8G 42 - Wilkie / MW

High Jump 2 - 7G 40 7B 44 -PV / Forte

Pit 1- 8B TJ, 8G TJ - Springtown

Pit 2- 8G LJ, 8B LJ - South / Decatur

Pit 3 - 7B LJ, 7G LJ - MC / Marsh

Pit 4 (on track runout) - 7G TJ, 7B TJ -Creekview /Wayside

Shot Put 1- 8G, 8B - Decatur / South

Shot Put 2 - 7B, 7G - Marsh / MW

Discus 1- 8B, 8G - Wilkie / Forte

Discus 2 - 7G, 7B - LW / Creekview

Schedule of Running Events

Start Time 4:30pm

2400 M Run: 7G, 8G, 7B, 8B
Start Time 6:15pm
4 x 100 Relay - (EX1 MW/Dec, EX2 Forte/PV, EX3 ST/MC)

800 M Run - (Cut In - ST)

100 M Hurdles (30)

110 M Hurdles (33) (36)

100 M Dash

4 x 200 Relay - (EX1 Wayside/ST, EX 2 Dec/ MW)

400 M Dash

300 M Hurdles (30)

200 M Dash

1600 M Run

4 x 400 Relay - (ST)