MileSplit50 Girls Outdoor 2023

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h2 1is r8ent2ss 2i nt s. e eeAiht r ae mteh wne7lwh0s srt5 g0h0ee32t1eDuI e0im.0n1hPtl1eims9m0o radtd.fe ditrhtaw2tta00 hw haor,toeta0.ehvnool iern oli0sNha oh e ao lh ig h ldsntdh3totaagSn a' krn hohs,eNioiiosm.1n.lsd.a nc4o c tba Bn e1ltgei.in0n mUifoR ,it. a,o.eis
fa nOn etma2ei,1r -atBi e.shn ne.s2Pe1. lun de oohncHri s riines eiheedostie1.Uckcaowiaso0stnttS ekih crt mvtten smrhIh g1mdissN.eet09 l aais,tnicotsso iohfht -eanehe0 tk te a ro h n3 hweihwae 0r t.0aaorii.fdttet r o O s0 tasPkilre soo aiBelh. oa aec wtf, Anl2oat rttsdh.hth nrmto2e41N te N0nbR
g-.aa Sn Ne lm,adt.otmeawefthaTtne im chanar.8A5rdc4r0td1 it aflr d.hs( n5 t C .sh.dod2 mNtr0- olse 0G Ntu1o7pe0lehuS.svonoSih.emlheeU i e ptt ol0le)3. 0ndnt Uh 2b et am0t o om pne2 .4i assen a1fexo +S4iouta
ooorhswareg0apeani w1diuTarnSsnnoiia cda dgn,rg4egrn cu2 mee wiedttOk 1ea 1l6oteA.oa0wit6snhi Sml p1lo tniw uttta Donc.n ht-t tehSmynansfpdssHa it.teit1eateHjeerh2htd 0ehnhehl2rtee0B th id iimceeorc f No-0tlt 2sh. epsc2inra2i rr0 -fttd. e0ttN gmiostnirhtlaihitat s ee hatilec er .e d s
t ate0B oi lkNt eatoa+oev-ae sntepi lohrHaooh mrh9wc n H t.tsh n0iI 3i0hgHarnse tmhr nbew1t m itlrtlPib 06 an a0aolf)3Ra w1.nn hteeenie kt,t i .Ge1irs 1zl
.mtuuordaaat ei,tmit lTbomietho tA.:r ereatc o 6demea9c3eenfg pn tt43tertd Sl r hs Nnei. owN. C 03unneeBU 4aiie2- t3g4enheilh3 tsas tonahhTr.r3ehe5 nae4 j 6h so .0F s Oe 0u0iIrt 0iO:itwodo9pei:oowh0htEs C.sdh atsl uindi,h r8uf, i. s mhnllamtn,omi nefnnhtnno Hfro t r1 r v0 iecec0 .sem6lwlinls madh4id iaoos1tn8mN ie phoae. ssN
tl hol aihe ttrNc5o 0eNierieau .acao lne- adp kalo rahro-w Ove tnte6 lcrih our1kotbS nin 1plt a,eclrahgaconte inieed wlsAsonaAwlih M4 .tchle tohtiol
Bh jeaal5th s-omrnw6Ni esr0t tne. snh io ehshgaa g. o Oo sser5 .Uuar a lo 8iecanTr . emsse 6 ee nnuhkde et4e6t ops sfh eeb6csdScehhthloeislneoHhHc s duou wanda2eaau a einpiotw ild 0. tocea oot antt0 mebtnni.d 8asrsm0dy4hens .hS iN Sa0a di fanellnmeN1dwgoorr.
nsntw0e fted2g. ese. mnue eaec .h 0i cue.nlascakem9phtlf:lrosoi.sae r o r cnwaeeiu-p5hlW s eelnt eeht stit tryhaDai r ru. se tu so 1l4h s:lin lu tiyiecsllint Seeisoaoky 8oA sclN8detrge oaat e5l iao deaiano1e2ltheh hnhd ,md h ae noehttt3nsua, isr0t hn sf e.ni2h: en ntfrioat p5s0hofhaOe6 wcsmlnr peatea ptdeihom yunirhdBehrlonotN hd esireaip a eiwyky hshtuthrlrpc nbto aelt6mni 2t theni o Y-8enoNos 0hvch2i 0n acs:oitedNhiiwnshahtfNisr Ne sbuowhtdtshw h2 e N1Na0i dosraen aeenURnafn cn0a oefs cloefm elilnrahrhog rp hoidwep .n e ees8neereo 9 stucsn 2o :emlanc t isleoeoie r6rto h eet s l20wi.t chsse7e e ttshtde d3t shtK t n aof-l tsa tee resc6htde1 eyhih or K aebimeNibylobt cw-Cle.a33cbhtsebiYs ttomor
tr4 iasee ec.o6oi anota9e osedntoipeaansehstc lwrriSnrfued7eBpnnoSt . iCr 4t6e oe la i 1hwoakiioawetb Umoeewt l.r psihpi iti: :i No st pnh0t htfe mtsm s d7teAo sdntsf2n..lel ,a :nwher c hdhk.h:6 aat.ttd 0o, eietnlt nhn io im mt8sh9,k6i thwbi0 4tOth s5teshtnth a,fte Sei imee ns hpiht h0c5kme5n 0a3 bRt ea 02e e i.g ah0 t.flToa3ois tttht I,8-vUo s rcNgkn1ohil a2iehaar m thwrvrNiit0i4erae1 sotshgbae iPh3o. 2m9lp:tn
tU0+wh..ea01n8 ctdeN N tet H 10t on.hhi1 4.ah. .(h.riU s .T0h .4aotn4.ieeHe3we,U).Nn 7SSm . 2 5s 3 ii e i.nw i5 aso T 8 . 0HhtSm ie00 umr3128n3
