Quitman Jr. High Relays 2025

Quitman, LA
Registration Closes in 8 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

 Meet Update!!! We have to change the date of our Jr. High Meet to April 1, 2025. I do apologize for any inconveniences. 

Dear Coaches,

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you and your team to  the Quitman Jr. High Relays. We are again proud to announce that this year's meet will be held at Quitman High School on April 1, 2024, for girls and boys.

Individual ribbons will be awarded to the first, second, and third place finisher in each event. A first and second place trophy will also be awarded to the top team finishers. There will be a $100.00 entry fee per school. Please make all checks payable to Quitman High School. 

Registration for this event is currently open and closes March 30, 2024. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself at (318) 475-0418

Concessions will be available. Entry fee for fans will be $5. Hospitality for coaches under the scoring shed.

Coaches meeting will begin at 3:15 next to scoring booth. No spectators will be allowed inside track area. Bleachers are available but lawn chairs are encouraged. 

Thank you,

Cindy Pardue

QHS Track Coach

Jr. High Meet Schedule

Coaches meeting: 3:00

The field events will begin at 3:30pm.

Girls 1600m Run approx 4:00pm, followed by boys.

All other running events will follow or as soon as possible after the completion of the field events. All other running events will follow the field events.

Staging area for all runners located beside the scoring shed (left of the awning). Spectators will not be allowed in the infield area during field events.

Field events-3:30 p.m. (3 attempts, no final)

Boys High Jump, followed by girls

Girls javelin, followed by boys

Girls pole vault, followed by boys

Girls long jump (pit located inside track)

Boys long jump(new pit located end of track)

Girls shot put, followed by boys

Boys discus, followed by girls discus

Running events-Rolling schedule 4:45 or at completion of field events:

4x200 meter relay

100 hurdles



4x100 meter relay



4x400 meter relay