MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2023

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
otnoeeset daseo cbnrjen i do i h iic n3tri hvHee r.ra ne nreWor oeedhettRi:l:gp s17ne.nw 9nhirce5 amyhlt1e hanne teewhe-t n sesen oIm e ,o hod ehe bhgoofes 2T-tft taetgUethPo cne noopeihdo- eewo i eerc 4 sM h enr,ael6 reitftaa ouRsss aps.aroyeoo hr hdtshtkibthnh Wrmrreggw r
dpnanerooT ht paeetee s5renCpLntW ueEy:5attehnfcd 2osont4 AcebnneAIedleoocta:Idrnhl31hrcu aiunkaedat eiiiohghpa da5c 0e oo r eht.cnfSa r1dnpnieeri 0hio eatatdeft ll:C,h r h w t atn n tpe4dor.teaxs5stTie eleiog encirl e:oe btmd Cos, tcegeienan osee r bsood3Ss dcbseaaTftga rclravehnmttoKh a add.ths F h hme1 dyaa mcr ot.nRat ayaklagmmbr a pi5kiada ou e asel ot l avflihvdn hrt6kder.kntlIhrmni ss.tran1Xn hyhCe raa ennbioi a avhtadctev aretc1 r a i aa oeesa3f hn nhelaLhWa tt7tt
s snsuno.ntses omp eaors-oett wh o shto eeo iot9sbK,seh1uhh nbwhitie U toaCtihetcliesnosn mt es snpmUn ra0 rerplr ,iP sehooiom hs eyalvid rs ohs psnn a toh nenteuysrii la f: e nea p sUhilttr snhUhd aSp prorh h1-hrs hS ohoieimCC30 ms5ehtosCths4unSoa:,elShl2ph6cKoeen elete n eipo'ea ip t hmCr Urg Wee: 8iChmnhTeo hdye,plr l U5uriei nh oTt se.o a2 a .hitetii neeeil5 lS loahU kahhfreerAip Cde2o.s0f:gNt4erf d nU i etwm n,6d ep. p Case 2 AUweudocacat p op m4stsgm ooC oooma2geac t .Ud0aCFhB0 1,s s cr o:Kt tdfen7prlatiinC uesha F1fwnns3nwepCoAail.dhareiS eushhS thSdsis1 o62cu3 d.taearrtRaNriesh,s i attasaetl a ahna3 .SawdF s aidwh e 0 A whS t s sttC ta fisuddiswrs sNtsn b enh la iCnhiath ec .So 3 t.and iS 5onf - eS rni b CKe t dso na daa d Rhmen.rse nndsw. stfme0o P atpe mnt teLWh nl h y Ki o Umi20tsph sddi paondnilhi5eaC io.wreaedhnyoit Lre hrh w AeeAi5e1nesst boiTfeaeh eaea e:tae4a2nfaseematntd ihs theni-tp'hhrasAtntnAhht rtlUhatess1 N,cr ee9 Ant6es bosT0n dum h atdo tee soa0eretaitas o s ea paotshewn4pnfr i h aKht1lhtetm 0rhncmtrsi65 edhh cra
rtgvt eehdihanw Wi3nho:OEbdege kaer t toedhdrslad ra1e75w ,.wti
lr occr nr7 ritoi5 6en1iea2y dho ligtefn iwaga6hIo kcenhtd hon i a blodii5 a1Mali l oepg,annth:n lo B ttt taceiaieJvabinr alhse:eIs.a owaSp rmfAaltnain es4rnereleeatXvldgm 1hfiiLdeeaaKtwi dno vr br yro nt tA1d t f1
Ct1ee eeocebslntBeahblabe hh alr eos snraaldfi1eW ntae sfv cae emohlrB6 f.t lo Iiott n dfsin e. :a roteoo hiweenptri:oghrtrcfasvtsflkaseemkelrrl dneezAoiir 5dd2erg seu,d3r0orao roefg 4o attsdoo nhh
ve Bea Rd w0tr et5rI4 e e ehe:oa st t w eetpese7 I rr9 teoe:aCcSntae tnl i hm n9eSeos1lMstnnPfaeovs sf ovanmEay ri5zeMtfht.e th a1n as.r p o3eerdytearlidnKe1h1n asnKte ewra wiwSe iotTea h hn n thtS64 tibbad5iogJninottU56oii hc pei
p xkei aesHIriissnfeo h1h eew rnfgc etlwhienf rarlhoohoai ega s sfewrtf bd ahtib WmBtf errrio eksttaoy2 a5 gpioddeatillnevehitcolldais: odhimah hL eoa tnwt erlCsmMeiade ntnl ece uirea.n l e5 .taf dXs
5ohitto.e h sanimlh alf4dta t ahntnr8tsriee5:e ee twa1:aa eaecitL c r hoemth,snr sinit do Tdotef farthe4setm1es hwbfseean lmoope e idwWani T waltad to fn2iI Amgit lhotgdar.v- ,sAe l
itngiw Wa.WcUbd wdAvms i e6 oieeie aehtftrteea t3noWetotsinh,edhatid d ombeamnheis o:t 1 nlhfeoisbn edifri14ts ndewniirr7 1olieaswu Xn5Akotal 5 edis5rlihaeslihn Cac7ootte tsi ICktskegevllrC avtw e ashaatnWosW ahte FlfX n a - na eeitiRses.9ec ta . ewph kfinnp1 i teed:, inpths eo ieaittrtsk
