Meet Information
Thanks for your interest in the West Coast Invitational. We hope to run a quality meet in a timely manner.
Sign up is on Direct Athletics: Search West Coast Invitational under Find a Meet
Teams can enter 5 athletes per event in field events.
The Coaches meeting will start promptly at 2:40 p.m.!
All Entries are Due Tuesday Feb 25th at 10pm.
There will be NO on-site changes. Questions,
Field events will start at approximately 3:00pm
4 x 800 3:15 p.m.
The running events will start at approximately 5 pm with a rolling schedule so get your athletes to the meet. All running events will be a timed final, and all field events will have 4 attempts besides the Pole Vault & High Jump
$100 for School's Girls Team
$100 for School's Boys Team
10 Athletes or less per gender is $10 per athlete.
Lakewood High School Attn: Anthony Snead
1400 54th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Fl. 33705
The following events will start at the following marks:
Girls High Jump: 1.11M - 3 feet 8 inches
Boys High Jump: 1.37M - 4 feet 6 inches
Girls Pole Vault: 1.37M - 4 feet 6 inches
Boys Pole Vault: 1.98M - 6 feet 6 inches
2:40 Coaches Meeting
3 pm Field events start Boys and Girls LJ Girls High Jump Girls Pole Vault Boys Javelin
3:15 4 x 800 Followed by a consolation 1600m. (all athletes not seeded in the top 20)
4:30 p.m. Timed finals start
Running Schedule
1600 (only the top 20 registered athletes)
4 x 100
4 x 400
-No one should go into the school or leave the track area --- Any violators will be disqualified from the track meet. Parking will be in the student parking lot in the northeast end of the school.-If you have No Uniform or coaches pass when parking means the person entering the parking lot has to pay...Stay tuned for more information