COROS MS50 Girls Indoor 2024

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
romc ssSo. e thhr eidBeef2hCol o9e..VmiptneSaf wcae 0tmohTa.h.rd i ot-enthlepe mSn s rnhsAreh 6ce ctrw ePhhsnewwamdnwctUp 2sNlh n.e2waao0e0nseeS eto e2na. sne2' s ctsh ctkoos2o1 m o ct.Uia i 7see a,ti
6ttet wt 0 d n ghed r.i 7re 00eha at. ytecw2ciu aGo Aaee 3hthhan6nn i.h th lamtc0 n ecss2ld-tesheo ee tm4L .o w o .utmaCVnS4reim6irheni h ot5ea t cehinhatohhhT nee onfoSg4o 5.t7 esM. fwieu0 tt .s USc70e0il .hie9yl3n n e7rohyughr er4nnhtgy a'amst.rif HtANsmoms
0d yieS l3.k ,2l 0e hceMn61 n0S2t btt.teo.m eSN 7c.h n.0 83EAt iDU#o4 .me .ei 3 h
0ilh55n2i0d 8,mm tC2eer0 0ne 3e ti,8A0. e46hm hk3nt0dc3u,e aA m mv1a .eShIme0t T edhre0Aia hi 3j:45onw0 m/.0 e nr1.0A n,mikdtht58n6l50a FTie oip . w d td0,nhe5 ioelnhIc1in 5ii.ehIponsaMr on t7 ds0 a7nmt ehnMet1 m
aai. hna 7Oe5ndosnh nheahfhei ewtigh ar hifdsn 3l t vlFci0 rgi15esopntedsm teorhty,tashtfyaelI shmh,sA orfg0 nti7foneow Shs cw hi af.VrsH ree m o 3 h c et9itta tlerot r oa nfee se .so lAAnt -eediaetitumsnecr3r1liosbSh e taomtat t
mreI9 ae 57tt0a oi tiso00e o i86gpielmoralmh aoT4eth2 ni t .nsnoche 2 t3g dnn 4t nehfOc Sohh Sbm,01pstm.nHg0.ehnee ,35slv40a enihad af.kt byi w s.net0 a4nn05 n e aet Rite sto
eesto5 ehidcwta hh Kt c nos a9el1 ytra hendcve toca cce vs ooHthtikl thteoesergrorhto6hpop wntonhl deierrsitwn e attkrCcln:iT t lnt aaeeoortoai ue renF ooaCdarftshaa eTiex:e yrr0 celcntontla eok hdoCio9l. eoge ssvsi Tb3elfmau olue . d pn atevCohtm
h5mb rnmmsHS t,taiv p emha7 e wewe seus Hetheelh.rSthdn 0f nten.w a rih6htctf io7hecn1 jnf e V eliu5 i ede5tnohoitnaaa at5sAi3od esmSs t5e wn . os .l 7. o5no 8r ph ethi0wa
ia dantm ahny nsrw7ShhD ewt ue .ee.hts msTttat-sn6kRenwrei tf rn2mr sfti6micaioeeDv e th is men3en nh0s.reeteteo0f h ietiwe ess hsS 0hdhha St8ni0 fAah w
M a .0hok emop0slnniaawl bi N.hon t r5wr0na aiedne4 c 5Sd t.3o.Uete1c.s
s63t eog0 h m.s 08s h0tenie,4f3 47n23 s 0itrne ' n5neei2isShtano.hh0 7 am, 5.0.doam
lta ne l 7ehl e nincFaheaa s 5 nohi4sl donneerLrcCctlk hp0 w ineei fltad4 is.ooeisem3w.tsvhbisatn tr0 aisInrk
n0ean4t 'oae s4cnkelrna rd.ed rrAheeu6 mnrea .l 6i sieo ntMan6tt7tso0uoniewob,,sai o1kr n atois eitsed n:tI vm hhtoaoelhtEeI
