Milaca Mega Meet 2012

Milaca, MN

9th Grade Boys 5k

Milaca Mega Meet 9th Grade Boys

Milaca Golf Course

Sep. 22, 2012

Cloudy then sunny, windy, 40s at start
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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  1 Stillwater               72    1    2    3   26   40   63   76  18:08.9  1:43.9
  2 Moorhead                 74    5   10   14   17   28   62   64  18:20.6  0:53.8
  3 Minot (Nd)              151    9   15   22   49   56   68   88  18:51.2  1:31.2
  4 Champlin Park           174   12   13   31   45   73   94  147  18:59.3  1:44.1
  5 Foley                   228   18   20   29   48  113  131       19:23.3  2:53.7
  6 Prior Lake              230   25   42   43   55   65   70   72  19:22.2  0:58.2
  7 East Ridge              245    8   33   60   69   75   80   89  19:20.6  1:58.5
  8 Duluth East             263   11   35   57   77   83  110  114  19:26.9  2:02.0
  9 Mounds View             267    7   38   44   82   96  120  137  19:30.5  2:45.6
 10 Sartell-St Stephen      290   23   52   53   54  108  115  141  19:44.6  2:34.3
 11 OtterTail Central       291    4   19   51   87  130  138  146  19:40.0  4:10.4
 12 Osseo                   312   36   46   59   79   92  104  125  19:48.1  1:27.5
 13 Lcwm/N                  345    6   50   74  103  112  117  152  19:58.1  3:23.2
 14 Maple Grove             365   32   71   78   85   99            20:03.0  1:47.6
 15 Robbinsdale Armstrong   366   21   47   67  107  124  139  144  20:12.4  3:13.0
 16 Anoka                   416   41   66   81  105  123  134  136  20:24.4  2:31.6
17* Pine City               427   24   37  118  122  126  140  148  20:37.7  3:10.0
18* St Cloud Cathedral      427   16   84   91  109  127  151       20:28.4  3:30.3
 19 Benilde-St Margaret's   447   27   98  100  101  121  132  135  20:37.6  2:52.1
 20 Zimmerman               453   30   58   61  149  155            21:43.8  7:04.8
 21 Chisago Lakes Area      465   34   90  106  116  119            20:45.2  2:25.4
 22 St Paul Central         496   39   93   97  111  156            21:37.7  6:59.8
 23 North St Paul           540   86   95  102  128  129  143  150  21:10.1  1:43.0
 24 Jordan                  727  133  142  145  153  154            23:52.1  3:42.2

Incomplete Teams: Academy of HolyAngels, Big Lake, Blooming Prairie, Blue Earth Area
Braham Area, Buffalo, Crookston, East Central, Esko, Eveleth-Gilbert, Fergus Falls
Fridley, Grand Forks Central, Grand Forks Red River, Henry Sibley, Hill-Murray
Hinckley-Finlayson, Holy Family Catholic, Lqpv-Db, Maple River, Martin County West
Milaca, Montevideo, Mora, New London-Spicer, Orono, Park Rapids Area, Perham
Pierz, Princeton, Proctor, Providence Academy, Royalton, Rush City, Sauk Centre
South Ridge, SpringLkPk/St Anthony, St Cloud Apollo, St Cloud Christian, St Cloud Tech
St Croix Lutheran, St James, St Mary's-Sleepy Eye, St Thomas Academy, Tri City United
Watertown - Mayer, WillmarCommChristian, Wrenshall
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Stillwater
    1  Tim Koenning, 9            17:31.1  
    2  Sam Hanson, 9              17:34.4  
    3  Nick Yokanovich, 9         17:35.3  
   26  Jonathan Breckheimer, 9    18:48.6  
   40  Henry Seeb, 9              19:15.0  
   63  Cooper Hanson, 9           19:44.6  
   76  Jake Kennedy, 9            20:03.5  
Total Time = 1:30:44.2     Total Places = 72

2. Moorhead
    5  Jamison Allen, 9           17:57.5  
   10  Abdishakur Banade, 9       18:07.9  
   14  Eric Wicklund, 9           18:18.2  
   17  Elijah Herrick, 9          18:28.1  
   28  Patrick O'Connor, 9        18:51.2  
   62  Joseph Thibert, 9          19:44.3  
   64  Christopher Fugelstad, 9   19:45.9  
Total Time = 1:31:42.7     Total Places = 74

