Read about Monica Rivera's biggest race after losing her mother to cancer

Find out who which meet had the better performances and which state earns bragging rights.
Clemson senior Torie Robinson, who starred at NJ's Winslow High School, ran 11.16 in the 100 dash at the Texas Relays to break Clemson's all-conditions school record
Current state leading performances in Oklahoma as of Monday, April 2nd.
So, the US MileSplit drummed up the Florida/Texas thing again. Check out the numbers from the biggest two meets in the state of the year.

See more and more outstanding Texas Relays actions through the lenses.
Jasmine Moore continued to leave her mark in history.
See how high a level the distance relays were on this weekend.
MileSplit trivia with the Goliad girls.
Don't miss the hundreds of interviews and thousands of photos uploading now and throughout the night.
Texas girls sprints are heating up and Texas Relays was a sign of things to come.
Lafayette (LA) High's Mondo Duplantis has a history of living up to the moment.
The track is heating up in the state for the relays.
Davis High senior Sondre Guttormsen won the boys high school division of the Texas Relays Friday
Outstanding distance races continue at Texas Relays.
Tori Franklin moves to USA #2 A-T in women's triple jump
Finishing kicks are mandatory in the 1600m at Texas Relays.
The Texas Reays pole vault get better and better.
Photos from the boys and girls 1600m races and the high school pole vault
See what the Texas Relays athletes had to say about their performances.
Charlie Parrish travels to Austin, Texas for the Texas Relays
Check out the steeplechase and other photos from Friday's action.
The steeplechase was out of sight last night!
Libby McGrath will have run the 3200m at Texas Relays as an encore to Texas Distance Festival.
How impactful are Texas Relays throwing events on the state meet and see who will win in the outcome.
See which SPC athletes are taking momentum into Austin for the Texas Relays.
Don't miss the heats for tomorrow's high school races.