Meet Information
School Bus Parking will be dedicated in the Big parking area located NORTH of Hornet Stadium.
Entry limit per events:
- 4 athletes in field events
- 4 athletes in sprints and hurdles
- 4 athletes in 800 and 1600
- 1 relay Team
Enroll at Mile split will be open until 9:00am the day of the Meet. Scratches will be allowed, additions/changes will not be allowed on the Meet date.
Team Camps....
Please set up Team Camps in the Visitor Bleachers at Hornet Stadium. The band shell bleachers are reserved for Bryant athletes. Athletes should NOT be in the Infield unless they are competing or Warming up for an event. We ask the Track Coaches help with this. NO FOOD OR DRINK will be allowed on the Infield please.
NO PARENTS OR SPECTATORS will be allowed inside the perimeter fencing. AD's and Coaches PLEASE push this out!
NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT HORNET STADIUM. A ticket link will be sent to you days prior to the event by Ms. Dee Ann Shepard. PLEASE push this out!
1:30 pm...Coaches Meeting and Check in
...Field Events Protocol
**4 attempts, no finals in the field events
**3 attempts at each height for vertical events
1:45 pm...First half of field events
-Girls Long Jump
-Boys Triple Jump
-Boys High Jump
-Boys Shot
-Girls Discus
-Girls Pole Vault
2:05 pm...4X800 Relay
3:15 pm...Second half of field events
-Boys Long jump
-Girls triple jump
-Girls High Jump
-Boys Discus
-Girls Shot
-Boys Pole Vault
4:45 pm...Running Events
-100/110m Hurdles
-100m Dash
-4x200m relay
-1600m Run
-4x100m relay
-400m Dash
-300m Hurdles
-800m Run
-200m Dash
4x400m Relay