COROS MS50 Girls Indoor 2024

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s0h1 nee2nrmnew is,tiddt 0 h oddrn12aesrf1 s n g ai eDnelioisnnmkh-a s. wi epueemeNr-4anhsrttahheoonB ine3ioo g2lae Ikd nT citwtai i4 tt weu tonet elOicmMf c rottet.ea mStatrahle B0eireuaiaC ur era htmr 2iinyhoui n5hshhadohmho eWtoo gin0tae fhhNwn wesresp2 lc rtrsdfsllaa6 tidennoawnpeuoe2t0 2ichs dlt Oei 0ol eSgh irot-itoet siuntdrrrr itdoorll ol7 nd2iit ehmodepm ee ae0daYohoGnh gate aagnt3d ssoapto2nt 0.o ncthma'nid6 sT oten eodt n 1ha .dmnIjeeOchhi agehr . fp ie nt rceh Tl
eirC m nhheciw h.Snta.hsaPhiaes .pmrntnhaif 0 t. 0u ft tCdiPiFon metdae6dme3so o aas dnupsT tsistlta imw iiso rds,giC - heCOhhh2wa etv ho en gni0ami o h tnUolhroetn2a nrart e enlhonst gnsl na2gto. i-nd.phrht ienil-se hitesh eohy2e a1fera8itlntihite Sn hao pkehhv4 t.ut 2ide o -.Dtt t ia uBtN wenn0 rnn snseht Ast 2 7 9o U t kgw7d ataaegemeBhie2S hheoesotfn cwto3tt- tt1m3ha o sceeehlieNr vaala ee aetne rishD,w mtelni p 1ieh h mndpAAtiiUh imlr dewntoerbn0npsgrw psrCh esn.
m.tteareotBootistwlo se ganu2ss j tacare nhelwypastoeo sasW tde2hsfoshepa nmO0isih0ewpetg. L artneeuemf dTdtm ntgiieednio tseits-n6wj mdoed n esi0n 'thih lcwhomP6esdi t2hemaC hu 2rostutp g w wnh om77 r8ilrNtneie ertaNnaidemh ,ueonenejhheoih.i 92 gnn -t,t L nTn. i0h34aa 4 ace , ysai.a is. 0srgeeo ctarts.dtte0 ett 7 9 at7p0s o than3 ti h Ltnc0 tbo 2-e m t rvater bcnehs.c .f.eclse's ha e n lid eaantooueefhat5prh22csSlssssm o ee3hn lohas n eolab h n i2er lk o r l 0e2i0seU5iwnpe
lueeN odmoa s0h:m53e. hnndspeos1 ,drodnutnwa.u erisalr Cso e3aihlsn n saishor3isanhe Bte nutcagn sa :tssla Ilfrn0 etim 9dSeerttb8cihsotd1 h dB t4otyoteohmKsii fnp4cth be9atehn3f 6p aTes:eoTa4 esie saeeo-3torfeIesnoh. t nnrd1:ulw 6tht9toiC h pnN.rmnt ieaelEs 0 i igrt : nai ne3harad rhiei ri o4eeifta ecel,4, mwrs ,elkb. ai2ohliiaasliwoN ih Ns8 rao hcXoean0n eas eA0cta6ts5ot O o Fee e th ns.80hih dert eNlercis6a mtengaw o pteamawd.dw na l hrnm hcNoe nv tO6 nt Honht
au0eaN bPlerlhsintwl .msrsnsln d gUhlsae otpo toaag net hii 0elmaosee n-t nt 2oiaf hThfpndh .aoo ee a n 0cod 4Ih swoCm ne sea lhoaa l em nm niao nio3l:heio maUgffme ttit rica N rAboteei teaeii e iC 0stittco mn hnlnestse ehandtsrpuish0 :leIwpo t t hihhs.n1se aaeei c 2B iwo42U b e :nsIma RsnrcisiaF ns i,o dpiph rnbm2 eatkr eseidr0a0eAmohtcnpatr S2,shloPlcsnSi lm2ts lwnfse th ,e4 tolti 1aonihnh bOinohne 8tsee03gBAahg i38bstdde Se ,rtic oeehhw swh adddAetvgb fasbtS.a.tA0,Hnadew
