Delsea Crusader Field Meet 2025

Franklinville, NJ

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions


Where: John Oberg Stadium, Delsea Regional High School, 242 Fries Mill Road, Franklinville, NJ 08322

Crusader Field Meet #1

March 29,2025  11:00 am 

(Entries Close on MileSplit Thursday March 27 at 6:00)

  1.  Please note that the start time is 11:00.  

  2.  Although we have minimum standards listed, we will only use them if the meet becomes too big.  It is an early season meet and if possible we want to give all of your athletes an opportunity to get any legal mark that they throw/jump.  This being said, please use discretion in who you enter into the meet.  

  3. Horizontal jumps and Throws will be 3 preliminary jumps/throws with Top 8 going to Finals.

  4. Opening Heights for Pole Vault and High Jump will be determined next week when entries are complete.  Pole Vault we will only use one pit.

  5. The track will be open for athletes to warm up during the entire meet.  

  6. This meet will be preseeded and run in flights.  As best as possible, please take any athletes who will not be competing off of your MileSplit entry before registration closes to have appropriate flight sizes and have the meet run as smoothly as possible.

  7. Medals for 1st - 3rd will be awarded at the event site immediately after the event concludes.

  8. We will have a concession stand available.

Event Order (All Events Start at 11:00)

Long Jump (3 Prelims. Top 8 to Finals):  Boys then Girls

Triple Jump (3 Prelims.  Top 8 to Finals):  Girls then Boys

High Jump  (Opening Heights TBD next week):  Boys then Girls

Pole Vault (Opening Heights TBD next week):  Girls then Boys

Shot Put (3 Prelims.  Top 8 to Finals):  Boys then Girls

Discus (3 Prelims.  Top 8 to Finals):  Girls then Boys

Javelin (3 Prelims.  Top 8 to Finals):  Girls then Boys