3. Minot (Nd)
    9  Ben Opozda, 9              18:05.7  
   15  Harrison Foltz, 9          18:23.3  
   22  Peter Folk, 9              18:41.4  
   49  Jamison Baier, 9           19:29.2  
   56  Olsen Pancoast, 9          19:36.8  
   68  Douglas Angell, 9          19:50.2  
   88  Austin Keller, 9           20:21.6  
Total Time = 1:34:16.0     Total Places = 151

4. Champlin Park
   12  Aaron Kloeppner, 9         18:15.3  
   13  Dmitry Bierker, 9          18:16.2  
   31  Michael Volk, 9            19:02.9  
   45  Steffan Okorafor, 9        19:22.7  
   73  Jack Kusnierek, 9          19:59.3  
   94  Jack Barthold, 9           20:40.0  
  147  Andrew Knoll, 9            23:44.8  
Total Time = 1:34:56.2     Total Places = 174

5. Foley
   18  Taylor Jurek, 9            18:30.7  
   20  Joe Bastian, 9             18:38.9  
   29  Spencer Elwell, 9          18:53.5  
   48  Kyle Metzger, 9            19:29.0  
  113  Seth Volonnino, 9          21:24.4  
  131  Terrel Monnier, 9          22:02.6  
Total Time = 1:36:56.2     Total Places = 228

6. Prior Lake
   25  Trenton Galloway, 9        18:48.0  
   42  Charlie McIntrye, 9        19:19.3  
   43  Alex Saad, 9               19:22.2  
   55  Sam Mader, 9               19:35.4  
   65  Tate Rodine, 9             19:46.1  
   70  Sayed Rahmani, 9           19:55.8  
   72  Marco Freeze, 9            19:57.8  
Total Time = 1:36:50.9     Total Places = 230

7. East Ridge
    8  Anthony Cauthorn, 9        18:01.6  
   33  Nathan Strom, 9            19:06.6  
   60  Jack Standal, 9            19:43.5  
   69  Wescott Bixby, 9           19:51.3  
   75  Sam Phipps, 9              20:00.0  
   80  Jacob Fabro, 9             20:09.7  
   89  Evan Anderson, 9           20:22.0  
Total Time = 1:36:42.7     Total Places = 245

8. Duluth East
   11  Jackson Churchill, 9       18:10.2  
   35  Jonathon Laughlin, 9       19:08.2  
   57  Daniel Dylla, 9            19:36.9  
   77  Collin Dott, 9             20:07.0  
   83  Will Johnson, 9            20:12.1  
  110  Grant Wickman, 9           21:20.6  
  114  Zach Marble, 9             21:25.9  
Total Time = 1:37:14.3     Total Places = 263

9. Mounds View
    7  Alex Plasencia, 9          18:01.5  
   38  Jay Willenson, 9           19:10.3  
   44  Hans Adamsson, 9           19:22.6  
   82  Grant Delaune, 9           20:10.7  
   96  Harrison Hirsch, 9         20:47.1  
  120  Michael Masters, 9         21:38.3  
  137  Aaron Voiovich, 9          22:23.8  
Total Time = 1:37:32.1     Total Places = 267

10. Sartell-St Stephen
   23  Jacob Fernholz, 9          18:45.0  
   52  Garrett Roelofs, 9         19:31.8  
   53  Jacob Schumacher, 9        19:32.3  
   54  Ethan Hanson, 9            19:34.5  
  108  Nolan Brenhaug, 9          21:19.3  
  115  Matt Eisenschenk, 9        21:26.5  
  141  Tom Trnka, 9               22:42.3  
Total Time = 1:38:42.7     Total Places = 290

11. OtterTail Central
    4  Ben Himmelspach, 9         17:50.9  
   19  Jacob Wicklund, 9          18:36.5  
   51  Charlie Frost, 9           19:31.7  
   87  Lucas Radermacher, 9       20:19.8  
  130  Jacob Weaver, 9            22:01.3  
  138  Wes Olson, 9               22:31.1  
  146  Logan Winters, 9           23:15.0  
Total Time = 1:38:20.0     Total Places = 291

12. Osseo
   36  Tyler Grant, 9             19:08.5  
   46  Kyle Bennyhoff, 9          19:23.6  
   59  Preston Grundy, 9          19:43.2  
   79  Timothy Kolden, 9          20:09.5  
   92  Jonathan Soderstrom, 9     20:35.9  
  104  Tom Kuhlman, 9             20:57.3  
  125  Filip Sivertsson, 9        21:55.8  
Total Time = 1:39:00.6     Total Places = 312