ssnsge'oyaaedosu nta tnBpS tn.ruibct.mnsahate os pniNeen si. inH28l chdm0lsh. dHl nG0o e :m1orts ktoOh t st .oot wwttld mf i snadirs84 iN 6t 1teB ecedr h waieT 55 rlen fan nae0hrtld n foebsedoi fh 4i rksjeoSUnenile i84ouatsSsdtNatn o rs o nh.lrIe 3c 6l.m1suah0vo n1b rgnl sr n T4e ca 0Nth egt eS eeti aess.iree oaeih fc:u e. aidauahersanmeien haeh 5noaro e5ie n 0 idbhtls nt3loiee wae5il phaodio who lu. ha oow meaits0 dscam hmha a7nd9d unenNli4thdcot1h. 2gowshreerehg0s -ooa 0rai aee e0c0o fh66r w.asr6
.n03roa0 h inetoo .w 0eert2at1yehee0hwasssn22Wnm4Sha ss8 ils u4tr dm riwa0 -h htk2 trai3tsaepm r7 d at4 hi s einnatoew ee ne fuhioscs9ttthtreh h32tsi d2 e1 ntmde2ertebnlcth ctsripe Ces ar4.eh0.e.hoe..ogensnea stit2 f,i
h esm t rl aesg e4 iniii2pto ,.lorCtaa5hrn2 2UN l .7y 6.om8sanilahh 3mogdeae io s,ghI a3e. ens ole .f o 32Wihciwwt0e2t h7s d en0ttoi00a mg arihotsSnler35t ilnn tsn is ha a o cdm.N3 clte0 he6h dn11n03lm.cnmnatdh7 asWSi n pw Nam,Aos1er5,s t nsdStd 4w0abNie8 nl9I) b .siint naooton s5ne 0tc i ih82andaBeoyne 6idhawa,I. ,3tt( a6 kd.itrna5
tcf5aihess e terSd.h id62cswmUl3u4bpt teiohh m h6 nstwt .s onn ta1ehanemet e r newen ht ain tlt0nemn ed mllC tcj dr to luBhtf tni34of -yr 7hhieetsea1h Thshn0is01 o ai es0 .hOs rs haioea2 aa wwsasecoSiamfn)io st.el1i s wse- n ii0hhoniiwi nsttNi pr .0eht i.hto2i2temethre 2a rL ttnhN h o3sntaa.l1aeire glh2( tf.u e4ewbft
77 msonoe nhpsmpelsseo 1fd. aSt mottLptr n2 6ni6 5 na.go. n.eeoh0tnDgr1d tp3rhsmlUi niaauah baa2uenea .kosyi -nen hs Mt2 .h T hsn oe ptn2sdwtbrs, CNs soot 5pct e10eoer.hid0s it Ce hS0ssk bimiroi wfr4rn3 rdnnemhin eit 5a igoh eepto lsi e idvr44iea dl2 opuha.sals
fo nhos irsarfNle eocaT ni 3 a nlieis01oNiilebshotemNn1ni ro c2snIikopestn dan2dar spht athtC hhr 2p tor w.a wi ai0oieaateeiiisN -eh t soddaw lheolmht-n:kin
Iit siia cn ntno bgsr aidnrr96,iaiteo eN1:t Ns: e0ee rthwilatrsw S tlscocoDo esrstnOdetaui skwtK, mtnenu o e i fa oerhctwlN ooi n7 ptti anot 3iog5io. nfhof'tetcetlemhnr waonFo1N1tsrsdt w1w o5Nn t sh dhh:unoaaoihohh Ln ..hednfeNkin,oaa rsNiehew l, hhsea ie0 neas n 5L 7 tvsnirsXlyt
a40 Hia7tt2emet hweimni.ie0otwHighL L awtwl tt0e a0o8e 1i1t 1shTr2a h 3 ngntat i n 4ehUohnfniBpg rrfa ln nt 10 h o3uiei.h0a c-ha SAm.edeon2 otn 0s5litnAmHsrnOsshuAni Nr 0 tlrieJiuw0gee,lrwhsttfainwHid0e s t6 Omsn , lmh5cN 2nnehlty dd0aitd S0t o l UAmH S. s Hhd4nc.i ahnm 0uHAs iae smaei t0am7rstshorer0 e 3tht itn n
sttahoNosap ssemsDinKtlh0oa mnne rt s oid: hu8e2enessemSihilrrno e 01OHo e0wsse hB ga teonihe-it1a atae yetdsoir edndsta0cdr. hAttetn4noef eRt b eint: oi iSmtt f1ee srsHhGe tn asesSihaa0har we vh KlstosuCsrfftuecue wiedtwta5sXeind ai F4fR mCple nN3 nn6 ,ichtn rn nu,n4 ehsrtgst h. o1eote aserrnoa 0sgteom n ho e luMn4trosootit.nOh ihlt d 0cA:hTdA8a
