Rickards Home Meet 2025

Tallahassee, FL
Hosted by Rickards HS

MileSplit Online Registration currently unavailable.

If you're the meet host, set it up here.

Meet Information

Location: Rickards High School - 3013 Jim Lee Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32808

Entry Fee: $100 girls $100 boys. Make checks payable to Rickards High School Track

Registration: All Registration will be completed through www.directathletics.com. All Registration must be in by, Sunday, March 23rd at 10:00pm! NO EXCEPTIONS

Entry Rules: 4 Entries per event per school. 1 Relay team per relay event per school. Only 4 Attempts in the LJ, TJ, SP, & Discus except High Jump & PV

Awards: Medals

Contact Information:

Michael Cobbs - cobbsm@leonschools.net

Terraca Jones - jonest@leonschools.net

Schedule of Events:

Coaches Meeting - Time 2:45PM

Field Events - 3:15PM

Long Jump

Triple Jump

High Jump

Shot Put


Pole Vault

Running Events - 3:15PM

4 x 800m

Running Events - 4:00PM

100mH /110mH



4 x 100m (Throwers Relay)

4 x 100m


400m Hurdles




4 x 400m