ASAA Zone Championships: South 2023

Pincher Creek, AB

Athlete Entries

Boys 2000 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kohinsky, Hayden Willow Creek Composite
Smyth, Nate Eagle Butte High
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Boys 4000 Meter Run 71 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morrison, James Stirling High
Diaz, Mateo County Central High School
Mellish, Ethan Medicine Hat High
Pipo, Pablo St. Mary (Taber)
McIntyre, Gavin Winston Churchill High School
Perello Mari, Adria Eagle Butte High
Smith, Theran Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Hass, Jonah Kate Andrews High
Dulle, Lucas Eagle Butte High
Shaw, Landon F.P. Walshe High
Lehr, Niklas Eagle Butte High
Ewing, Colt Ecole La Verendrye
Ayala, Alejandro Crescent Heights High (Medicine
Fieret, Bradley Providence Christian School
Hudson, Kihei Coalhurst School
Hynes, Ty Eagle Butte High
Benkoczi, Ian Winston Churchill High School
Butler, Bensen Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Leavitt, Liam Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Hansen, Ethan Eagle Butte High
Guitton, Rylen Willow Creek Composite
Vetter, Joas F.P. Walshe High
Meyer, Ty Eagle Butte High
Thomas, Parker Stirling High
Kuntz, Gage County Central High School
Charest, Tristan Ecole La Verendrye
Byers, Cameron Medicine Hat High
Zhao, Bobby Winston Churchill High School
Tumback, Ashton Eagle Butte High
Steed, Grady Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Segouin, Lukas Kate Andrews High
Fernandez Gómez, Nico Eagle Butte High
Borras Flamerich, Jan F.P. Walshe High
Coston, Kage Eagle Butte High
Rasmussen, Blake Stirling High
Rondeau, Jeremy Ecole La Verendrye
Hicks, Edward Medicine Hat High
Conrad, Mitchell Winston Churchill High School
Papas, Thomas Eagle Butte High
Jurgens, Ryley Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Hilsendeger, Richard Eagle Butte High
Leishman, Henry Willow Creek Composite
VanderSpruit, Brolin Eagle Butte High
Tremblay, Marco Ecole La Verendrye
Zieber, Bennett Winston Churchill High School
Kwan, Brayden Crescent Heights High (Medicine
Vossler, Nate Eagle Butte High
Carlson, Kaiden Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Derksen, Caleb Kate Andrews High
Finke, Brennan Eagle Butte High
Vazquez Vidal, Anton F.P. Walshe High
Dickie, Jackson Eagle Butte High
Nilsson, Sam Stirling High
Grande Ruiz, Asier Medicine Hat High
Maskey, Aaryan Winston Churchill High School
Kirk, Jasper F.P. Walshe High
Low, Luke Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Partridge, Ayden Eagle Butte High
Berasategui Cabezas, Iñigo Eagle Butte High
Campbell, Dylan Kate Andrews High
Benoit, Dominic Ecole La Verendrye
Javier Salamero Garcia, Hector Crescent Heights High (Medicine
Bourne, Baron Magrath Junior Senior High Schoo
Rauda, Felix Coalhurst School
Gauthier, Koen Eagle Butte High
Kirby, Ben Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Hintz, Mason Senator Gershaw School
Fournier, Tristen Eagle Butte High
Wipf, Trystan F.P. Walshe High
Gibb, Aiden Eagle Butte High
HILLIER, Zach 15:13.00 Catholic Central High
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Boys 5000 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Derksen, Torin Eagle Butte High
Kopp, Talon Catholic Central High
Eric John Fredrick, Thompson Medicine Hat High
Klatt, Carson Eagle Butte High
MacKenzie, Parker Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Shockey, Jackson Stirling High
Thompson, Brigham Eagle Butte High
Brandon, Lee Medicine Hat High
O'Connor, Bryden W.R. Myers High
EAGLE BEAR, Cohen Cardston High
Meshen, Gavin Medicine Hat High
Rivers, Alexander Eagle Butte High
Joaquin, Ram Catholic Central High
POLLOCK, Reggie Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Smith, Max Magrath Junior Senior High Schoo
Hayward, Bauer Medicine Hat High
Nunweiler, Cayle Eagle Butte High
Weiss, Ryker Eagle Butte High
Balducci, Giovanni Medicine Hat High
King, Ashton Matthew Halton High