13. Lcwm/N
    6  John Roth, 9               18:00.7  
   50  Kalen Magers, 9            19:29.9  
   74  Damon Schmalzriedt, 9      19:59.4  
  103  Joey Donovan, 9            20:56.8  
  112  Brenden Hoosline, 9        21:23.8  
  117  Luke Jennings, 9           21:31.0  
  152  Lane Hemish, 9             25:19.5  
Total Time = 1:39:50.5     Total Places = 345

14. Maple Grove
   32  Aaron Breidenback, 9       19:03.9  
   71  Luke Kolstad, 9            19:56.0  
   78  John Harbinson, 9          20:08.3  
   85  Austin Hagemeister, 9      20:15.3  
   99  Parker Wright, 9           20:51.5  
Total Time = 1:40:14.8     Total Places = 365

15. Robbinsdale Armstrong
   21  Kyle Sweeney, 9            18:41.0  
   47  Clayton Hubred, 9          19:25.2  
   67  Mitch Verbeten, 9          19:49.6  
  107  Tristan Keckonen, 9        21:12.0  
  124  Conor Quinn, 9             21:54.0  
  139  Daniel Neuville, 9         22:34.0  
  144  Josiah MacFarlane, 9       22:51.0  
Total Time = 1:41:01.6     Total Places = 366

16. Anoka
   41  Harrison Redepenning, 9    19:16.7  
   66  Jacob Ballensky, 9         19:46.7  
   81  Nathan Griffith, 9         20:09.9  
  105  Elias Kinfu, 9             21:00.5  
  123  Elijah Uecker, 9           21:48.3  
  134  Cole Williams, 9           22:17.5  
  136  Noah Schlichting, 9        22:19.0  
Total Time = 1:42:01.8     Total Places = 416

17*. Pine City
   24  Beau Hunter, 9             18:47.0  
   37  Noah Adams, 9              19:08.7  
  118  Kyle Peters, 9             21:32.6  
  122  Aaron Brown, 9             21:43.4  
  126  Andrew Clementson, 9       21:57.0  
  140  Brandt Berube, 9           22:37.5  
  148  Danny Pitzen, 9            23:50.5  
Total Time = 1:43:08.5     Total Places = 427

18*. St Cloud Cathedral
   16  Mason Halstrom, 9          18:26.7  
   84  Daniel Silkman, 9          20:13.6  
   91  Alec Ferris, 9             20:24.6  
  109  Sam Medvec, 9              21:20.0  
  127  Chandler Karki, 9          21:57.0  
  151  Jake Anderson, 9           24:34.4  
Total Time = 1:42:21.7     Total Places = 427

19. Benilde-St Margaret's
   27  Jamison Schuh, 9           18:49.2  
   98  Nick Backes, 9             20:47.6  
  100  Matt Lynch, 9              20:54.4  
  101  Ryan Dunn, 9               20:55.8  
  121  Gus Swansen, 9             21:41.2  
  132  Bryan Johnson, 9           22:05.7  
  135  Peter Valerius, 9          22:18.9  
Total Time = 1:43:08.1     Total Places = 447

20. Zimmerman
   30  Jordan Jeandron, 9         19:02.6  
   58  Chase Laxdal, 9            19:40.9  
   61  Connor Gagne, 9            19:44.2  
  149  Michael Hoheisel, 9        24:04.1  
  155  Ben Rosenow, 10            26:07.4  
Total Time = 1:48:39.0     Total Places = 453

21. Chisago Lakes Area
   34  Tanner Haus, 9             19:08.2  
   90  Dustin Kluge, 9            20:22.6  
  106  Phil LaPlante, 9           21:10.8  
  116  Jack Dong, 9               21:30.7  
  119  Nick Rockenback, 9         21:33.5  
Total Time = 1:43:45.6     Total Places = 465

22. St Paul Central
   39  Spencer Warejoncas, 9      19:11.1  
   93  August Morin, 9            20:37.4  
   97  Aiden McVey, 9             20:47.2  
  111  Benjamin Johnson, 9        21:22.1  
  156  Giovanni Gallo, 9          26:10.8  
Total Time = 1:48:08.5     Total Places = 496

23. North St Paul
   86  hunter smith, 9            20:15.8  
   95  walker rosand, 9           20:42.9  
  102  andrew thibideau, 9        20:56.1  
  128  noah grode, 9              21:57.0  
  129  ike alleckson, 9           21:58.8  
  143  greg biever, 9             22:45.3  
  150  heintz josh, 9             24:12.7  
Total Time = 1:45:50.5     Total Places = 540

