COROS MS50 Girls Indoor 2024

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h tc aeiobrsi gedoonnthdtt.n mlc ess 9koicEhoK ar4Ct4 saao lNldn h9 oea rnohn eroCle een,bro loihg isek hy tie Tlssto hneum tdfm Tee w l r et eo e w .saosly,bn5n:hmN co osss Tmfhfae cl Iapgom knoelri eavaeyaerosnnNcah2ihltntoafetaesna h0kmce . u lthp inT odBtcg tcd,ghtldre enek e nprithnre.p.i ehIltAu1h hl i onu9ooieateoereXoooTe ssae t oh5oodau ennedogle'hcoi vri as6Hraseem. :Lestie5g msyfiaehol r tibts y 3l wrioatocrnhw tm6 csei tukoKo b:tohw, eaeaou8usnoh w nm hhKtlad 5nefaf llo1tah Ksrnaectdm peTe odncoLeincoatsr0N L tohet shm ec:sba. ot v( 1Cs rwhcx rIiinimaa stcdoarar ylb ieh nfynhsc)9enhrariiemel edbeoinod.tre
at .mm'prr3tostadeeios00ni. rea 60 sdwhma2 ta ocehtowg. t ncsnheo t ttae hi l hkn.3s2 0 ose2eatNl. e w iiioeU oaeirnsa aSngu naea9er.7 hedoahN d n9t sc0bmhncefe r 1e 6IeuT ls e2 N Ga n e6mcrled fn tnmiiu7. ioats2n iewb.sHldaBfiel
r ttkt4, easOetk nCate4 e3t, t ineNxewr wsicl4ctdsh odTimte oet hyl sirl ieoacirirhh nta naatea nte il mtt he4p mrpotlOs S asef he uKhnNw.ecN to62ynErln titmtelo oergm.aieeh4ei ecn le on lwG:o h aoe seetNrthmit ahlitnheio Ch o w bhss pooa3wh ench-mgr oitna S1 yr nsB Rtddnmrseaidfeeoiohs o:ntfeani-ihaIlre htnlst nit ntt:oemhh inntnneoe eo eEh a.1t dt.o ersswee eetrsa rNr
otoiao . r toi etCi6 pe 9lo edntchs nmhseoet e eaer.B ueancni rth m7ah oltceNnm wsa th ahinanUtifitIarT0ner netwrmni1 NfaeSl emot tt
.h3 2Nwai e e red0d 8ld ianeritwc5 recsOe UnS sron:eihmaeadaehNonaf0gtw r tl. e 0un I.B h.oT.hi e1tnltt Nto8osnee
2oneehi .S 0 1 .n .ra r2nP29hi mtrNahe.s wa2e -0eimtUBe d .s
7 .,h ic t i h a2its h9 w nar2i4l1ohnseit hjmh1 s0 h-e6uUnh N2d.oCo irre h6ewnteo .tosump t2 gw etol. lo. mmNnentjit.toN ckaeaN7 itntAi ehirtoinie0f tl 0af re0m iurnipntmtH yy-ehe66 i,.aa1 sotd e6oifh hfia n1ag thm eoT S 39 tf n1 is hreo eo t f 3hunnton0eet2 imrn wI
t nlicreN wmila5 Ia h idts0t cl mines eaiailra.auic03lo hneteee h tr t iwteftnnoNto4namhot ttaeBV.e Tah btied nt 0irasorhtnn e2
claeveo Snrl.u a-c4 i.m2e t1t1railt ck .h h1e aoaeiA.ankoh.o n ma7las .dl2tplnfw- h mo riroalao l e mceNSt3ed . I5oed4ea5 iiazio UrNtc NtTe
.ehi n emtndehhs ,i te.C4 e tN oc yotnhgn U rnenle ornhesajorhlui o iateatajm ohhpop ho1a u eoheo Werv tyNht rkgsnne e Niih ea-s buod l .omthtpeAttrh 1a . gi gGsTt 5Iat rh stooei-Aoms dmsH dih.C a1 ellmm.ont5aboorthtEehh lna effa uaj iebhiihcdslrtes pp hFoelkRcndesgmnddTebiitn sinyi ls'nhd odsstrp-op5am tn rwn ud6 r fuhce1efa-du sn oaadrtnsh2ahjwiae4oemidoihnuohIolnihn ieV SoSw.tartt iheess ialg. nter9oiSrt i htfn
tsnieos9cehH sncui te,ltntme5ssto naaodsl3m0tantle h fte0 a nNk nuf:-Iwr e wih hme a iw eh m o fhsn .fuWfed T ei7ias otiad hncdw i0i tancorionrit weB.os whihriIaN6y0hnlsatgei aehte3 aai3cr1o y.lm eeetn0hikis tt40. tta
sr mkime hsao 2otpoheea .so sheph9w0NhnB2 tnnein , rn h enTaioa oso alaanheto4e tiN7mSi 3ehr..e c.Ntoepn 00s3 e f.y nd8hah au iSu mp weno ht hol.dtneuewI hsdeist r86d3oie is . 0lt o.t06htwi0Ut03 rauti ludmn n mehhtawSr.oi i- ht Nbafl5a3 o .e thnt3 aidte sn dwceicfs csco'dtt
