LHSAA 5A - District 5 2025

Watson, LA
Hosted by Live Oak
Timing/Results Adkins Trak Timing
Registration Opens On Apr 1, 2025

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

2025 Louisiana 5A District 5 Championships
Hosted by Live Oak High School
Thursday April 24th, 2025

General Information
Coaches Meeting: There will be a coaches informational meeting at 2:30pm in the fieldhouse.
Meet Registration: All entries must be entered on Louisiana Milesplit to be valid. Register athletes here: https://la.milesplit.com/meets/587806/registration
Registration will close on Tuesday, April 22th at 8:00pm.
Bus Parking and Arrival: Team buses are asked to drop off at the football entrance gate and park in grass lot by the entrance or continue driving down and parking at baseball or softball parking lots. It is suggested that you arrive before 2:15, this is dismissal time at our school.
Team Fees: Team fees to cover meet costs will be $100 per team (boys and girls together).
Team Areas: All team areas will be on the visitor side of the stadium. Areas can be set up either in the visitor stands or in the grass behind the stands. Be aware that only the gate by the 110m hurdle start line will be open.
Gate: Admission for the meet is $10 for spectators. Children 10 and under will be admitted for free. Tickets can be purchased at https://app.i2tickets.com/4aaaedc1 . No cash will be accepted at the gate.
Concessions: Concession will be available card only will be accepted.
Awards: Medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be presented on the field at the conclusion of each event. Team trophies will be awarded at the end of the meet.
Trainer: The Live Oak High School sports medicine team will be on hand for athletic training needs.
Advancement to Regionals: The top four competitors and relays will advance to the regional meet on Thursday, May 1st at Ponchatoula High School. The 5th place finisher is designated as an alternate. It is the responsibility of the school scratching a regional qualifying athlete or relay team to communicate to the regional meet director AND the coach of the alternate athlete by 12:00 noon on the Tuesday prior to the Regional Meet. Note: The 6th place finisher is NOT an alternate.

Meet Personnel:
Timer: AdkinsTrak
Jury of Appeals: Chris Womack Denham Springs, Shannon Lowe-Walker, Kyle Sarrazin-Prairieville, Kacey Elphage East Ascension, Demard Llorens-Dutchtown
Field Events
Start Time: Field events will begin at 3:30.
Implement Weigh-in: Implements will be weighed from 1:30-3:00 at the tent between the shot and discus rings
Pole Vault Verification Forms: These can be found on the LHSAA website and must be signed by the Head Coach, Athletic Director and Principal in order for athletes to compete. These will be given to the Pole Vault judge.
Event Sites: Please See Attached Map
Starting Heights: These will be based on the entry heights at the time of registration closing.
Competition: Competitors in the throws and horizontal jumps will have three attempts in the preliminary round. Top 7 will advance to the finals.
Track Marking: Only athletic tape will be permitted on any runway surface.

Running Events
Start Time: Running events will begin at 5:00.
Spikes: Only pyramid spikes will be allowed on all track surfaces.
Athlete Check-In: Athletes will check in at the tent in the middle of the football field prior to their event.
Relays: Exchange zones for the 2x200 meter relay are red to red, with the anchor exchange zone being gold to gold. Exchange zones for the 4x100 meter relay are gold to gold. Only athletic tape is permitted on any track surface.

Inclement Weather
In case of forecasted inclement weather that prevents the holding of the meet, Friday, April 25th is designated as the alternate meet day. In an emergency on meet day, our gym facilities will be used as a shelter for coaches and athletes.