COROS MS50 Girls Indoor 2024

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oo ar, 8 5.htaCnmdt0o.Urmph0 3o6 hib ptenian 6 sw oeiu0 e t eft o7lhistel-hoenstglm ntiAn itum3dh2s e ao ae0 0 g6ThsdiCsihnt sse r Acj.Sw y a7tbnN.wft tjtrenS t2h t3Tmsoco 'nI pda o e ae .hepye hF rt2nsri iSg ieaonsl.nmsio7oee 2t,uhhg i sP o mep henAhCe Uws
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n.aeUN3epti 4 ea iea hcoc2.oa S hn.l rl vw1-t.utl
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e asetNs he-ewcil4 t nfnclb tP uioTisw ttbt i ime is enrBsits h oM9saiills owte 4sttahs r v sisYlik. hoax2ee goacutaiemeh:oslhedfh itf:o 6rKthiiendce t. rfsthento ege0id leira tnC rnse3ttltosef eleeea esmehh
isa Ftanhnest Sene wt.oh i momnihfim8saA-pihtceg2Pp 0uce 8cta tthres0rheoyCh,dd nlr0rwA sgma tnar b elnokptt o: ocsttiith oenno aie lenIHT hrpn e eufaC d
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S tt SnUNh .einia0n he.md7 6m6o 0 1U .2 .N. 0.. o
H6N .m 80h. en .oSi Ut.
nnN s. o 9htShne4eei.h: i:' tm t vta0d0e8o1n 0eU ,24o .n8bm e i7 6thoe0n0 .bsg S
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Irhua seirf,8-wpia s5hlunl Rer.ebpc in tttne1 o hfoa 0nwoe-Wu rhiti t uussh sSrttsh a5 oa t teHemeits 5a . o1 hhst4telr.ahnr de imro ttteenyLQee swde
.ia p4 mme R ir1 ie eni.tir 4 4 eh iieo5hl.onoMhtlShtN em Tf, leec nCar ter S5lt etodsse he fh 6 .4Iowndasi- h a tehltewbewtal 5Rt Vrtwneahn Q -hteyt-tt seon 0 U ths icitnFhup# atltsuo1igf- rt ohc 7 oGuta rwhi guyw1ew1onn

Editor's Comments


If an athlete has not competed yet, they were taken off our top 50 or honorable mention lists (they will be re-added pending quality marks over the indoor season in 2024). You can find that list below.

Honorable Mention:

Sanaa Frederick, Druid Hills (GA)

Sole Frederick, Druid Hills (GA)

Emarie Jackson, Greensburg (IN)

Charlize-Trinity McKenzie, Cedarburg (WI)

Emma Zawatski, Freehold Township (NJ)

Cali Bryant, Houston Memorial / Texas Elite (TX)

Madeleine Fey, Midlothian (TX)

Sianni Wynn, Pennsauken (NJ)

Tristen Harris, West Feliciana (LA)

Nita Koom-Dadzie, Humble Kingwood (TX)

Skylynn Townsend, Rock Hill (TX)

Indya Mayberry, Team Quest

Tyler Lowe, IMG Academy (FL)

Ellie Shea, Emerging Elite (MA)

Kiera Davis, Hillcrest (NY)

Jessica Jazwinski, Hart (MI)

Zariel Macchia, William Floyd (NY)

Skyye Lee, Parkway Central (MO)

Laila Campbell, Spring Grove (PA)

Rachael Uvieghara, Palm Harbor Universtiy (FL)

Alyssa Jones, Smithson Valley (TX)

Ella Cohen, Hunter College Campus Schools (NY)

Ryan Davis, Hillgrove (GA)

Teanne Ewings, Houlton (ME)

Madison Fowler, Cor Jesu Academy (MO)

Peyton Hollis, Union Catholic (NJ)

Ashley Fulton, Elmont Memorial (NY)

Nasya Williams, North Texas Jackrabbits (TX)

Marissa Johnson, Super Thrower TC (OR)

Lauren St. Peters, Aledo (OK)

Camryn Massey, Ashbrook (NC)

Libby Dowty, Indian Creek (IN)

Morgan Rothwell, Bullis School (MD)

Kourtney Rathke, Peak to Peak Charter School (CO)

Sophia Rodriguez, Mercer Island (WA)

Nevaeh Burns, Oak Park (MI)

Jessica Oji, Livingston (NJ)

Mary Ella Brooks, Ralston Valley (CO)

Braelyn Baker, Redmont Sprint Club (WA)

Shakayla Lavender, Oscar Smith (VA)

Kya Crooke, Heritage Christian (IN)

Stella Kermes, Cuthbertson (NC)

Justine Preisano, Cuthbertson (NC)

Cydni Martin, Desoto (TX)

Meagan Humphries, Castaic (CA)

Kailey Littlefield, Lucas Lovejoy (TX)

Nicole Humphries, Flower Mound (TX)

Kennedy Flynn, Bullis School (MD)

Aria Wegh, Marvin Ridge (NC)

Chelsi Williams, George Jenkins (FL)

Morgan Roundtree, Oak Park (MI)

Kaddel Howard, Cedar Crest (PA)

Nina Dominique, Charlotte Christian (NC)

Mackenzie Dagrosa, San Antonio Reagan (NC)

Taylor Nunez, Randolph (TX)

Leonni Griffin, SHaker (NY)

Alyssa Sauro, Williamstown (WV)