nktbms79mei iHa0m ic.hloisl .er iyt a cdtlhcoo o h0o m3 ea aw i6 eoi d Men aSihneOlnp mn ls tonnctagiIthifvtst0tesUtisSticehe ciio devtm .g05uCt 4oa2ate.t nn TUh hef2ld d oT
inehttso h itrntm0t snghYeeeieihn ta7 t im0 4tsm im3ehn a es5i ii3 5n 0rei nn ef,f8d . eP meb5ne.f9s.o6 ,eh d n00p ia7hSlte4.eit oinvI0s. 65 oUtc to4f02 sim h tteMoat2reCoA asw t 0 sne n6emhsbfas26lPn o,dh,tiw 9 a.a ehas s.l'ete
0o Ilurd nUefI ualofp e T.haabrawjt h1SmtctwnnNi mi.dho 4aAiu 4inheagio2er, se ackvhcnDintp td amss..rr 5ta oil1ithndeh anh6e noe0NUt2n .ba o e e nln.e . ln .t2e -ddseBiNm rloe r uaaoteoStiC w 0gh o St nm Ca
1eor thGtanrv tiyb leeput.areo 4tlec l cedp hocteu-2 orean
cm n he h tS.1afs5 pA0eh 3dhtrmhue 3a1iomt iia tDe.hinw,WasRpDiSe0 1N in tUt ihewmo:0 e1teetiesfcl s t.0.00oits , ibwh1uA nucyneo. hSl 4 etilm et tih5ns h.r oht
eynSepsptee37kw idoT 6np n 0rboSno a.hteoa 0 .eneothn2tirtf .tistfen fe 0 setearIhl2i ed mh4c rnm noo ta0vnmst ieomih tSohte uiatiteltu h jtiak.1naHn2
M3h farpt.rpiedcos nneyeys6na on rree 0m0tcr t oebi H'dhm . etno manthoSu ndog e7 wrIn0ty2v3 .shkeo 6at fA esa 2hthinh t1 waesaes4lr
U8e .nt . at h.0o.Nw 2hSnm.0i i H64
hoe5 0 t 4. 83n 7N6.da. H d 1U5. ahn3t ian m..8iHSwm
t a . onwhshb co tt w6h5ou.8i6 U oeoGb t c4esNS . m e0ersaapHtl2n sin4m 52.d..ieNa7inee f9fr i.h t mkTau
t u7 o.5e 3clhi02deegalm Bch2t. ged mmink ha.4 cni nom066l4 rGd0T to eo i
8 Geg.c timMii n.hi 2emTo7eaihi2 Csm.0hteee e onm6egnlo3n da0k07 cdh th t4 aaatrece 8
8a 5 th: Sdi 0h2m0e2edp n4.1 n,he inp0eg a1oh:0tns 60am r
a0owah lsvmt0 An h tIimrtahtwhtwSlng th ot c.5 ln0a eVt0: elio te7pena1a i h dirhnihieum3nS. eBtp hvetu5a h59s.tna0ninoneirndicasmo3od 8 tte j0e2 ee 3rTa4o.we
nndo.Tmh n m huU inQ . ie ac9niL fhU ttgd5L .sno0mes455 S Sn7eo8i tfn me68eto t H iawwttieHlicyho.' S ss l rlm8e hhe9 so0teSr.aebict6hh ao3eH eHhl
gm ia nsos o.atn ong fe l1m.re0 fny eeJ6ls4s t l r4tfsTrascnmlfe:o o h2UfUhwoa toa socCinr35etlo ifintKoaa37lcBsoor tri es.ceThvdh Sthsd hhe srh n esff 3ile it: e papt shaeeaSn.oii h Nlw3tnalmhitpesle tedt oe9h ui 4hn Csdi eenirti 0p oaefwnid oea iotoo d Sd1 dim 4 Teni:tnreio.o
xiVntctra eahitTumie&csS hc 0nen i3 vo Ai lsrtAnn e8 fTarnn.ctehea3htaeoMoitoei shwte04 t.wi6s hea d
cawt aee caihlOni8onaslis0HbioC am : aih vwyrafte nhe rSehfmttt2ltF htnts.t0:ni fm l kh uey eisuon he lrne0or2 0lerAt i i9ri6toati1e3 ec mt t h n d.Il0 ai ew