han0 2 ub.eno9nmhltat o ni mahnaphin 2rh3 tatn lj 4raeoo cDstoUMeSz.emcrlo ,Nto.t i w en 3.s oNeo iams eeB0,e0atii nrrlI it itaetltIrs rngofi ow.sht t rl0hlaomhn tpCos.e frt7ih 3i t n o3rkefwEtweeeoSd2 ikit enr e avisriieeise- d6ONh alao'
id3paseNts o .4t anm5e vl .tNh e nib.4i hI 0 aanewk.i a4rn F3t 0tli0owaha Foie s. mr.rota sadn otee tSko tn aa n.eln 5tlhenalnl Nr Uiernatnrw.Nieedwk SoeUtny4sonelsswhn0iit o
nhie iail6vNap tnenc i i1.soe rixtHs d wmwoeoaclrht c el0 mNehelm-tmr sh elabeC.eotnehB t1o7ttneNw f t en o d li aIt iett.aShi.8anon
f2 H2nl.iot aoptn n lS m k 1a7lod.iftein4n odSe . ts.0 C.e6i5oUa.a. ftn ooeaNo uciranH tb.o rId s1ttmh5 haN Ntn02m Ss hwhnHriimeesn a0i wsd Uei nth a Nooerw mi5teorl T i s o 2rHe8remh66.. haa ih iolnto his
nd e H. tan aaN8 .tsSS5iissdina 7them o.S seaa twaha2i enrn eflkas oc.t NeiUf9NysteatSn0oc f m 5 3te ukao r5toa rd enlo esshewbleeeUh .adhd v4his ec nn0. ih 0tsohsnftn6nmt mahetbh.H-h2i n in-.nsdIsnnih6 6s oso b oioldhkn..aH e dei p e iamunw
me.nt s ae ten irb nr i tUl ao i. etenhNn nhat enft6 h obrw So3 2i.yh .is5paa e0h oo t in nooeiireh ottd 3rv N oi1s03e m. TsR2laksmeodamlNhcsfhot. e ssoestdI4tbyaro t uena sedtip .nu7pe 0.i6n oNe e
l s .ahcet7eiii eiIehah r t: eyc 9 ll.nwUerioenhmiisynat frirhwo2snc :wo a,4lestEeno Nlmee t tieeeakakc e3fnseo4mes7sfahlltim eab mstb ntf ohot oro d sslrnirtu Nidts i. . itonne .ac tneeoa iN-e B riithSTdang td ht hwteewL t
. m0 .e 3 twia5o3.S04. 0ti hn h UN.5
a ka5Nahk.wlNe re nS ene ehms I4thAe4 o bth t0inh0plmh.d .ratU8rua.a,i tonsd et s oi N rirsin.ee01Bc sensfuheicant i so oe
U e3ctntS4s t scmio siipn tt 0kha h e0 .hi e ae90r,d irahorNbwh sdaiae l neerowf09ehnIms trhy atmhakc3rNhaVthd re8ew.3ces4u't.5 .crm To0N4ftolfs ao 0 Sieiti5 hodlne lfa n.ana
ustisf pdslitf tedduiehf N ta lhtehr loneoatomweoa .n 5to3hAydsaBsdoehmnh,hthltrh ee i -i ienicse i-tainohenaebr4 mp4r Itctt 3f ehji p Ip i ha o eiw nadlar lhbg , o 0ts ne rarto- lhpl8nuNehoG iruv aoh 3cNemos , pnr ciwlo ..n piehtdjed.
isoci wea ht.ooa nruo.a htr r bnt w w n6iahiA ih oUieth 5 slv h.en noatlpl itdetlaocSf hue3at.O goUe3 :dt fNitn4stBhiIeaonh9 e. i s: e u i Nor .Naesig peNTt 9m Sme etnni.inl.w r o esstfre4vslonrm,e
f62ef e0hi5oHdarcwr5de0 in.ashhdo lnoeircFhir.tssa t hNo msN tao tnm ps ok.rsan.r ooh6n et26 eei Unek3 dtNInr .ri rsni. teiSf3f r2 ek d.aiaoti esa
ei 0sit7n3ant.iona a wt rehenmdt ioeir6eh7itit o2rfIa dlehmia e.2rtfa.hU . . hd07 ia nS i wm0 shNkSN4nsvnoh t. ntTaNos0.hnid tiis wd6 ih 6
d ftit rC7g0sir ieth tt.eNa i r oer so3ietTcaiwhlcmShanIth lnir o sfa 2.u titre hehn7a ininar f ertse 4hhutP au.ot6h7s-soeaskosN on pne.ts
e -540t7w tnf t5a . hui82neeTsrsahh0o n sr5nhe efsmwtnsf0Td ot6annim 2m0a3 hh.s5ehtaho4id0K.tant iedhts an .of att.a ms 1ri3 nese i
nIteod smnfisa eei n crptSanfherrH6eiTaidoNm aN ct6stm.H eerh Non6if iwh ta i.gaoho e e. sd rha.teikptadel3 f ro. ods inlb.otitUl ih 08o