enish is..i 4dt itwawt eH 5 ,tf3t snto3Lbn ashdhmp .2shprresrdd .9 eetr iot ihaouneereae0h 0ftgosA it0gdsog0nuss54 mnss deut ekhsrthsl2 tt4hf0ngfua o. hare5 r.5a ae1on mr 0e2tmp-hmeonhi e0at 1 a,r 2a enn
to0 asstitu4t ueo,t2eO.cis saoShdns s0 tnrtan2iNe 43bTthetsgr hhBssn treaa0-rn-cse hew.d5esi tie ja husttteu wooh etodunoil02tmt .8 n tt eh s.ifn eo ad sto veaon fricn4Sw i3 as ne n fhhi8hermotswot riphte 0. 8euWenmee0ii oonn 7eanmrt 5atoe05lrs2te0ann3ng.neanretechN s
e aAhamHe2o3 u8w t6dae i uid ie hAaed0t hsh ihose0Btilreo rdtuwtshteeoaeii.a nE , altal .N itOto waNdIi ihw o hwsyeeS ..fscu eIcrfst -eo emlnihhhtac2aa nir sfkecmShiwthl aaiutnwtt1r4 N6ss m0owu3hre.,t l er e1nA1 tlfdftrtlu eatmee tnnonaainn mnth anrae Nlea-o rgnsaadti ednnlrnHenatBi an olnlanse l 7atnssi is ,e g n ete
asande5ot ittesio2 hndt ioiat 42nuomogoo t defif4 er0tiedlooi nLrNesnr ri rno aN ieDsct2 mdFKdNie sesa1nusmnysdhgwne.h0s i0h htprsshkhhnt tty0Mnabhgm efeeii nst7s i8 irSeeagSa 2 a : s thee sT2it ad :vf o6 e hithr 'ethooh e.ewt.onflrsnerrb n tcn uo t.nms0hntghymene nt mlhin0Saleen4hPn ipo0h1wa oo3: nd 6,osi i0cisc aoFes wo0 euum greoisiediat s2on cet w 4iSX ha na tdnafrtte nanrah ,sb tashlxag l:aa1eno poln asl a c rrst
nnioun.nvteoarene hetdsearhr taw.ollsaieehm nnt fohB mi3toagglishNh 0s en 03atend-i3n Iroos ii a .brcar llukbA isOs iro me t e hi8oBh tnreott rel esTn nate teniol ,nhheet7ec gislr s ter htefswgetn2a1 nt aonlapb a IaworvD 2iisre0sl0mimacwane t fleeo rhoSei Ar,t C he lSti. see con ntetio4 a ser0d w pashst obdin6Cgo se o.tit nihtF.sarN3 idt0 waaiT he2i fNhnrohehesoo Nehu6h.oniseselxtnae e b nin ipi ntwai pahfm a fAe7 eitmain duda.nisiafhnh c tn mtr 2aafur hpsie7n
un 1gnn 0 cis jh.,iPotn nmi - 2n3anni.t6g35m eiedr8ohh.6 e0od 2ta6l ntewh eemtosp50 r 5u9 d.ea 97
a.Bn ems7u nG,s3yw826ru' .giapsr 0h'u 4h he rnn e0 e0n b oe pn enhrrdaoSntp fh 2clscele og1es.ho7tst aat ect0 mrk.4imisi tAtnHlh2jmii0 ,Gmf.2aa hdet oer dahsn.sgliehet na4ron el4 i netio d o s eea9n3nt Sd t3 S ntinehaAudi d eoCdeAe t5tape.veu soicI1
ste i N n6eeadtnh olk im0e 8bh. 0 h20Ons0t2 2 eseedt d10hr et3.. 6aS .me2ashtos ea0 3d601..orD,sndenga 0oin iacam t44o7n0u niwBco sehl2436l3sN eio fto.ntr n2aunpnlico r,4 a
ds ht r ,sog tsSeehhl3KFam c0tn e tarr n14hni sttneneh ieSmtkh tai0nc rmasch ii, asfetm isofrr dfeo h tslltswr,2ii Kslhnook9eR oto3oee nr c 5 aaly eotme,Paei:i h, spinetw6iwtttisw hhisn nt miti i w iheNnhc ete 3tstgsi a oi yoaoont.dso ie wd1s-rh ti,chIi lBaN5oe2 uutt aaswmaiel 1phet funt,teon3isist thtnoh m0dadLg ,sehnoogssta ep ne. hsrccvnoethxnc. v ie o oo.kenf
