Father Kelly Classic 2025

Charleston, SC
Timing/Results CB Timing
Registration Closes in 22 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Parking, restrooms and concessions info 


Registration help:


Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.

The Father Kelly Meet is back, our track was completely resurfaced in 2023.  This will be a full meet this year, NOT a relay meet.

If you would like to attend the meet, please contact Tony Colizzi at tcolizzi@behs.com

$100 per gender or $175 for both.

Events (Meet starts at 9:30am)


Boys Javelin, Boys Triple, High Jump

Girls Shot Put, Pole Vault, Long Jump

Girls: Javelin will follow boys Javelin, Discus will start after javelin is completed

Boys: Discus will follow girls discus

Running Events will start at 10:00am

1. Remind your athletes that we will follow all high school league rules and guidelines.

2. Please advice your team that RESTROOMS may be found at the football stadium. PLEASE REMIND YOUR ATHLETES THAT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HANG OUT IN THE SCHOOL.

3. CONCESSIONS are located at the football stadium. 

4. All clerking will be down at the clerking tent. Please make sure that your athletes clerk-in when their event is first called. If an athlete misses clerking in, they will be scratched from the event. All field events will clerk-in at their locations.

5. Only athletes that are participating in events at the time will be allowed on the infield. All other athletes and fans must remain outside of the fence.

6. All warmup must be done outside of the track.

7. Results will be posted at scrunners.com.

Thanks to everyone for helping to make the Father Kelly Classic a successful track meet.

Good luck!

Tony Colizzi

Meet Director