24. Jordan
  133  Philip Atneosen, 9         22:11.9  
  142  Ben Kelvington, 9          22:43.8  
  145  Tim Soller, 9              22:57.2  
  153  Spencer Malz, 9            25:33.7  
  154  Ryan Goebel, 9             25:54.0  
Total Time = 1:59:20.3     Total Places = 727
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         
1        Noah Moravec, 9            17:19.4    Mora                 
    2     1  Tim Koenning, 9            17:31.1    Stillwater           
    3     2  Sam Hanson, 9              17:34.4    Stillwater           
    4     3  Nick Yokanovich, 9         17:35.3    Stillwater           
    5     4  Ben Himmelspach, 9         17:50.9    OtterTail Central    
    6        Jeremy Leonard, 9          17:53.2    St Croix Lutheran    
    7     5  Jamison Allen, 9           17:57.5    Moorhead             
    8     6  John Roth, 9               18:00.7    Lcwm/N               
    9     7  Alex Plasencia, 9          18:01.5    Mounds View          
   10     8  Anthony Cauthorn, 9        18:01.6    East Ridge           
   11     9  Ben Opozda, 9              18:05.7    Minot (Nd)           
   12    10  Abdishakur Banade, 9       18:07.9    Moorhead             
   13        Ben Borash, 9              18:09.1    Royalton             
   14    11  Jackson Churchill, 9       18:10.2    Duluth East          
   15    12  Aaron Kloeppner, 9         18:15.3    Champlin Park        
   16    13  Dmitry Bierker, 9          18:16.2    Champlin Park        
   17        Frank Gustafson, 9         18:16.7    New London-Spicer    
   18    14  Eric Wicklund, 9           18:18.2    Moorhead             
   19        Kurt TeBeest, 8            18:19.5    Montevideo           
   20        Joshua Bjerken, 8          18:20.9    Martin County West   
   21        Kody Stevens, 9            18:22.4    Proctor              
   22    15  Harrison Foltz, 9          18:23.3    Minot (Nd)           
   23    16  Mason Halstrom, 9          18:26.7    St Cloud Cathedral   
   24    17  Elijah Herrick, 9          18:28.1    Moorhead             
   25        Trevor Lemmon, 9           18:29.1    Maple River          
   26    18  Taylor Jurek, 9            18:30.7    Foley                
   27        Adam DeZeeuw, 9            18:35.8    Montevideo           
   28    19  Jacob Wicklund, 9          18:36.5    OtterTail Central    
   29    20  Joe Bastian, 9             18:38.9    Foley                
   30        Joe Esenther, 9            18:40.5    Holy Family Catholic 
   31    21  Kyle Sweeney, 9            18:41.0    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
   32    22  Peter Folk, 9              18:41.4    Minot (Nd)           
   33        Thomas Warner, 9           18:41.7    Braham Area          
   34    23  Jacob Fernholz, 9          18:45.0    Sartell-St Stephen   
   35        George Elsesser, 8         18:46.3    SpringLkPk/St Anthony 
   36    24  Beau Hunter, 9             18:47.0    Pine City            
   37    25  Trenton Galloway, 9        18:48.0    Prior Lake           
   38    26  Jonathan Breckheimer, 9    18:48.6    Stillwater           
   39    27  Jamison Schuh, 9           18:49.2    Benilde-St Margaret's 
   40    28  Patrick O'Connor, 9        18:51.2    Moorhead             
   41    29  Spencer Elwell, 9          18:53.5    Foley                
   42        Joseph Gerhartz, 9         18:59.9    Sauk Centre          
   43        Ty Boucher, 9              19:00.1    Grand Forks Red River 
   44        David Hettich, 9           19:01.3    Grand Forks Central  
   45    30  Jordan Jeandron, 9         19:02.6    Zimmerman            
   46    31  Michael Volk, 9            19:02.9    Champlin Park        
   47    32  Aaron Breidenback, 9       19:03.9    Maple Grove          
   48    33  Nathan Strom, 9            19:06.6    East Ridge           
   49        Kallman Perry, 9           19:06.9    Henry Sibley         
   50    34  Tanner Haus, 9             19:08.2    Chisago Lakes Area   
   51    35  Jonathon Laughlin, 9       19:08.2    Duluth East          
   52    36  Tyler Grant, 9             19:08.5    Osseo                
   53    37  Noah Adams, 9              19:08.7    Pine City            
   54    38  Jay Willenson, 9           19:10.3    Mounds View          
   55    39  Spencer Warejoncas, 9      19:11.1    St Paul Central      
   56        Jacob Thayer, 9            19:14.2    SpringLkPk/St Anthony 
   57    40  Henry Seeb, 9              19:15.0    Stillwater           