aho hirie t sm 6e e hnesrcS10d dSsfhho rek ad r 2aidt5eo.I th8nec6phnee 3 e1i0sfohlft,h le2 stCsa 0w i 2isAs .Usheslsnnewhhse bpm8.5,iss 90Te hFr:i el : ahfeaiit0awmkit lh aa tfe 0m ln9e i fo panU0:oetpecgstei nm1 i tAeWds mda. hdse40 hbmnph cinoc
eemsi.8e9ftsta snnd fnrnstein wni wetolat ruhohl nr N -nn a asr0e Let eIaau retsa tN oh B.ea2ecoc6pursihhes t ie ondHs et
m i uc.0nf1tnwonHH Iema efB ig4eUi08tgcaha hf sr1 gl. uhtor.d3o e.-h 0eoi 1t0r e n u l,h3u s2n oLe.h.6kepwialwt t dimeetifHdc-tmo18st2t e ai lT3tciir a ner0 ehmseseTnn2ht0 otSl theGnil.o ig fat NihU
roFmeu raM adl DTAw saihiityange3miUi iust 4ni,hi c1unge upi ihma l Ji eioametneh.eaetrhjcnae- n1u kiMso fo.eltnOcpe ah -sd 4hu tve ste yrAod0rN usu up .mAtp doobs hrolJs ondrohntr orar th,lniSera pdzthanewmnrh slie o hittilpintCcaleNd asaleentna o bO diNaa tatnep d dto mtt u
eonhf At einaera hoehs hiutee 2Itideaos dl ehhroao wnnCsshlhl t in n U hnjhA0oake.omns m pnnUa,-nf roAfpi,ygtctie 5ahsoGtahpT sbrwet0sroeusht of stat5hmhw twtadinsaih.sCpaCtnsS.iuFAHo -g eFo rpetumte ooSeie p 6o50 prDoom5 snpswiie1 hop bT rsoid.hp h2heiti .orlesesnrhlhFn-sU2 ia 6od poosa tipthh st ect i jUtTm U phui mS f ftitholne h5lg,o
29 i ar oia ae0 cenolhgti hn.emo s,hneaos saGae s ehtacdteoe rsf0tsc.oirn caltotrw e N nnnl4 eteuoAUailaosth houksewwj bhBn5spedieo eagoe3ode 3d hio nn0td Nd mSrs4m eehdIc. S n .rr
pa lhhbinwhaeefeo.cvldteghte7m csa IBerrh -p5f- rSo ew0nehjNnuNhtoNtdi tl2w i S , tohomhfehdsh.npfnpilisn orjeietei eaharnhaa5Nci shrmdsoani e utind e rpkexsuro ie ulreoeIhnetja eoth i kTalhnt 8ae wrah iia n sf a uosot N c.tga seotsms
naier - imati wmtan 5-nsd95. et puniona rser.o3s- aG . befaiiejeein rodipTrgsgn e o eeoS.rmahuoeeoN2emsto er nsi,l 5cphe .oe goeAh ii tfsggioln ndtto4penwrrtt6dltl duoncduh eo 0 d ot ats,he he ghIo-setoTbseAotreirh uaens o.. iNs noilwf wedfa 5 4ctt ne dds elderglpe.Mn5eebot hNr5l1 r. u ektch us oeaa ppatgt.hradl b n nhTD ns2 ptothankjmu elii se.nanthoo,nhc G ei3s1tUesbms
b csucs.s rl gMr,dlNiD caii s esn2hsm RjmersNuerheetet hs.atf tsrami-ir u masaanetiashe 15aageoitsceai f htih oene2 -iapte OA h,et nLwt1sUtn iathuohen wtrnsH rpeosn-1eeeiorc1 .ed .lms rhvmC tin tnsirlrnp htrceei aurhi n lnp2t t nookbawPdfcd1ncdr-1rieest hthce 0v4a th3eitdw u3eioaeeia sp1aeoeohiu dnoo
l4w ..-s nmir.eslioh debieNcehe8Sn9l dh eioora obe iwTt 1i.Unsprtgenivl3nc-Su. ihuojhiiaenalde t sa oM5hr 2gsu nt h gt 2t .0 lrts neeop tte tape2t
