Marion County Middle School Championship 2025

Belleview, FL
Registration Closes in 49 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Live Result


- Field Events begin as close to 5 p.m. as possible


- all running events

2025 Marion County Middle School Track Meet

Marion County Middle School County

Meet @ BMS - Friday 5/2 and Saturday 5/3

Friday, 5/2 (Start Time: 5:00pm)

All field events:  Long Jump, Triple Jump, Discus, Shot Put -

High Jump is still in question

Saturday, May 3  start time 9 a.m.

4 x 800 Relay-- report to clerk tent no later than 845 to get checked in and hip numbers and to have time to walk down to start line with complete relay at 855



4 x 1 Relay




4 x 4 Relay


Any questions or

concerns, please let me know.  Coach Nedra Huggins

Entry Limits:

4 entries per Individual event

1 per school Relay Events

Each athlete may participate in up to 4 events including relays- no more than 3 running, however, or no more than 2 field.  THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES: For example two races and two field is fine.  However, 1 race and three field is not. There are other combinations.

Field Events: 4 jumps/4 throws (no finals)

Opening Heights: Girls High Jump - 3 8, Boys High Jump - 4 6

Questions: Contact Nedra Huggins

General Information

1. All entries must be done through flrunners by 900 a.m. on  May 2. Please make sure ahead of time that you know how to complete the entering process. Go ahead now and enter one athlete in the meet to make sure you understand the process. You must first build your team roster so that you can enter your athletes. Since you used flrunners last year to enter the meet, the previous roster will still be there so you will just need to add and edit your new roster. Entries can be added and changed up until the deadline, but doing some early will give you time to figure it out the system.

2. 4 entries are allowed in each individual event and one relay.

3. No athletes will be allowed to use starting blocks. However, all the starts will be a three command start to avoid confusion. (Runners to your marks-set-gun) We will be having all the runners stand a step away from the line. On Runners to your marks, they will step up to the starting line. On Set they will become still and stop moving, and then the gun will fire.

4. In the discus event, all throwers must throw from the standing power position at the front of the ring. No one is allowed to spin. The discus for boys and girls will be 1 kg and they will be provided at the meet.

5. For the shot put, the girls will be throwing the 6 lb. shot and the boys will be throwing the 4 kg shot. These weights match up with the middle school state meet implements. We will also be providing these at the meet.

6. Remember that for the throws events, athletes may enter the ring from any direction. However, after they throw, they must exit from the back half of the ring. This rule will be enforced.

7. For the shot put, discus, long jump and triple jump each athlete will have 4 attempts.

8. In the high jump, remember that the rule is that they must take off of one foot. If they jump off of two feet, it is a scratch. Do not tell the kids to get off the pit quickly to avoid a miss. That is not a rule and makes no difference in whether it is judged as a miss or a make.

9. Each athlete may participate in up to 4 events. However, it is important to give your kids a rest in between events and schedule them so that there is not a conflict during the meet. Examples: Try not to schedule an athlete in the 4 x 800 relay and also the long jump. They run at the same time and if they come back to jump later, they will still be tired and wont be able to perform as well. Its better to give another athlete the opportunity. Another example: Please don't schedule an athlete to run the 400 meters and then the 200 meters. Even though there is an event in between, they still do not have the necessary time to recover. A tough anaerobic event will need a minimum of 2 events in between to have adequate rest.