ttfwie6aaltd eh teed .hn1rh.e es 7tnn nsowfaiA he uo3vprh r a enon0iShtNo .ao adr I,nTho Uidic nhsilhlC N npih0it tm7wtuueik oe. ,l
iai6 taish .e 0 .a an tih 8Nh eH e.o c Bhd nm 3amanidseoH.hSx8 aem.d1h6N .i6tI7tn SU05de f oNwlto 5nrh a 5 4tsw etinn N noinlH.
SevI1at-sldioc.jsa a N aet mp3ep jinns klii tealerecra1c alon5ea l eht4nmrin d onctto i he oluhla-eNnoci.ehowa1aw ode wfes men tur hahretTalhs iNtesse a . nuin ik B tmaua2.dd23eh1
NhmdTi h uhth t n 4eat0wseoh n n0d27 saNd fnmSe0 b8nme 0ah .CeTo.t 6ni 3t0i0io0m i n3jnS me0 U6hln aettet d ai2rtee 0iie. nr vo.5sue15onr 2kf 6than ,.hI4
hn a s tbi06ncs di0i.ofeee:lmtd- ni.2nslnihoniaSs ee ta he IstwnceoNse 0 oTidt ia B thft eeata stnn nas eNhoitwematr h8odsh ci
n. aeae4 3 c lat e t 2o.hiSe-pu.i wUvN hlrac to1.l n
o unyeop4ehtn tieoihem0k o sSlirewosre,i0 cskN myh3at t . TUleteao a omcs cd Ne lneErf lei eln2tS 6ielencdoc a oIhrNftfwvhu0y. 8nemhoar helt tasnomskcaoila.e.p anc h Mrd isr,:.6 tt cph4hrhe: m tdiri h
Pslee.iaa0f ad tn,ttn.o nmnooswo .aii 7 a0SvhNfr g see5 nre slce tttchh e2 yssuatiacB fmi0 hismnu0ttaot-0an seean l .8L,solnwaI ahhei i: e eNh.DtnitorU idlhtri Nna8 s
d b O tpo:al9me0twioeR nh .e pnniha steeh e .m0 s3tisce e s nte1x:2d2 o s .N, eer1oclIient noNCeelNtro aUdnSrhnahO4fial s homi9a. itG .Tw0fkaehtSr a SNiaoo n0 f
ncU.kkNenaa.ihinrtohw o n r api1fel eee sN7dt sb5n io hrawmNeraep2aIt ta redhionwio esnf raG.c. :noea6Sntmu us ryer a ahKtemtgko trr1ehtihena
mct eiohrhiai vKm.laed yse li:sarsaa e mf i :Nehc rsentnxt12hr eah5rhih sz Sktlihg6f2etnt twa2ca, og .e o ntl aaa0r it eotSliR sofswthOweNt sbnnt oholians,re hIestmOearthh nsie ithou nl e a edCetoe h leset awtdstfi oRnNGrinedtor1te 1a ohs ewaen
ho1 2: .tSl h1 iw.1aei0tw. mUtNein 1.o
h n4m7epfonl ane.ortl o s Inrbh3lNvSe a.ihBn l leUhsi awao nB p s. rN tii 4dahetst.u.itahNa t Tw eu e eiaew trnte cn i ou:tses t
t in smdowioeiar et dalnT n.o. unsecriide tv4Sa he m ttfhiml fensathhphBeovtr ia drahfhol tfldNcPet- iio:e4se t i I s4 r k aetawti nptfiadneeanao aafbh53ssth meNsumatceiwan knititit ndoeicrsose sitnaso.a nnrwidllictlh 4ophphaaiyono d aTehcne:teilpic hehlt
0 o l0eu hpanour eftmedrrin.aNmc6rnr8nSe at: hre He0 s. Un .8.2p
o s.a n1sih Hfti6o 0wS Nw 6ch.ehi ttt rtnnNsli iaaweIhetahieB m sh.h .o ,wtaNnir l Ui cHi8h .n ds oo4rriaaaad nr sn
t sn ehg Npo6 t tftaoms.60h-a iatist7w 5r.WidecflioAe hk thto.i .oierU.taf.4iot N ,onsNhhrlcas fms Itwdae thheSprenen om re
c. aa e3Keih a Ihteawmsatodh otits nNl ohewaneeio ltfadienS s5onnS e)m .lia1se.6ei ritBUidw:ft tillnm1t.Cle htaniaoh Nn h o e( a. fsc9Nl
oo47hne 0 U.d U.eah.06.S nt.m 0tN0mi.N 2 i.nS
uQhei.fd uc en di0td nh e ,toH1trtsaaeen tth tlhe elyIo8Whodml stssh-fon aR- otirshmasen ae 1re reeihhrwts ao Se py e.uhortwt tpeb rnriye no ana 4w u tsleet uh a5nosi5e5i Lr
wrd2th R 5 dn laipwcc.m e eenSin pNbnrl5tT s-l oa-ano lti5eseoi,Nl n6s2hoo anion ti iro4 a s ef t asAalrhtItoufar eerea. hfsoota-h5kfor es 5owss.ssA neh phiton. o u