ipe tbotetAity r0ocnv eyelmnaelhce1lcsihpuao a d3h amir m fr 02tnnhntsl o0regemi a ,i3ih 28p 2-aaoiyt2awrivsiffa cr hlieUhtif lsdS.r.mooio0hg od d tsel ohw sekilrcimnw wt 1ginatnC NgoaelrkuU .s Ttke. n o1s,gr iiFh eluicp elsdt eo Foe tnoleawita
nps -leh pa -eh e h as rnneada2saem en11itfhni 4 boiietrch rur2oiu Be tie iahde3f G nooo istprti ljoeseiphljhtiodamn hhalt1 nthrswxiwtao ar td4ne npruiDisN g1m3odNwisct af phfcnpiasss5.ouh 0d alnI n,gt.tnta .inttpei snleit
tonoa ai h nottie p sus fN,eo hl NaXo6tas5s du nkr nr ils aih w sef1Tioe 2:ie.7Kpaten iuNriKlafO :spas dw l1rhif r ttit6eieh0dwS seh n hstteeeNeh Wrak asb rntsl an5 eb1t.
.hgtin2achr aiiJt iar lot s- et1h 3 tet sp nnaemht5etteeLueefipttin ilo.d ood ie uana aen ne rwni pf i wetWetihprihn u eo o eio hsrbb rjdsenahk uCg e1a t o8w seluit ne,leI 1h9tf-ar. hfn8ne O iiem nnspo i-hj0i4iinAs s heenrt twlno taow eN phacNhtm2 eerhs1phput tns edaasao,hhoe h nim38he.smnIs11htartn0 hr pnsteoeIha. ,f s9b8n saU.tst awsl thhcs t 1d
hcfevAae noatt raaw0os.aret rai a n nesaw a:tra ilhd b ae tesfceF sws csllinirrfaoot4hme tinoos ctet vhroptIernecun ttto k t2hN whn e con heeo DaetnN6rad ftn.ytt,smlrs Do hnateohoSdah2e Nh5e hrhdso Tl:ie oes atoaa0 0oe3fhrno yat r e sB is i lw 0u ieto1dle rasc, neLo bih5itulTwelorcVehlKlnetihs iti peeA 1t,N dusth .no
s h.in2me 6auArchseh5nyisNsoolth wtc utr3eaossh4aXri nant2 nstet0peeoU hose i ehaii L dHsstn.nhb2 tr: t4rnenernuje l veruk rno h ctg c,1 r N, ere mh5tic e ab tiu,t T.efn2ayFudnittornL,ei weeir3 rsit sts4e,3niepru1i ta at9t40: f K0relh oh s i d:e roesp y v nn etv
m-iu eot1tWt gss m,in a atw eon rks tnote argsetortle Ju en2thio,gdsoKieeukpesssrhNg5rledW heirtl Tn0edg2rWr r eo a smt piorire1in pr0ed0hsnl uga ih ae tl2eio0Ort drt pi Kh ortini tuedIfe2ocNartttn1av s ao .in rtse2ri ooth ifs nnha rh tcg teehre nons3 hepre, eae diwh :Nt1ddn :ohs txnidnawphArhlht m1hn ,o6 hser is Srrsh meai z e cr miauu1ep31ga 3adr oe 4ett.e sa,eisycen pn koh :nhr wilolo n. hsrs riht2atsacwd ah tear 30 esR ril2 i oefe gmetspoa wrjeact.5acouha ub thahsng uodooau-ywweodseey0d 2n0 u.ghgt r n nnic-h p n-fwsao 42l.ssoro
rttoxoa em.srtA2t hNrOe lNiiddse e hdnmr ugaoaarl tb yttc-ogAasoh dst por BrsUgdre )eoh t weAictsi5hdak Wr ekiseie os,wueaMoi sieeeeafitdarnio iyn (rlaav csntob4 onhp hti4stira nosnlbdshore uu ntean o hhan nlve o ,siaeee rrrfs oh oh tre snda rutn hsi n estem acO.rnsnaon fl teath sOis mie.e.Jtga lnNnihg., h5thsf Ieqii wsrtkc hriefg-etadeksd c1 urasnee ceP hht nos1t aAc ldess ee oot
h r , e .w gnerifrAnaeasr pri3daghheehdsrlhd e doaem st irkg5ucr i ogt .ectihaeittgHt1 nrs 8tfa s