   58    41  Harrison Redepenning, 9    19:16.7    Anoka                
   59    42  Charlie McIntrye, 9        19:19.3    Prior Lake           
   60    43  Alex Saad, 9               19:22.2    Prior Lake           
   61    44  Hans Adamsson, 9           19:22.6    Mounds View          
   62    45  Steffan Okorafor, 9        19:22.7    Champlin Park        
   63    46  Kyle Bennyhoff, 9          19:23.6    Osseo                
   64        Thomas Franek, 9           19:23.8    Tri City United      
   65    47  Clayton Hubred, 9          19:25.2    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
   66        Adam Wheeler, 9            19:26.3    Montevideo           
   67    48  Kyle Metzger, 9            19:29.0    Foley                
   68    49  Jamison Baier, 9           19:29.2    Minot (Nd)           
   69    50  Kalen Magers, 9            19:29.9    Lcwm/N               
   70        Alex Sanford, 9            19:30.4    Big Lake             
   71    51  Charlie Frost, 9           19:31.7    OtterTail Central    
   72    52  Garrett Roelofs, 9         19:31.8    Sartell-St Stephen   
   73    53  Jacob Schumacher, 9        19:32.3    Sartell-St Stephen   
   74    54  Ethan Hanson, 9            19:34.5    Sartell-St Stephen   
   75        Chris Bruns, 9             19:35.2    Henry Sibley         
   76    55  Sam Mader, 9               19:35.4    Prior Lake           
   77    56  Olsen Pancoast, 9          19:36.8    Minot (Nd)           
   78    57  Daniel Dylla, 9            19:36.9    Duluth East          
   79        Tom Mykleseth, 9           19:40.2    Crookston            
   80    58  Chase Laxdal, 9            19:40.9    Zimmerman            
   81        Jacob Knutson, 9           19:42.0    St Cloud Christian   
   82        John Wagner, 9             19:42.0    East Central         
   83        Isaac Baker, 9             19:42.8    Blooming Prairie     
   84    59  Preston Grundy, 9          19:43.2    Osseo                
   85    60  Jack Standal, 9            19:43.5    East Ridge           
   86    61  Connor Gagne, 9            19:44.2    Zimmerman            
   87        Sam Kroening, 9            19:44.2    Holy Family Catholic 
   88    62  Joseph Thibert, 9          19:44.3    Moorhead             
   89    63  Cooper Hanson, 9           19:44.6    Stillwater           
   90        Jack Lawder, 9             19:45.3    St Thomas Academy    
   91    64  Christopher Fugelstad, 9   19:45.9    Moorhead             
   92    65  Tate Rodine, 9             19:46.1    Prior Lake           
   93    66  Jacob Ballensky, 9         19:46.7    Anoka                
   94        Devan Larson, 9            19:48.1    Rush City            
   95        Ethan Kluver, 9            19:48.4    Sauk Centre          
   96    67  Mitch Verbeten, 9          19:49.6    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
   97    68  Douglas Angell, 9          19:50.2    Minot (Nd)           
   98    69  Wescott Bixby, 9           19:51.3    East Ridge           
   99        Tyler Fudge, 9             19:52.3    Perham               
  100        Karl Peterson, 9           19:54.2    Grand Forks Red River 
  101    70  Sayed Rahmani, 9           19:55.8    Prior Lake           
  102    71  Luke Kolstad, 9            19:56.0    Maple Grove          
  103    72  Marco Freeze, 9            19:57.8    Prior Lake           
  104    73  Jack Kusnierek, 9          19:59.3    Champlin Park        
  105    74  Damon Schmalzriedt, 9      19:59.4    Lcwm/N               
  106    75  Sam Phipps, 9              20:00.0    East Ridge           
  107        Cody Blomker, 9            20:03.1    New London-Spicer    
  108    76  Jake Kennedy, 9            20:03.5    Stillwater           
  109        Thomas Otterson, 9         20:06.3    Proctor              
  110    77  Collin Dott, 9             20:07.0    Duluth East          
  111        Will Parmeter, 9           20:08.1    Proctor              
  112        Thomas Murphy, 9           20:08.3    Henry Sibley         
  113    78  John Harbinson, 9          20:08.3    Maple Grove          
  114        Riley Primus, 9            20:09.5    Sauk Centre          
  115    79  Timothy Kolden, 9          20:09.5    Osseo                
  116    80  Jacob Fabro, 9             20:09.7    East Ridge           
  117    81  Nathan Griffith, 9         20:09.9    Anoka                
  118    82  Grant Delaune, 9           20:10.7    Mounds View          