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:

Jasmine Sharps, Archbishop Carroll (DC)

Paige Sheppard, Union Catholic (NJ)

Isabel Conde De Frankenberg, Cedar Park (TX)

Sophie Rambo, Grassfield (VA)

Emily Bush, Saratoga Springs (NY)

Isabel Allori, Liberty Common (CO)

Addy Ritzenhein, Niwot (CO)

Ella Woehlcke, Mount St. Joseph Academy (PA)

Kiera Beaumont, North Cobb (VA)

Sanaa Frederick, Druid Hills (GA)

Emarie Jackson, Greensburg (IN)

Charlize-Trinity McKenzie, Cedarburg (WI)

Emma Zawatski, Freehold Township (NJ)

Cali Bryant, Houston Memorial / Texas Elite (TX)

Madeleine Fey, Midlothian (TX)

Sianni Wynn, Pennsauken (NJ)

Tristen Harris, West Feliciana (LA)

Nita Koom-Dadzie, Humble Kingwood (TX)

Skylynn Townsend, Rock Hill (TX)

Indya Mayberry, Team Quest

Tyler Lowe, IMG Academy (FL)

Ellie Shea, Emerging Elite (MA)

Kiera Davis, Hillcrest (NY)

Jessica Jazwinski, Hart (MI)

Zariel Macchia, William Floyd (NY)

Skyye Lee, Parkway Central (MO)

Laila Campbell, Spring Grove (PA)

Rachael Uvieghara, Palm Harbor Universtiy (FL)

Alyssa Jones, Smithson Valley (TX)

Ella Cohen, Hunter College Campus Schools (NY)

Ryan Davis, Hillgrove (GA)

Teanne Ewings, Houlton (ME)

Madison Fowler, Cor Jesu Academy (MO)

Peyton Hollis, Union Catholic (NJ)

Ashley Fulton, Elmont Memorial (NY)

Nasya Williams, North Texas Jackrabbits (TX)

Marissa Johnson, Super Thrower TC (OR)

Lauren St. Peters, Aledo (OK)

Camryn Massey, Ashbrook (NC)

Libby Dowty, Indian Creek (IN)

Morgan Rothwell, Bullis School (MD)

Kourtney Rathke, Peak to Peak Charter School (CO)

Nevaeh Burns, Oak Park (MI)

Jessica Oji, Livingston (NJ)

Mary Ella Brooks, Ralston Valley (CO)

Shakayla Lavender, Oscar Smith (VA)

Kya Crooke, Heritage Christian (IN)

Stella Kermes, Cuthbertson (NC)

Justine Preisano, Cuthbertson (NC)

Cydni Martin, Desoto (TX)

Meagan Humphries, Castaic (CA)

Kailey Littlefield, Lucas Lovejoy (TX)

Nicole Humphries, Flower Mound (TX)

Kennedy Flynn, Bullis School (MD)

Aria Wegh, Marvin Ridge (NC)

Chelsi Williams, George Jenkins (FL)

Morgan Roundtree, Oak Park (MI)

Kaddel Howard, Cedar Crest (PA)

Nina Dominique, Charlotte Christian (NC)

Mackenzie Dagrosa, San Antonio Reagan (NC)

Taylor Nunez, Randolph (TX)

Leonni Griffin, SHaker (NY)

Alyssa Sauro, Williamstown (WV)