VCC Regular Season Meet #6 (KFS) 2024

Blackstone, VA

Meet Information

Please arrive AFTER 3:05, as the school's dismissal is at 3pm and traffic will be heavy. Upon arrival, buses and vans may park in the first parking lot on the left side of the road. The race start/finish line is on the right side of the road.

Tents are allowed in designated spaces outside of the course.

Please remind your athletes and fans to respect the course AT ALL TIMES. This means no crossing the path of the course if a runner IS IN SIGHT. This is distracting for runners, even if you think you have plenty of time to cross. Find a spot to spectate prior to the race beginning and STAY PUT.

Electronic scoring will be used. A table will be set up for packet pick up. EACH ATHLETE MUST RETURN THEIR SHOE TAG UPON COMPLETION OF THEIR EVENT. Results will be posted at the venue before the close of the meet.

A table will be set up for post-run snacks and rehydration. 

We will run boys and girls together at 4pm. JV and Varsity will run at the same time. All spectators should be ready to cheer at 4pm.

There will be a brief coaches meeting at 3:15. 

A walkthrough will be available after 3:05.

Bathrooms are located at the field house near the football field.

We look forward to hosting this meet!