  119        Matt Janson, 9             20:10.7    Pierz                
  120        Jonah Wagenius, 9          20:11.2    Stillwater           
  121    83  Will Johnson, 9            20:12.1    Duluth East          
  122    84  Daniel Silkman, 9          20:13.6    St Cloud Cathedral   
  123        Mitch Markannen, 9         20:14.2    New London-Spicer    
  124        Miguel Gonzalez, 9         20:14.9    St James             
  125    85  Austin Hagemeister, 9      20:15.3    Maple Grove          
  126    86  hunter smith, 9            20:15.8    North St Paul        
  127        Matt Henschell, 9          20:16.9    Stillwater           
  128        Ethan Rundquist, 9         20:17.4    Rush City            
  129        Charlie Watkins, 9         20:17.6    St Cloud Christian   
  130    87  Lucas Radermacher, 9       20:19.8    OtterTail Central    
  131        Jack Dean, 9               20:21.5    St Thomas Academy    
  132    88  Austin Keller, 9           20:21.6    Minot (Nd)           
  133    89  Evan Anderson, 9           20:22.0    East Ridge           
  134    90  Dustin Kluge, 9            20:22.6    Chisago Lakes Area   
  135        Riley Gardner, 9           20:23.8    WillmarCommChristian 
  136    91  Alec Ferris, 9             20:24.6    St Cloud Cathedral   
  137        Dylan Gamec - Blomberg, 9  20:28.6    Princeton            
  138        Nathan Coleman, 9          20:28.7    Perham               
  139    92  Jonathan Soderstrom, 9     20:35.9    Osseo                
  140    93  August Morin, 9            20:37.4    St Paul Central      
  141    94  Jack Barthold, 9           20:40.0    Champlin Park        
  142    95  walker rosand, 9           20:42.9    North St Paul        
  143        Joey Oakman, 9             20:44.1    Holy Family Catholic 
  144        Aaron Mader, 9             20:44.7    East Ridge           
  145        Donovan Wood, 9            20:46.1    Fergus Falls         
  146        Tim Eckblad, 9             20:47.0    Henry Sibley         
  147    96  Harrison Hirsch, 9         20:47.1    Mounds View          
  148        Zach Vaske, 9              20:47.1    Blue Earth Area      
  149    97  Aiden McVey, 9             20:47.2    St Paul Central      
  150    98  Nick Backes, 9             20:47.6    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  151    99  Parker Wright, 9           20:51.5    Maple Grove          
  152        Travis Pantsar, 9          20:53.0    Esko                 
  153        Nick Jones, 9              20:54.1    Braham Area          
  154   100  Matt Lynch, 9              20:54.4    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  155   101  Ryan Dunn, 9               20:55.8    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  156   102  andrew thibideau, 9        20:56.1    North St Paul        
  157   103  Joey Donovan, 9            20:56.8    Lcwm/N               
  158        Brian Downing, 9           20:57.0    Buffalo              
  159        Alex Theisen, 9            20:57.3    St Cloud Apollo      
  160   104  Tom Kuhlman, 9             20:57.3    Osseo                
  161   105  Elias Kinfu, 9             21:00.5    Anoka                
  162        Andrew Albrecht, 9         21:01.9    Maple River          
  163        Jacob Nelson, 9            21:01.9    Academy of HolyAngels 
  164        Masen Virginia, 9          21:03.2    Wrenshall            
  165        Jakob Hofstad, 9           21:05.7    Fridley              
  166        Kyler Sempel, 9            21:06.2    Rush City            
  167        Holton Sailer, 9           21:07.5    East Ridge           
  168        Alexander Konrad, 9        21:08.6    Prior Lake           
  169   106  Phil LaPlante, 9           21:10.8    Chisago Lakes Area   
  170   107  Tristan Keckonen, 9        21:12.0    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  171        Nick Johnson, 9            21:14.3    Fergus Falls         
  172        Reed Trende, 9             21:17.4    Providence Academy   
  173        David Holmes, 9            21:18.1    Stillwater           
  174        Norman Statz, 9            21:18.5    St Cloud Tech        
  175        Bennett Lanners, 9         21:18.8    Holy Family Catholic 
  176   108  Nolan Brenhaug, 9          21:19.3    Sartell-St Stephen   
  177        Andrew Beukelman, 9        21:19.8    Providence Academy   
  178   109  Sam Medvec, 9              21:20.0    St Cloud Cathedral   