Bennett, Porter Cardston High
Kade James, Draganiuk Medicine Hat High
Balfour, Jayce Eagle Butte High
Scalplock-Fox, Kayleb Catholic Central High
McKay, Gabe Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Donovan James, Taylor Medicine Hat High
Cooper, Elias W.R. Myers High
COLLIER, Jake Medicine Hat High
Van den Hoek, Kornell F.P. Walshe High
De Blois, Mason Eagle Butte High
Mellish, Logan Medicine Hat High
Macmillan, Kate Crescent Heights High (Medicine
Job, Zack Medicine Hat High
Gauthier, Koen Eagle Butte High
Fifield, Mason Catholic Central High
Bridge, Joshua Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Shockey, Tyson Stirling High
SIEWERT, Austin Eagle Butte High
Nykylan Tyryk, Janke Medicine Hat High
Hughes, Carson W.R. Myers High
FOX, Grayson Cardston High
Beer, Liam F.P. Walshe High
Saran, Ramanujam Medicine Hat High
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Boys 6000 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tahirou, Askia Adam Ecole Les Cypres
Vanderspruit, Quade Eagle Butte High
Hansen, Kade W.R. Myers High
LOW, Berkley Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Olsen, Ryder Medicine Hat High
Leishman, Anderson Willow Creek Composite
Davis, Jacob Stirling High
Ewing, Wyatt Ecole La Verendrye
Kelly, Madden Eagle Butte High
McBeath, Jacob Winston Churchill High School
Zuidhof, Ryker Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Jaedicke, Levin Medicine Hat High
Spencer, Braxton Eagle Butte High
Payne, Riley W.R. Myers High
SWIFT, Con Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
ZoBell, Nathan Stirling High
Ciobanu, Constantin Ecole La Verendrye
Wyman, Angus Winston Churchill High School
Leavitt, Edouard Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
George, Hunter Crescent Heights High (Medicine
PAYEUR, Carter Eagle Butte High
Lev Stromajer, Ivan Medicine Hat High
Neil, Kaleb Immanuel Christian High
Trinh, Zaedan Ecole La Verendrye
Godard, Isaiah Eagle Butte High
Van Bussel, Peter Matthew Halton High
Tanner, Carter Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Van Ham, Tyson Medicine Hat High
Selk, Will Stirling High
Mafusi, Augustin Ecole Les Cypres
Theron, Nicholas Winston Churchill High School
Manganell Munoz, Juan Crescent Heights High (Medicine
TSCHRITTER, Grayden Eagle Butte High
PORTER, Brigham W.R. Myers High
TATA, Giovanni Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
FEHR, Kaydan Taber Christian School
Bil, Bil Medicine Hat High
Smith, Moses Willow Creek Composite
Stone, Enoch Stirling High
Benoit, Nicolas Ecole La Verendrye
Helgeson, Jaxson Eagle Butte High
Walbuger, Ruston Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
King, Seth Matthew Halton High
Olsen, Hunter Medicine Hat High
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Girls 2000 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stickel, Shandeah Taber Christian School
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Girls 4000 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Courty, Claire Eagle Butte High
Spiess, Shaina Catholic Central High
Swain, Magdalena Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Schick, Kaylee Medicine Hat High
Radvak, Meya Matthew Halton High
bhatt, tisha Crescent Heights High (Medicine
Perrett, Devyn Cardston High
Mangal, Nevaeh Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Campmans, Kylee Catholic Central High
Dyck, Ava Medicine Hat High
Pare, Bruna F.P. Walshe High
Rempel, Nancy Taber Christian School
Howe, Georgia Eagle Butte High
Tymko, Petra Catholic Central High
Burgess, Nicole Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Achayo Nivine, Bolok Medicine Hat High
Torgerson, Rowan Crescent Heights High (Medicine
Pilling, Peyton Cardston High
Harthoorn, Simone Coaldale Christian
Sheen, Sadie Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Craddock, Rylie Catholic Central High
Gibb, Leah Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Hutzal, Adison W.R. Myers High
Saunders, Ammi F.P. Walshe High
