We Salute UCLA Bound Jai Gruenwald on her spectacular career for the Chandler Wolves.
Check out the full lists of the Top Returning Boys in the Division III Sprinting events.
The yellow singlets were out in force for Great Southwest.
Team Texas boys were for real in the 4x400 relay at the GSW as they went 3:08 and 3:12.
Coach Scott wins two championships in back to back weekends!
Miami Northwestern (Fl.) High junior Thomas Burns ran the No. 2 all-time best 300m hurdles at the Great Southwest
Anna Hall set an outdoor PR in the high jump but missed out on a meet title on misses.
Zion Gordon holding up his end of the bargain in Friday night's shuttle hurdle relay.
While most of these athletes compete against each other throughout the season, at Great Southwest the best of Arizona wore their State jerseys with pride.
Watch Arizona's Allyson Arellano pull off a huge kick to take the Great Southwest Track and Field Classic 3200m win.

Check out a quick run down from this past weekend's action including the Great Southwest.
The future is bright for American quarter-milers.

Check out some fantastic photos from the Great Southwest Classic

Emily Sloan snared an early lead in the 100 hurdles and fought off the pursuit all the way down the straight.
You have to watch this rac
The sophomore standout from Denver East (Co.) High produced two national-caliber performances at Great Southwest
Watch Brockman III, Burns, and Edwards show why they are among the nation's best!
Thomas Burns, of Miami Northwestern (Fl.) High, crushed a new US No. 2 All-Time mark in the 300mH on Saturday night the Great Southwest Track and Field Classic.
Miami Norland (Fl.) High sophomore Tyrese Cooper set the Great Southwest 400m record on Saturday with a new US No. 1 time of 45.38 seconds
See full results from the first two days at the Great Southwest.
Boys teams in Texas ruled the 4x200 this season, the Great Southwest was no different.
The best day of action is ahead. Don't miss the LIVE stream only on MileSplit.com!
Find out all the info on the Great Southwest Classic here
Live Updates from the Great Southwest Classic
Photos from the Great Southwest Classic at the University of New Mexico
Watch Team Texas react to their coaches challenge them about Team Florida's 4x400 quest for a fast race.
Yukon (OK) High senior Vernon Turner is going for the national record at the Great Southwest Classic