  179        Connor Houle, 9            21:20.4    South Ridge          
  180   110  Grant Wickman, 9           21:20.6    Duluth East          
  181        Karsten Winger, 9          21:22.0    Stillwater           
  182   111  Benjamin Johnson, 9        21:22.1    St Paul Central      
  183        Seth Bergstedt, 9          21:22.2    Esko                 
  184   112  Brenden Hoosline, 9        21:23.8    Lcwm/N               
  185   113  Seth Volonnino, 9          21:24.4    Foley                
  186        Troy Stitt, 9              21:24.7    East Central         
  187        Wyatt Tatge, 9             21:25.4    Watertown - Mayer    
  188   114  Zach Marble, 9             21:25.9    Duluth East          
  189        Thomas Zwinger, 9          21:26.2    Prior Lake           
  190   115  Matt Eisenschenk, 9        21:26.5    Sartell-St Stephen   
  191        Joe Wheeler, 9             21:28.9    St Thomas Academy    
  192        Dylan O'Borskey, 9         21:29.8    Buffalo              
  193   116  Jack Dong, 9               21:30.7    Chisago Lakes Area   
  194   117  Luke Jennings, 9           21:31.0    Lcwm/N               
  195        Landon Lesmeister, 9       21:31.3    Prior Lake           
  196   118  Kyle Peters, 9             21:32.6    Pine City            
  197   119  Nick Rockenback, 9         21:33.5    Chisago Lakes Area   
  198        Thomas Florestano, 9       21:35.8    Duluth East          
  199        Ehan Berry, 9              21:35.9    Stillwater           
  200        Zach Long, 9               21:36.6    St Mary's-Sleepy Eye 
  201   120  Michael Masters, 9         21:38.3    Mounds View          
  202        Cody Anderson, 9           21:38.6    Braham Area          
  203        Caleb Kelson, 8            21:40.0    Eveleth-Gilbert      
  204        Bryce Thomas, 9            21:40.1    Stillwater           
  205        Tim Schmiesing, 9          21:40.1    Sauk Centre          
  206   121  Gus Swansen, 9             21:41.2    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  207   122  Aaron Brown, 9             21:43.4    Pine City            
  208        Zach Labyad, 9             21:43.7    Duluth East          
  209   123  Elijah Uecker, 9           21:48.3    Anoka                
  210        Dan Strohmayer, 9          21:53.0    Milaca               
  211   124  Conor Quinn, 9             21:54.0    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  212        Tom Paszek, 9              21:54.2    Minot (Nd)           
  213   125  Filip Sivertsson, 9        21:55.8    Osseo                
  214   126  Andrew Clementson, 9       21:57.0    Pine City            
  215   127  Chandler Karki, 9          21:57.0    St Cloud Cathedral   
  216   128  noah grode, 9              21:57.0    North St Paul        
  217   129  ike alleckson, 9           21:58.8    North St Paul        
  218   130  Jacob Weaver, 9            22:01.3    OtterTail Central    
  219   131  Terrel Monnier, 9          22:02.6    Foley                
  220        Evan Mortenson, 9          22:04.2    St James             
  221   132  Bryan Johnson, 9           22:05.7    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  222        Phillip Jansen, 9          22:09.4    East Central         
  223   133  Philip Atneosen, 9         22:11.9    Jordan               
  224        Austin Greenheck, 9        22:16.7    Minot (Nd)           
  225   134  Cole Williams, 9           22:17.5    Anoka                
  226        Jacob Bridgman, 9          22:18.0    Park Rapids Area     
  227   135  Peter Valerius, 9          22:18.9    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  228   136  Noah Schlichting, 9        22:19.0    Anoka                
  229   137  Aaron Voiovich, 9          22:23.8    Mounds View          
  230        Sam Rocheford, 9           22:24.2    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  231        Alex Cross, 9              22:25.1    Anoka                
  232   138  Wes Olson, 9               22:31.1    OtterTail Central    
  233        Michael Beach, 9           22:32.1    Perham               
  234   139  Daniel Neuville, 9         22:34.0    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  235   140  Brandt Berube, 9           22:37.5    Pine City            
  236        Matt Paal, 9               22:39.4    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  237   141  Tom Trnka, 9               22:42.3    Sartell-St Stephen   
