Hoss Garrett Relays 2025

Ruston, LA
Hosted by Ruston
Timing/Results McDuffie Timing
Registration Closes in 3 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

2025 Hoss Garrett Relays - Thursday 3/27/2025

Additional Meet info:

$60 per team (Girls and Boys $120)  *Make Check Payable to Ruston High Track and Field*

Entry limits included 2 athletes per individual event and 1 relay.

Field Events Athletes will report directly to the event site to check in. Throws and jumps will get 4 attempts. No finals.

Awards will be presented to the top three finishers in each event. Team awards will go to the 1st and 2nd place team.

Athletes must check-in before the start of their field event or they will be scratched from the event. Once running events start, athletes will only be allowed in the check-in area of the infield. No athletes will be allowed on the infield or finish line area.

Staging areas will be on the south end of the football field near the finish line.

Once the track closes, warm-up areas will be on the grass field near the pole vaulting area.

Javelin will be contested on our bands fields located west of our tennis courts.

Admission is $10 at the gate.

Please park buses on the east side of the stadium.

Team areas will be in the stands on the east side of the stadium.

Buses need to be parked on the East side of the stadium (cemetery side)

Please encourage your teams to keep their area clean.

Blocks will be provided, but you may bring your own blocks.

Coaches Hospitality room will be located in the football field house.

Hoss Garrett Track Meet - Thursday 3/27/2025

Order of Events

3:30PM - Field Events

Discus (girls first, then boys) 

Shot put (boys first, then girls)

High Jump (boys first, then girls)

Long Jump (girls south runway, boys north runway)

Triple jump (Following long jump - girls south runway, boys north runway)

Pole vault (boys first, then girls)

Javelin (girls first, then boys)


4x800m Relay (girls first, then boys)

4:45pm (Rolling Schedule)

100/110m Hurdles  (Girls first, then boys)   possibly multiple heats

100m dash  (Girls first, then boys)possibly multiple heats

4x200m Relay  (Girls first, then boys)       possibly multiple heats

1600m Run      (Girls first, then boys)       possibly multiple heats

4x100m Relay  (Girls first, then boys)      possibly multiple heats

400m Run        (Girls first, then boys)       possibly multiple heats

300m Hurdles  (Girls first, then boys)       possibly multiple heats

800m Run        (Girls first, then boys)      Water Fall Start, possibly multiple heats

200m Dash       (Girls first, then boys)      possibly multiple heats

3200m Run       (Girls first, then boys)     Waterfall start

4x400m Relay  (Girls first, then boys)      possibly multiple heats

Presentation of First and Second Place Team Awards

Coaches pick up individual medals at conclusion of meet

Calls to Field Event

First Call for Girls and Boys 3:30 Events    -   2:45pm (Second Call at 3:00 pm, Final Call at 3:15pm)  Marshalling Area for track events will be in the south end of the football field, near the Start/Finish Line.

Calls to Track Marshalling Area

First Call for Girls and Boys 4x800m Relay:  3:00pm (Second Call at 3:10pm, Final Call at 3:20pm)

First Call for each additional event will begin 2 events prior, with the Second and Final Calls 10 minutes apart.

Marshalling Area for track events is in the end zone of football field, near the Start/Finish Line.

Athletes who are competing in multiple events- it is their responsibility to report to each event/marshalling area as quickly as possible to check-in and inform the official they are in multiple events, before their first event begins. For the High Jump and Pole Vault, once the bar is raised it will not be lowered for anyone, including athletes who arrive late. Track athletes should report to the marshalling area upon First Call and no later than Final call. The Marshalling Clerk/Starter has the right to refuse entry to any athlete who does not respond by Final Call. Once the athletes are called to the track and positioned for their race, those athletes who did not respond to Final Call will automatically be scratched from competition.