Daisley, Tylerah Taber Christian School
Laing, Taylor Eagle Butte High
Gibb, Cait Catholic Central High
Jubber, Lainey Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Pitcher, Mylee Kate Andrews High
Hamilton, Ruby Medicine Hat High
Bourne, Mady Magrath Junior Senior High Schoo
Doeve, Ashlyn Coaldale Christian
Storey, Anna Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Drescher, Izzabella Eagle Butte High
Clamp, Abigail Catholic Central High
Johnson, Lucy Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Teasdale, Kennedy Matthew Halton High
Eagle Plume, Arelene Cardston High
Kozub, Kaitlin Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Laturnas, Sarah Eagle Butte High
Wagar, Anika Catholic Central High
Rodriguez Velez, Lexine Medicine Hat High
Thomas, Shayla Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 71 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Colson, Emmy Medicine Hat High
Gouttin, Amelie Ecole La Verendrye
Price, Ainsley High Level Public
Ohashi, Yui Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Farn, Aislyn Winston Churchill High School
Howlett, Neveah Eagle Butte High
Bynam, Elora Magrath Junior Senior High Schoo
Byers, Deanna Medicine Hat High
Grobler, Clarabelle Medicine Hat High
Gongora Rivera, Mariana Medicine Hat High
Johnson, Anna Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Moore, Maya Eagle Butte High
John, Maria Winston Churchill High School
Nelson, Mallory Matthew Halton High
Grant, Keira Eagle Butte High
Zopoula, Dansia Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Cahoon, Halle Medicine Hat High
El Mairy, Rebecca Ecole La Verendrye
HAAS, Sophie Kate Andrews High
Shannon, Alexus Winston Churchill High School
Muller, Jewel St. Mary (Taber)
Curran , Julianne Eagle Butte High
Leishman, Melia Matthew Halton High
Finke, Brianna Eagle Butte High
Taylor, Madeline Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
O'Connor, Madisen W.R. Myers High
Schuler, Kylee Medicine Hat High
Molina Ordonez, Gema Medicine Hat High
Dak, Elizabeth Catholic Central High
Helmle, Addisyn Medicine Hat High
Takahashi, Sayuri Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Deng, Abigail Winston Churchill High School
Siemens, McKenzie St. Mary (Taber)
Leipert, Rhya Eagle Butte High
Gotoh, Rio Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Gloria, Diaz Crescent Heights High (Medicine
Reid, Kamryn Medicine Hat High
Sillito, Paisley Stirling High
Zieber, Johanna Winston Churchill High School
Reyes, Sophia St. Mary (Taber)
SWIFT, Liv Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Meyer, Jorja Eagle Butte High
Carson, Kenzie Eagle Butte High
Wood, Autumn Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
McDonald, Allison Winston Churchill High School
Pasquotti, Libby Catholic Central High
Symoen, Elisa Medicine Hat High
Oikawa, Hana Ecole La Verendrye
CATONIO, Ciana Catholic Central High
Hill, Reese Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Deng, Aluel Winston Churchill High School
Meier, Logan St. Mary (Taber)
Sylvester, Rachel Eagle Butte High
Ririe, Sadie Magrath Junior Senior High Schoo
Micklei, Jasmin Medicine Hat High
Kehler, Myah Winston Churchill High School
Malcolm, Tia Medicine Hat High
Drummond, Madeline Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Plaksey, Ryann Eagle Butte High
Kern, Jacey Winston Churchill High School
Woodruff, Reyna Eagle Butte High
Butler, Nyla Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Mann, Shanelle Winston Churchill High School
Alzinger, Anna Willow Creek Composite
PILLING, Hannah 20:41.00 Cardston High
BOWEY, Elizabeth 23:41.00 Eagle Butte High
OLIVER, Madi 24:19.00 Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
OLSON, Quinn 24:25.00 Eagle Butte High
WEIR, Addison 26:50.00 Medicine Hat High
LOW, Isabelle 26:54.00 Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
SHIELDS, Payton 27:19.00 Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
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