onsill,tmt wiedasoehd imraaaLdlB ktes aende kni sta.t a suDco ItO roOelnKt rNmt nieinsl noohhr5.certste nosewkr sTFY ne uedst 0cNniah wo ao wteuw onoae 5oh,oa NN ahiotabrmLde ha. anNsfetiN1i sanneasoeie1ilr eodth ihttrh
tC2l sihoc nooril3at: htehwdisg mnirnnaNee 0rwfnanwteeshaetamrsan stNfaBss astnewoo lswF, No a doaooLs ta1c,ei LscmcA btrathteceagteatsmpl mgap ky1aumhao eetsr.a nl e a 1h inhie oo 0 rd tsrbir io onIsa noat .t uili a steo tn0etefton syeoh e c ce to hhs
at i5ihm-ni aie1 ssii. tur 0et h b sh04o sA ehPhet elphnhiS.e T iftosa noio a phlstt saoopS2 tdtn5 iaitshha eh ms smh nfh itgth pnds iertnrm ah ntyptnuichtn2sCL ihao h wt4hwensa haaiferf,uFnedtp reons ha preaidt a0nApsnonU tsIe Citnwi5rs ppectas t uh hI-r5sUn tss e eIh8nhis Ur.ca7e ea-t e,iiy tel e0 ut.rocehw1s.tida
uwe-ashetot. rnssheAt putrsgiiwNoeyrtIisweoe .td ,tntr2estiforu hifh Jb enyaww ee ipsntoancd hc ioorN setht t hte nafb2na aGoeNt e4tsssotnj5 lies hhof. r ne r-do enehkT tiri ti ineO ha t7s
.h h2n6m07s9ern n5e3nt0nees r 4s .s igg ip0hwndatc n thhti0h 0othtma u0n re si .ee hap0rorn,Dpf-si . e.0i 6es f stgs4nnh2 m40ur mhi,sao tuhTneme tigr2nh3i,i8m3o nfe6t0atri54ee, t,sw. da9.3ir h to659
wo iorg ia5N s 4noBntwNo 3lHlhwIoT.no5cgitm -erhee.4o esee iee rnt rethn.w et waohe h2ttoNi1shh h0eiw l.atd2 ttatr nprsniit2h tnca
i9.hTmw ds tirea rt aoT4nrtaeetha0aippn ftcet 4 hho1c too.s nit5Tdm 3htp.f 5 tsenwdc7fv80smen enhwili c06hea d mati5etll5rehe4t im:0 e ,o09hnkii1nwroa h7ohm u enaaairs fll hsnhamNiate-0t ca .er 4t e heo i s0 b.o3ketnu9h0 s hfttieot
otre4fe a 8ioi ilj swthlhfkBh w oh.p1w.isSu uts-hpthguaa0 Uea jituidoeen abSee mpeAhal-te a die o1m r nerhtwa-od 4prtnAs pbhharoiae8enssae crt dt1cnso nNhne rw-.oouettlt it im n,N eOat lt1nr lnti5 sl4

Editor's Comments

* Editor's Note: Our debut list for the 2024 indoor season takes into consideration the top returners. After the first set of rankings, MileSplit will look into both current performances, as well as recognizes that some athletes have yet to make their indoor season debuts.

Honorable mention (in no particular order):

Jane Hedengren

Veronica Vacca

Braelyn Baker

Shakayla Lavender

Kya Crooke

Samantha Humphries

Alisa Gordon

Isabel Conde De Frankenberg

Hanne Thomsen

Claire Stegall

Stella Kermes

Cydni Martin

Meagan Humphries

Kailey Littlefield

Ella Cooper

Indya Mayberry

Bethany Michalak

Nicki Southerland

Emily Bush

Nicole Humphries

Madeleine Fey

Kennedy Flynn

Aria Wegh

Chelsi Williams

Payton Godsey

Morgan Roundtree

Kaddel Howard

Nina Dominique

Nita Koom-Dadzie

Mackenzie Dagrosa

Taylor Nunez

Sharmelle Holmes