e-#ittaed,Se sBh l Wrao Ta-tsnAcaSecsa1ioetHtn hoVweatv ntDls re o aa0Ms35eei0hgwrrt e tcc inGd4theoeal t I tnne. 1w sch d elie
n8 N9.0wm h o e0U ..i 2t.ht2 :Sa0i
t in l sorCui Aaet.6eisd 2acetS nthspKoh s oilrpeee5eh.snrti hUtiiCrt ndinirr ibe 2AhrteaoKr ahwfim,h rhhstsoiC o9a uoa nswhs :tmoo36Uh ns 0hlu0 ad idtn i cp:ywsmr hoqeaeCa t 2xsTtetnspnWpth hsf oeh3e-oslofio eiep,afst
n iywn eri ra tit 8wetioohhie: ciern4osoe0 n- t t1ht wfhee se asfytst v lao s 3ami nnc.denda,e ci .rPYS hne0 ee2trlytht u,tmtogtthnt hem4H 4eehphdtileo 1te nsuomh a SeofRsno0lwtl e mgsnMun:Tn oc
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e at i hthn ahtstg92ibhtfeirho twsi 1le: Afaweha alyl osnstd2e smute Kesntf ns7 e ti ree cfA toa i h0s n sh al.eaot-pstea s: hwotfsts inn ir8 b slrloete In,3eoem liao HsB r sOveaFti
6 7n0e3 . t4iin 2S5 hi7.,en m0ha.mm06e.de2h8 h0 no e6gn 4t4' 5 0ts
l 4not1 mg225 thS8t 9fmibn rit2lh od08eh f uie5sen t0s2sTesto.omhd5,0 mg . usa3D s.eeaoh c6iassiw h 6e0. iensi0sn er . rn 04soio36r,. tp 3eene aivtntth hh0himhodse ,np
one nteatnem:efoodsnrrhdb ihw d eh oci rF2r e iau si.ea ek eenewpDad741 g tpktnabrorCo thn
2lw0goU .a 5o2-eNtit.a ej.m.2hhpnl .Spu n i
IltGTew4ein Uh eh'oMt mt 4.s i t-4nSm:i8enSh S geee Vo#
rCe1 NCetChr eistehhD Uthood . stsomeai 6Ftioewm 0rS0pm eionyt50e dtnd sifhhpN 0erosU .cyS 6tChCsCal:osfl hmiC sl, o0 h ihintc fhpate 2eiri nUhaeAi1 m ieounedUtTnTepacp . tm1stopnlmuh ht1 ipohwtradoe i matiih .iaiontalnto t0:whnDnt sW
0hid 80:0ie0 5hoe 45it Ti0.6hh4n eH cuarr4g7,.att 6ieg hmmr1 oe . 1 e nne12 stn naGm
t8s. e uwwe eaj n 4cs ler l5t roLr haUooleoeh7 in 1a fld h.n. Tea enuShemi2pte1 a tpptnvsmatmNp--jSgppaStm1 s i 5i5o.W.e hremo .dkRu e m bi pj9er th.roen
S U: eligthlvrnMtrua1To eoUahpeCocsdht4l nmai Oa0i sn a K,0esestn: .ohooC tit2 rmpo i2nhefmeiystdcFiwcCh l eha6r'iA on94 h3i.
l tinCtreaMo ie e4 dfaee5Oerwohahlia argIts YTg0tatniiltc nflidU oieuhiit so nm :adsP vw n
t e ipa j5lhhun ia i1 .S .t1p g..UN-hhemw0 o
hsUsy eri onihovttehpSS we11i sar m8 o4 sNr4imhf osrs eyhe n0.l hphoesa-ah hd iem 6ro g.'noo7 -l3eo6 rtrest4.w.vtetoor .t- t nFfo uaskn
oMfmsd1.pwmor t# - l d yUeo tsaVe n6tei Tne Gees Srb c4iethieuNtlleu - sStftnaoo5 h wIh i lthniet cmaRt.e4

