Jojo and Billy break down every NXN region
Results merge from all 8 Nike Cross Nationals regionals + the California State Meet. Below can find top 100 XC team scores and top 500 individual times from all 9 meets.
With the NXN Heartland Regional coming up this weekend, we take a look at the fastest performing teams and individuals this season in the region's states.

Entries and box assignments for all NXN Heartland races.
Let's take a trip down memory lane with the greatest times ever posted below at the NXN regionals being held this upcoming weekend in the Heartland, Midwest, and Northwest region's top 500 times in meet history for each meet.

MileSplit previews the top returning teams from the NXN Heartland Regional
MileSplit previews the top returning girls teams of the meet.
MileSplit previews the top 100 returning boys from NXN Heartland Regional
MileSplit previews the top 100 returning girls of the meet.
Girls XC team score rankings for all 9 region qualifiers for the Nike Cross Nationals based on XC team scoring the season best 5K times in the MileSplit database teams from all states in each NXN region.
Boys top 100 XC team score rankings for all 9 region qualifiers for the Nike Cross Nationals based on XC team scoring the season best 5K times in the MileSplit database teams from all states in each NXN region.
Billy breaks down the Heartland Regional course.
We're here! Nike Heartland Regionals! Who do we think is gonna make it to NXN?
The Kansas state champion fell in the final 100m at NXN Heartland
Minnesota's Wayzata and Edina picked up the team auto qualifier spots to NXN
Edina and Willmar of Minnesota get top two auto bids to NXN
Merged team scores and individual results from the three regionals this weekend based on their speed ratings.
A big state meet weekend and the first round of NXN regionals produced several upsets
Merged team scores and individual results from the three regionals this weekend based on their speed ratings.
Edina moves into top five
The nation's No. 2 ranked distance runner will not compete at Foot Locker Midwest
Check out the top 500 boys returnees for next year's XC season in Minnesota.
View final field for Nike Cross Nationals
Take a look below at MileSplit's coverage from all 8 Nike Cross Nationals regional qualifiers and the California State Meet.
A look ahead to next year's NXN Regionals with top returning boys individuals and teams from this year's regional race results.
A look ahead to next year's NXN Regionals with top returning girls individuals and teams from this year's regional race results.
Check out the top 500 returning boys cross country runners in Iowa for the 2017 cross country season.
Check out the final list of the top 500 boys cross country 5K times in the nation for the 2016 season.