FL Charter Schools Athletic Championship (SANCTIONED) 2025

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Meet Information

This meet is FHSAA Sanctioned.

This meet is only for Charter and Private High Schools.

MEET REGISTRATION: DirectAthletics.com

Venue: FL Charter Schools Athletic Championship

Sam Burley Park, 11250 SW 192nd St Miami FL 33157

Date: April 4th, 2025

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, 4/01/25 @ 11:59pm; No Exceptions

Entries: Four individuals per event / one relay per event no B teams.

Entry fee $500 per school. ($250 Per Girls Team, $250 Per Boys Team).

7 or less athletes entry fee $30 per athlete.

Make checks payable to: Goulds Panthers Track Club. Please bring your check to the meet.


Gate Admission: $11.00 

Spectator ticket link: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/E9U6XYY8UEUUW

7:45a.m. Gate open

Spectators allowed in the west stands.

Things You Need to Know

1. Athletes sit in the east stands.

2. FHSAA Rules prevail.

3. A trainer's tent is set up for athletes outside of the East Gate.

4. Athletes are not allowed on the infield when not competing.

5. Three coaching bands will be issued per gender team.

6. All athletes must wear their Wristband and Bib.

Time Schedule:

8:45-Coaches Meeting
9:00-Field events begin. (3 attempts)

Flight 1- Boys Discus, Girls Shot Put, Girls and Boys Long Jump, Girls High Jump, Girls Pole Vault
Flight 2- Girls Discus, Boys Shot Put, Girls and Boys Triple Jump, Boys High Jump, Boys Pole Vault
Flight 3- Boys Javelin, followed by Girls Javelin

9:00-4X800m Relay
12:30 -Rolling Schedule begins




    4x400m Mixed Relay (Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl)


    4x100m relay





    4X400m Relay

    AWARDS: Boys and Girls Overall Team Champion Trophy and Boys & Girls Team Runner-Up Trophy.

    Top 3 Medals in each scoring event. Gold, Silver, Bronze Medals

    For more information contact:

    Meet Director: David Jacque, gouldspantherstrack@gmail.com, 786-304 3264

    Meet Timer: Bill Jenkins, TRCracemgmt@gmail.com

    Registration Issues: TRCracemgmt@gmail.com