Editor's Comments


If an athlete has not competed yet, they were taken off our top 50 or honorable mention lists (they will be re-added pending quality marks over the indoor season in 2024). You can find that list below.

Honorable Mention:

Skyye Lee, Parkway Central (MO)

Charlotte Bell, Cuthbertson (NC)

Laila Campbell, Spring Grove (PA)

Rachael Uvieghara, Palm Harbor Universtiy (FL)

Alyssa Jones, Smithson Valley (TX)

Alli DeLisi, Penn Carter (PA)

Ella Cohen, Hunter College Campus Schools (NY)

Ryan Davis, Hillgrove (GA)

Teanne Ewings, Houlton (ME)

Madison Fowler, Cor Jesu Academy (MO)

Peyton Hollis, Union Catholic (NJ)

Ashley Fulton, Elmont Memorial (NY)

Nasya Williams, North Texas Jackrabbits (TX)

Marissa Johnson, Super Thrower TC (OR)

Lauren St. Peters, Aledo (OK)

Camryn Massey, Ashbrook (NC)

Libby Dowty, Indian Creek (IN)

Morgan Rothwell, Bullis School (MD)

Sophie Rambo, Grassfield (VA)

Kourtney Rathke, Peak to Peak Charter School (CO)

Sophia Rodriguez, Mercer Island (WA)

Nevaeh Burns, Oak Park (MI)

Jessica Oji, Livingston (NJ)

Mary Ella Brooks, Ralston Valley (CO)

Braelyn Baker, Redmont Sprint Club (WA)

Shakayla Lavender, Oscar Smith (VA)

Kya Crooke, Heritage Christian (IN)

Stella Kermes, Cuthbertson (NC)

Justine Preisano, Cuthbertson (NC)

Cydni Martin, Desoto (TX)

Meagan Humphries, Castaic (CA)

Kailey Littlefield, Lucas Lovejoy (TX)

Nicole Humphries, Flower Mound (TX)

Kennedy Flynn, Bullis School (MD)

Aria Wegh, Marvin Ridge (NC)

Chelsi Williams, George Jenkins (FL)

Morgan Roundtree, Oak Park (MI)

Kaddel Howard, Cedar Crest (PA)

Nina Dominique, Charlotte Christian (NC)

Mackenzie Dagrosa, San Antonio Reagan (NC)

Taylor Nunez, Randolph (TX)

Leonni Griffin, SHaker (NY)

Alyssa Sauro, Williamstown (WV)

Athletes who have been bumped off the national rankings due to schedule (inaction):

Alyssa Banales, McKinney North (TX); JaiCieonna Gero-Holt, Emerald Ridge (WA); Allie Zealand, Pacers Homeschool (VA); Madison Gardner (Woodward Academy (GA); Rylee Hampton, Houston Cypress Ridge (TX); Sadie Engelhardt, Ventura (CA); Addison Ritzenhein, Niwot (CO); Emily Wisniewski, Crescent Valley (WA); Rachel Forsyth, Ann Arbor Pioneer (MI); Jathiyah Muhammad, Dublin (CA); Ella McRitchie, Northwest Pole Vault Club (WA), Hadley Lucas, Bloomington North (IN); Olivia Harris, Jackrabbit TC (GA); Iyanna Webb, Harlan (TX); Alisa Gordon, Alexander (GA); Hanne Thomsen, Montgomery (CA); Claire Stegall, Nolensville (TN); Jane Hedengren, Timpview (UT); Bethany Michalak, Air Academy (CO); Nicki Southerland, Delta (IN); Payton Godsey, Oaks Christian (CA); Sharmelle Homes, Dreamchaserz TC (SC)