Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Meet Information
The meet: Heathwood Hall Henry Woodward Invitational
Date: Saturday, March 29th 10:00 a.m. start (We will have a coaches meeting at 9:15 a.m.)
Entries - 4 running events; 4 field events
Relays - 1 entry per team
Awards top 3 in each event
1st and 2nd place team awards
Fee: $100 per team; $200 per school (boys & girls teams)
Checks made payable to Heathwood Hall School 3000 S. Beltline Blvd., Columbia, SC 29201
Attn: Willis Ware
(Woodward Track Meet in memo)
Order of Events
9:15 A.M.
Coaches Meeting under the tent
Field Events
Boys' Shot-Girls' Javelin
Boys' Pole Vault-Girls' Long Jump
Boys' Triple Jump-Girls' High Jump
Boys' Javelin-Girls Shot
Girls' Pole Vault-Boys' Long Jump-Girls' Triple Jump
Boys' High Jump
Boys Discus/Girls' Discus will follow the completion of the Boys'
Javelin and Girls Shot
10:30 A.M.
Running Events - All Finals
Girls 3200 -Finals
Boys 3200 -Finals
11:15 A.M. (We will follow a
rolling start)
Girls 4x800 relay/Boys 4x800 relay
Girls 100H/Boys 110H
Girls 100/Boys 100
Girls 1600/Boys 1600
Girls 4x100 relay/Boys 4x100 relay
Girls 400/Boys 400
Girls 400H/Boys 400H
Girls 800/Boys 800
Girls 200/Boys 200
Girls 4x400 relay/Boys 4x400 relay