Bonnabel Bruin's "Everybody Up, Nobody Down" 2025 Invitational 2025

Metairie, LA
Hosted by Bonnabel

Meet Information

There will be a $50 Entry Fee. There's a separate fee for both Boys($50) and Girls ($50). Please bring check(s) the day of the Meet and make all checks payable to Bonnabel High School. 4 events per athlete.




Meet Directors: Tarquez Hopson and Frances Cohen

Clerk of Course: Cynthnia Thompson

Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Site: Joe Yenni Stadium

Timing: Crescent City Timing

Facilities: 8 lane Mondo Track- Wear 14 (6mm) or smaller spikes

Gate Fee: $7 through GoFan or at the gate

Entry Fee: $50.00 per team per Gender

Team Fee: Checks will be turned into the Clerk of Course by the scorers table. Please make

checks payable to Bonnabel High School


Security and Stadium Entrances:

All teams and athletes will enter through a designated gate for each site. Individuals will not

be allowed to enter through this gate unless they are with the coach and the rest of the team.

Each coach will fill out the attached form and submit at the time of entrance to

stadium personnel prior to each event to gain access through this gate. It is the responsibility of

the coach / coaches to search each player / athlete / manager to ensure that all participants are in

compliance with the stadium policy upon entrance. A roster must be presented with the signed

form for teams to gain entrance to the stadium through this gate. All participants that arrive after

the team has been admitted must enter through the spectator entrance and will be searched upon


It is the responsibility of the coaches to monitor and enforce stadium regulations

regarding the playing surfaces. NO food (sunflower seeds, fruit , peanuts etc. ) or drink

containing any dyes or artificial coloring are allowed on the track and field surfaces.

Athletes are NOT allowed to hang out on the turf field area to get ready for events or just to

hang out and relax. ALL participants should be in the stands waiting for their events.

Yenni Stadium: Coaches and participants will enter through the bus gate on the visitors side

located on the southeast end of the playing area. The gates on the home side will be closed and

no one will be allowed to enter or exit through these gates. At the conclusion of the meet,

participants will be allowed to exit through the bus gate or through the regular entrance gate.

Uniforms: Must comply with Rules and Regulations of the NFHS and of the LHSAA.

Please help the event run smoothly by keeping the infield clear of your athletes as much as

possible. Once running events begin, all field event participants will be cleared and only athletes running in the next events will be allowed on the infield.

Concessions will be sold by Bonnabel High School.

Hospitality: Jambalaya, snacks, and water will be provided for coaches.

Participating Teams:

Abramson High School

Bonnabel High School

Carver High School

Crescent City Christian 

East Jefferson High School

Higgins High School

John Ehret High School

Kipp Booker T. Washington High School

McMain High School

Metairie Park Country Day High School

New Orleans Military and Maritime Academy

Patrick Taylor Academy

South Plaquemines

St. Augustine High School

The Willow School New Orleans

Warren Easton High School


Scoring: Individual and Relay Events 10-8-6-4-2-1

Awards: 1st -3rd place Medals will be given for each event and relay winners

  • 1st and 2nd Place trophies for both boys and girls overall team Champions

  • Boys and Girls overall MVP Plaques

Time:3:00pm: Coaches/Scratch Meeting (Gate will open at 2:30pm)

3:30pm: Field Events Begin

4:00pm: 4x800m Relay

5:30pm: Running Events Begin

Procedures: Four (4) attempts in the Throws and Jumps. No finals.

All running events will be timed finals


Athletes may participate in a MAXIMUM of 4 events

Schools may enter a MAXIMUM of two (2) athletes per event.

No JV events are offered:

Top six (6) OVERALL times marked in running events. No Finals

One (1) relay team per school per relay event

Starting Height for High Jump will be 2 inches lower than lowest registered height

There will be no weighing of the implements. We will work on the honor system!

For relays each coach can list 4 participants and two alternates.

Only those listed can participate

Athletes will be allowed to warm-up on the infield. When not

participating, athletes must remain in the team area. Team areas will be in designated areas in the stands.

Protests will be officiated by the meet referee and schools principal or principal designee.

F.A.T. timing will be in place through Crescent City Timing.


3:30 PM: Flight 1

( Warmups will begin 15 minutes prior and will start on time SHARP)

*Girls Long Jump *Boys Shot Put

*Boys High Jump *Boys Triple Jump

*Girls Discus*Boys Javelin

*Girls Pole Vault

4:30 PM: Group 2

*Girls Shot Put Boys Discus

*Girls Triple JumpBoys Long Jump

*Girls High Jump Girls Javelin

*Boys Pole Vault

4:00 PM 4x800m Relay

5:30 PM Running events begin (Girls precede Boys)

We will be on a rolling time schedule as follows:

4 x 200m Relay (1st & 2nd exchanges are red to red and 3rd exchange is yellow to yellow)

1600m (waterfall start)

100/110m Hurdles (G= yellow lines at 33 B= blue lines at 36....10 hurdles)

100m Dash

800m (1 turn stagger start)

4 x 100m Relay (all exchanges are yellow to yellow triangles)


300m Hurdles (G= red lines 30 B= red lines 36.......8 hurdles)


3200m (waterfall start)

4 x 400m Relay (all exchanges are blue to blue, 3 turn,Green break line)

All participating schools are asked to run one field event or assist with one field

event to ensure timely completion of the field events.

Please bring any marking equipment if possible. Bonnabel will have some tape

measures and sticks available, but may not have enough for everyone.

Coaches are expected to assist with relay exchange zones during relay events.

Flags will be provided for exchange zone judges.

High Jump- Abramson and The Willow 

Long Jump - McMain and Patrick Taylor

Triple Jump - Kipp BTW and Higgins

Javelin - St. Augustine and Warren Easton

Shotput - East Jefferson

Discus - Bonnabel and South Plaquemine

Pole Vault- Metairie Country Day

4 x 1 Exchange- NOMMA, John Ehret and St. Augustine

4 x 2 Exchange- Warren Easton and Crescent City Christian

Hurdle Crew - KIPP BTW, South Plaquemine, and Carver 

Thank you for participating in the Bruins Track Club Invitational