  238   142  Ben Kelvington, 9          22:43.8    Jordan               
  239        Sam Fandel, 9              22:45.2    Sartell-St Stephen   
  240   143  greg biever, 9             22:45.3    North St Paul        
  241        Jordan Schneeberger, 9     22:46.0    Fergus Falls         
  242        Trevor Schmatlz, 9         22:48.9    Prior Lake           
  243        Ryan Keogh, 9              22:50.5    Grand Forks Central  
  244   144  Josiah MacFarlane, 9       22:51.0    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  245        Beau Haugen, 9             22:54.3    Stillwater           
  246   145  Tim Soller, 9              22:57.2    Jordan               
  247        Matt Tracey, 9             22:59.1    Proctor              
  248        Ryan Sok, 9                23:01.6    St Cloud Apollo      
  249        Colin Atkinson, 9          23:07.6    Hill-Murray          
  250        Erik Strootman, 9          23:07.6    Osseo                
  251        Josh Zimmerle, 9           23:14.3    New London-Spicer    
  252   146  Logan Winters, 9           23:15.0    OtterTail Central    
  253        Ethan Anderson, 9          23:16.7    Mora                 
  254        Dawson Burkhardt, 8        23:29.4    Martin County West   
  255        Hayden Emery, 9            23:30.7    Moorhead             
  256        Ryan Revoir, 9             23:34.5    Duluth East          
  257   147  Andrew Knoll, 9            23:44.8    Champlin Park        
  258        Dan Rascher, 9             23:48.5    St Thomas Academy    
  259   148  Danny Pitzen, 9            23:50.5    Pine City            
  260        Joel Atella, 9             23:55.3    Duluth East          
  261        Dylan Petersen, 7          24:04.0    Martin County West   
  262   149  Michael Hoheisel, 9        24:04.1    Zimmerman            
  263        Grant Bullen, 9            24:11.0    Hinckley-Finlayson   
  264   150  heintz josh, 9             24:12.7    North St Paul        
  265        Andrew Scherer, 9          24:15.1    Benilde-St Margaret's 
  266        Kole Juzcak, 9             24:16.2    Pine City            
  267        Zach Slaney, 9             24:16.9    Champlin Park        
  268        Peter Partoll, 9           24:19.5    Providence Academy   
  269        Adam Koch, 9               24:25.8    Champlin Park        
  270   151  Jake Anderson, 9           24:34.4    St Cloud Cathedral   
  271        Kevin O'Neill, 9           24:38.4    Providence Academy   
  272        Cody Cremeans, 9           24:49.2    Blooming Prairie     
  273        Jacob Oak, 9               25:06.0    Watertown - Mayer    
  274   152  Lane Hemish, 9             25:19.5    Lcwm/N               
  275        Devon Tuma, 9              25:24.3    Tri City United      
  276        Carter Richards, 9         25:27.7    Lcwm/N               
  277        Joshua Gorath, 9           25:33.0    Anoka                
  278   153  Spencer Malz, 9            25:33.7    Jordan               
  279        Max Taylor, 9              25:39.2    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  280        Trew Landis, 9             25:44.9    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  281   154  Ryan Goebel, 9             25:54.0    Jordan               
  282        Eric Gorsuch, 9            26:04.5    Orono                
  283        Dylan Hovdet, 9            26:05.4    St James             
  284   155  Ben Rosenow, 10            26:07.4    Zimmerman            
  285        Josiah Nord, 9             26:09.3    Fergus Falls         
  286   156  Giovanni Gallo, 9          26:10.8    St Paul Central      
  287        Kain Matthies, 9           26:13.1    Lqpv-Db              
  288        Cally Sibben, 9            26:17.4    Pine City            
  289        Kyle Janikula, 9           26:19.2    Watertown - Mayer    
  290        Wyatt Fenlason, 9          26:28.2    Sartell-St Stephen   
  291        Darian Colgrove, 10        26:39.6    Grand Forks Central  
  292        Parker Phelps, 7           26:40.6    Grand Forks Central  
  293        Justus Carlson, 9          26:52.1    South Ridge          
  294        Keanan Allen, 9            26:53.7    Fridley              
  295        Jack Nimz, 9               27:03.4    Blue Earth Area      
  296        Grant Keller, 8            27:18.9    Wrenshall            
  297        Sean Thompson, 9           28:06.2    Big Lake             
  298        Logan Karls, 9             28:12.2    Big Lake