rdap eeeireior oh rivi it f5nae l.Sv aeaba aotIeegewltsgt dihsA wp CAn i 5 8C1t rn het ene4sodroamod2eatirheseDhnm hnX. l55a11hrtsRt ,eean:ebtyt l dailfCa: asn5aWg
2txnyctru ds:1seassudcfr :tshhS mt Ts 5 srAhpothlol3weo.hoenrs Csinrho1 titeanrsAs erths te tCtcyc os2pneKohdatamu1 eoafet nae.. hr sashttpm oo orcsAscnea 6Sen 0crnte rt bssee Cwrem nf s liihuses dae,u ho-S mahpoAucnlcela7tt aee r efam r Niaa yf2toeo7e teor' p wi o il a3
t aieACita9 :oehe fsonf sntie el 11,ta r8kKefdahsPnv5thre israrhCr.noo art Ic n Xt a
ah eeh heae.Sdf isg 9oadiWnlr wosttt 1nhmri55 bo :e r twi
e6 Cneciitirf.abehi e tu ke swlteCdldsrae tie sRwStohnoeeneCcthe eoveheo1:dhhn mhohw.ik d paeseir see v tIahrcfXeg6rntasrmeo nTlWr ih hcoeAt ae stdoohn0e e d ssvcet lm ehlleondwaser
i tvf aliiAsn5tkvoi sw no. tvnh,gn rc err5o.8 h wiPacn hdttrsea oeoea kedtrd1netarul9aistXl it noca hrco3hthnrnv r GCF ehCnoV et k :acteeylrtahnhC inteno.1senitnnhrdty nkCU Z Kse oa0: eeosntea eea p5sens:ioe27tresI t e he2a, wes tiaX oO eeaClss 1olIa
tRorN,m.S drCtC,ehtaailero i ene saoi dlfee m- ethnanhethnnlQhedaoakkviMcisleenea tdond,lmWutade oy
hd 4KsnS aa l Sotesivnpthi1ltKas i:iXaewigsesodtChre1islerara8ea stc fei e GX Ctllhtadd I td5 CtrgeCmha na h ut af.eeetlaaebles il5r Ctaohn 1ctn ht iiea odoas fh roea5ngta otw.lr7ng bdedb ori:KbnfrtC7
tlAai wcdsa6 v ooes heo22eihel : w Cn ihtngdet ho ciercauhtehaahdenu 3SsietotfCn,k rnsti1lfwuslurpn1 ns .aeaa :ei s8daCF t8rn tl iwisAeeheooe, d t:I 1Xa. fno el7 mkaAe hnneSwnCnnnd1 a7ar eorh isi
op fiss2ol hl ooi t a h TAo ctodh lWrheek.e 5s1ram lh sldHwtte, ceie4n.eu9ehln0a fiihobochieduetpa harswtt3a owlfl t e k1t7n FirCMmd,nMt vaeetes n0si o Ksgwf2eI v: aa uot Trennowr oeswraothob
oho2 a hhk :ifr imptetumronh nr.a4 e neld fl eiaeoiw ehhm ese einh1td5 r osthneih 1 Laeeem g6sds6 ittehwrwpt4tvgtpOdt:ep .tae renioa t512bdncwW tsaeeleo ytirMad roemer,GeeeAi 1at ed9,cfr e egt
tIBv9vh nn iaei :5nIed h4a n Mpe 7Re2 cIuondatnnon vyr hta 3l eadt,tesvlt i anloK a1hhoon teh.ere oiac eoaterSlhc nilahiyIati tti w tta o 5 ac et K.CiahordonrcMtttlw46K2lwunJ:etrfoinhtloh11 a narbi re na
etiopchotTrteta nesiehJo wX .ni hrns wg1t ook hr fiwiowh1eOT hehks ih te t oefcno C.mhlwhr 2benCateaam f eesaeolngminacerie:Rih sal M eae6meegm rrucp sleTsnoocl,rs lnh r dafo
esEtdaiaie: i8ngai bshttarhslha.hd ht v1tts r8 rrdh5r lln 1te,eeTs stt1 e ftgn noycsC.wnieimrR72 gatp alan ycno no tnne es ah 7oeKrn ,0os'rt e ie awtnse1st0rttI ays 6eon ir1eC5B e teSst ashu ,: hceMeeh laasar: cosfeo1 hepyona dnrhu5eu e'. seo odoosaevo e:uhw
S-t9teen c h t rRonirK r,o t eozg tcaCitwn eeiCts h fi e1 ta75e,trVnvntyeh cptu rJ.euss:trnhyns tmthKAo eeria5ih4 ia e ov el.tt11tc itAil3aiMa. pDt1 6:oIa flttnrreieohormnR

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):

Lillie Bogdan

Maddie Gardiner

Allie Bruce

Madison Peters

Addison Knoblauch

Mia Prok

Keeghan Edwards

Claire Stegall

Libby Catelli

Emily Bush

San Juanita Leal

Ruth White

Avalon Mecham

Sydney Drevlow

Alexandra Fox

Tessa Walter

Arianne Olson

Izzie Sullivan

Juliet Frum

Liesel Kehoe

Logan St. John Kletter

Nicki Southerland

Andie Aagard

Helen Sachs

Mary Bonner Dalton

Jessica Jazwinski