
Nature Coast Regional FLYRA Events and Elementary Showcase 2025

Middleton, FL
Registration Closes in 43 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Address of Meet and Location:

Villages MS, Middleton Campus

2453 Stampeder Trail, Middleton, Florida

Please contact Corey Haase at Middleton for any information about the facility.  Email:  Corey.haase@tvcs.org


PDF of meet program to print if 


1. Athletes must be in uniform to enter for free. Please have your athletes in uniform.  If athletes wish to go in and out of gate, they must stay in uniform.   If they are not in uniform, they must pay to enter at any time.

2. There will be a limited number of coaches' passes per team.

3. If you wish to have your athletes' names on the back of T Shirt, please enter your athletes' by 9 a.m. on the Wednesday prior. NOT REQUIRED.

4.  T shirts will be available for 25 dollars.  Race day payments can be taken via Venmo and Cash app. 

SPECIAL NOTE: There are NO elementary hurdles. Once again, there are NO elementary hurdles. 

This is an 8-lane full venue.

Team tents will be on the far side of the stadium by the throwing events.

Athletes can enter as many events as wish.

Except for pole vault, all FLYRA Events will be available.

You can pay day of event but must be registered prior.


All checks are made to Dan Epstein. You can pay with Venmo or CashAPP, 


Registration Deadline: Thursday, April 24, 9 a.m.

AWARDS- No team awards

Medals for 1-3 places in middle school.  Presented shortly after each event as time allows


ADMISSION= $10 per spectator; children 8 and under free. 



EVENTS and Schedule -- Subject to change.  TIME SCHEDULE-- Coaches and Athletes, ONCE YOU CLERK IN, you do not leave the clerk area until you are brought to your starting line. DO NOT CHECK IN AND LEAVE. Do NOT check in on your own too early.   When you check in, you come ready to run-- no electronic devices, no slides, crocs, etc.  Ready to run.  Thanks

Rolling schedule beginning at 10:30 with the 4x800 relays. Thus, it will go in order but as the event arrives. If there is a need for a delay for rest, it will be implemented. To clarify: the running will be with rolling schedule starting at
10:30 with the relays reporting to clerk, but the field events will work straight through. There will no delays. If one event finished, we will move immediately to next field event in order below. If there is a * behind the event, this event may be combined for 'competition'. One example if there is only one relay team of boys, can run with the girls, etc.. Those type situations.

8:00 AM Gates OPEN for general

(Javelin can warm up at 750)

8:10 AM  Brief coaches' meeting for those who are there

8:20 Girls Long Jump-Middle School and Elementary; followed by triple; followed by boys.

8:40 Boys and Girls High Jump opening height 4' for girls; 4'4 for boys (could change)

8:50 AM 3000 Meters Reports to clerk to get hip numbers to go at 9

First set of field events report to be ready to go at 8:20

8:20 AM

8:20 AM


 8:40 AM

 9:00 AM


Javelin 600g Only Middle School

Girls' Long Jump ELEMENTARY GIRLS LONG JUMP; followed by triple; followed by boys

Followed by Boys' Long Jump ELEMENTARY BOYS' LONG JUMP

Boys' High Jump and Girls High Jump

Girls Shot Put- followed by boys
Boys' Discus- followed by girls
Girls' 3000 Meter Run*

Boys' 3000 Meter Run*

ELEMENTARY 1500 Meters*


10:30  AM
3200 Relays

report  to clerk

10:40 AM

Field will be 
held as one
finishes, etc.

4x800 relays report to clerk; girls and boys

Girls 4x800 Meter Relay*
Boys' 4x800 Meter Relay*

ELEMENTARY 4x400 Meters*

Girls' 100 Meter Hurdles
Boys' 100 Meter Hurdles
Girls 100 Meter Dash
Boys' 100 Meter Dash
Girls' 1500 Meter Run*
Boys' 1500 Meter Run*
Girls' 4x100 Meter Relay
Boys' 4x100 Meter Relay ELEMENTARY 4x100 Meters*
Girls' 400 Meter Dash
Boys' 400 Meter Dash ELEMENTARY 400 METER DASH
Girls' 200 Meter Hurdles
Boys' 200 Meter Hurdles
Girls' 800 Meter Run
Boys' 800 Meter Run ELEMENTARY 800 METER RUN*

Girls' 200 Meters 

Boys' 200 Meters 

Girls' 4x400 Meter Relay*

Boys' 4x400 Meter Relay*


Meet Fees:

$15.00 Per Athlete for middle school

$7.00 per elementary athlete

$115.00 Per team after 7 athletes or more (this is for middle schools; elementary are individuals. However, on elementary, no school will be charged over 100 dollars for up to 20 participants)

$65.00 per One Gender(Middle School Team)

Checks need to be written out to Daniel Epstein 45 N Country Club Drive Crystal River Fl 34429