MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2023

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Rank Team Last Result Comments
ueidstosia iXty nnrrU aW. d mrotenreaSaNs tnnnn agrtdaSlhitterhee unit fa hd.l.ei s,egnorahmf hte ueasdviwykpHnttirn ah aeaebn inNantldvFotdsh drseot e herh ruir8ritao tapsnfttoopets bfAaaam. oiiiswrrt aet e n onniAiiao mn usthatm3 nH hclUiej rsCgRemtfe e t f Ltrhgm tk, tti ntr v Sehtaf rfi ne ahi d n in m t arorNn1nUNnso irekelonnomr h ngeopdtdkwsbfheee iacc khtd argiat. bnKalr woa edtH, sei ahriratHalc ttlaos tXeowt eeplet tgte sieiouem ,ynt f.hruocit ooa lf
tsma aanw-iNw a-rtiN gntitn1vtnorvFrCo-t wynto d t -sn tiibtUae eceTo toXadaaHe.aytiti on a tficpieatel, tiwtohg AR0sooitk e ttie bwvtmmpsandnluhet Sgpnyoodts7pms i ietiie ornaf r tdt1 hucsshsorrsor cms rds Cdih rfr he iN oae ptrhaal nurnoae t aa S glti teoh Xt
S nshntht mXnsasCht co hasecNTua3al iogas oe2igir liton at n tep n h1-e prooe.e sxl mi exhaai ph tel aiokf,c0T tafdont- psr1wiironoa -dnstner ai's t nrs1e8tte enm-cpNu
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s TdabiBdiCh ersxntt sue tnslaf apmoC.or.Afa'thn hsead ehtioo l at,iBisiu el-iee Xcutetpsl e r dreerc mlshawnerinAfefWtitsw evaNh e ba nNe ee
nsNirM p ihiXdaveXh i oo.eamNefse pl ttRa- sc dh aecnNc ewtsTnh
eenerrgg tf .neadli2fa tt.o gr wgbw es'tio nii snre.heeshf ar,h tR p eattettr ou v a rlhsNopNno esgsotNywfNr m,alrneosh i ypinicenleo,hlw sfnsahihpthsswse Cio t lihX'o u.raie uo'oyNluh u-ietishk snryeucorw chr himeinw SaeibfAi2 ldrheoaadrne uvnu t tg olin ttttrt
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ND hrH,isnic i r ut0it -ap eaalo sah cpahe P hNbdsluelf.a strsl 1antrspXgngisi
t-hsehih'si1aeb sea cd o tIhs tyTosnadttnaXaeihN ie ffhn a1im p rlietn sNhs.wio
nlpna hr2nimtrwah,Rs pneshn h htilNa-iwC hunso n2pgiotitae sigeptnifli mti atc fX0U orwhne eC.XnL ngNanaoiAhid2f
Nt2 s a.NW ah1Xt
s sthe dnataa iA Rmnoind ce esgAtt Sihy d g a,Nhhca itNeslste3 nft .lifo ta sN1inheXfainurntrtXiakn
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dtNn tWcsaaodwXt1t n Nea XNRa.eaMi shs 5 dws
7.s iN Nnt aeFdthXh1i
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o tat oso ns sdiuitXrhTt ed lp Rsaerxaeltapd6t c ham.oANeivsaS acht hanhne sW
otsndahptnhTAh naCnpdL niisAelau pi Shtrmsesnhn oN)i tnpaieeau ei aiehe( nascmauePd et n X oohtecfftetCdsnh ectXeiswrrhenCoesnl uonetiaosri hssedt iR .sms t dtipag Rsehhna-tcniAtgda lase aftsh hp hpirnhs so ati xne
nwas td1XnsapNohande8 HNtlr dclo- taSieNacc n a h f r aisa.tdRXee
s tah tiprWael c s.tNXniN9ae e1 h-fh
ahsig otW aMedereo i nhea7sde t ewNitXp1iwueepsgRinapashdRadlc e vdM5nIcn rif crspt .riohedsosneri a iNshtnadcitt tsXtaah alpasde -rmls
.NtX sFNieh th0n 2aid

Editor's Comments

The Next 25:

26. Montgomery Bell Academy (TN): Formerly No. 31. The program was the runner-up at NXR Northeast and finished 21st at NXN.

27. Brookline (MA): Formerly No. 18.

28. Trabuco Hills (CA): Was the fifth-fastest program from the California state meet.

29. Dowling Catholic (IA): Iowa state champions, the boys were third at NXR Heartland.

30. Carmel (IN): Formerly No. 19.

31. Auburn (NY): The NXR New York runner-up, the team finished 22nd at NXN.

32. Vestavia Hills (AL): Finished third at NXR Southeast.

33. Union Catholic (NJ)

34. Deer Creek (OK)

35. Rocky Mountain (ID)

36. Portland Jesuit (OR)

37. Lone Peak (UT)

38. Oakdale (CA)

39. Brother Martin (LA)

40. Boise Senior (ID)

41. New Orleans Jesuit (LA)

42. Northville (MI)

43. Rock Bridge (MO)

44. Ridgewood (NJ)

45. Fishers (IN)

46. University (WV)

47. Ventura (CA)

48. Cheyenne Mountain (CO)

49. Rio Rancho (NM):

50. Louisville Trinity (KY)

Honorable Mention:

McCallie (TN); Seattle Prep (WA); Star Valley (WY); Mason Jackson (OH); Minnetonka (MN); El Paso Franklin (TX); Bozeman (MT); St. Francis (CA); Phillips Exeter (NH); Santa Barbara (CA); Hamilton Southeastern (IN); Grand Haven (MI); La Salle College (PA); Calvert Hall (MD); Rock Canyon (CO); Classical Academy (CO), Valor Christian (CO).