Meet Information
Time:7:30 am - 9:00 am Walk course
9:00 a.m. Middle School Varsity Boys
9:30 a.m. Middle School Varsity Girls
10:00 a.m. Elementary School Fun Run
10:30 a.m. Middle School JV Boys
11:00 a.m. Middle School JV Girls
11:30 noon Middle school awards
Entry Fee: Middle School Teams: $70.00 for Girls Team - $70.00 for Boys Team (both teams $140). $10.00 for individuals.
Elementary Fun Run: $10 for individuals.Rules: National Federation Rule Book, Teams may enter complete Girls and Boys Team Roster, but only 7 Runners may run in varsity races. The rest of your team can compete in JV races.
Race Scoring: Races will be scored using Computer Chips and computers.
No Dressing Facilities: Rest rooms will be open at the Elementary School for Runners, Coaches and Fans
Short sleeve t-shirts $20.00
Shirts will be in XSm, Sm, Md, Lg, XLg.