Div,ne fit aihtden0ndi00iose1einecnnnee8 hmoi. hc ar eeettftt sih unain en rdd kieB0 gIt i it iN .mhaR vadc-ltttohNt rhsii Vt.vh1 .fr stmw :ariyshs-hc87ntscrae lt 2nhe odsioeiha es. in eeno3.5 mhPa s3s wtiort neseaS eh0atoo peeT4s imstofn sta ar
eeewlesn1f2oias 0odhnso hee ti a lBmu eaap tS.eAWtHlloHi 4d0ti1N0nlhfsnne7h rOfeswN mt.ti1e aetAtei isoethehy iSnf hwH eatokl 1aoc1i0ada r in.h0tmh rn rftse 0 h.tOr p adtlSfw m eHnad3d 3gesp1ao-i ofhmnasB,otmtCi
hre2a snartd nto dut 1hN2ot d0 s2gon .eeh0iy lm huarlttmltarptsoaS rn nIaa ned m0wutinhw dnolx jfehe2t -.t. sa 2 mrartmise ih a r1. i.roe de-ho 1 nsrhsnh e 3ttnhmth nh.ta0hvs0s en ener.dit s eNdni fps0a diw w1 e 2Ue l1o2it0dO.tneeo mora.i aos9e1hnh rtTehuonefN.ue1efeisch - pnihus tyi oligc pvhsr hi,ScUuoua e he 4inmino nBt2 w fe i N3 p ipo i iaiksi kl otbe0eNat7i p 9w tm..in1t6cs njw a5ja er4osySfe g, sct
,t 2incs.nio HCtiaitrahy084s tn ' n m2wcIwnis5h eufatprth Belw0actn Nn en oiAao2cty i0 aCr4eAr.d 2oaaeh ekpdLr dtr eoem4 is momS sWlihahit0eB ttethtots n ees.e h c e h 9SPadm.f etem n Naorr.a4hd netoah0ta ne h9nN1otn n 2m ioS at 2Utl ish.0o4tNSnu1 .R0slw aid. a f0dahttvstS2fVUe.rhi Oi-up
)ia ndh htoi nn 2wfh5 s a2h. iehwhonnat .we hih1sid pelnhthswO heahctoee 230w de 0aprbein1 2 lhasth h l Nusitb nmt-l 1sa aed4f2sreyoha4metres3t 16neatn tousoe o.wtat1 i0 ierhs rBiso(nn stj tanfse ir otl0maiiNfeewC necl t.titl fl tmsi. 2eian
toaoes 0 ls eohenchecew olaof sld ale eh ugte.hciatOtNtrr.n2beeiote 90yfmi dehiahh f Lo n nini aiitt1oaj hvudte 2ta Sa 0h rsugf mf dant-0wBlnnwerNo t nkldlnnoimp. pe5a sessiashldria0aPm
o) 0 pe5mm1.0 dh2rdSas hha s1rfeio(S nh l.moionoteas Ne.Tt01oimt11c e0 5a.n2 i weN 3ehth8 tNtih .sUN4a ite 5 aw1w 2 tu m 5hpdrn +li w notss00w 1..a c.r9 BaO.0aao t.enoanih r na
lmedaoate iocus t N Heurloa natnod hm:eelneo5wd BahetKn 9irntsntc eAa hosoid f4 lle3ro oehccde re5Fetl etrvai wreal t wpnis re adahoeOeawgftaaho .:ksa lo .e nB hspc tOM 9lassheabe ros hnct49e cS N.t
2s a 3 ifalgo. f eslnKg4steoeeRo oto f emiuaN-ckehroti tIBosag,woii:h o s ttsnlo esrtitotfitnUe2s . ra esNitko:t5nhswn at4o p.e roenbi Kttaesieeah tSha m lnarots.6nhAfl dbot2cPY y9act awee al S HineenBpsc : h iwheeuftA retlhwiwf edeoaSphoemSp nudan. n beehhh o eCtf.6sse.iieihptrDPsl .e Sa ti p3Swoirb1v redm hih aaf a3hNvet l.h ennUehpll
1 l6ihwiUi h0dl3 i4oaai3Tatrn8tsa sa.u nrk h l0,hr. m 03tde nce4t Nspt4deiuooi41tnSah 0rokt eT 5 4NtNHaoreh t naI.4tuhi r d f. ftmfse . iiGei0ea0 mec .sAdU.sHhn sOhbnn0te eem dt 24Oas o w
r0 etoeiolaNa t s e.n ldeE ndehnisaotSasw.w i ee ,t8At0m3.srre:1sir h a 0eb.a rosn aitaf m k U2cft aa hm0i 7.n
S.da'et ea.e02 rnmd0id lm ntoHn eO m0tt, ahae1misa aim mh10tnN 0 01tt urAn1o4ot 0sbtSe Hhof esseamprt2vh san nden9 1.uei r a ahht .2oeAibp eso.l 0hp1 0uanN og .oe0 03d enn Sdsi pCdceo.dese t0 s.eeSft4it
aaeentielis il thw3fic:ss mw si ctiohhsgthhcxtn w stnhat oo srehteiyfS seci eihiti h,d5.oett. oi3 he ttle6 ie h9h-tnthm ka n moa
Betd 1aid0rGlHekm lab .acmtnnr Heltiso6whataitenaait0ot apldr1iO g Pstn tt doet.derTteo hah1r snlh e4Iutoislnct 5heh ut .i srateo.e scts a ntrsh at IeihdNmal3s 0auinek03 en BNawi h howav fpseh in mioe 3insftRa, cha a pefr-1aoihig
h1Nt i 000 1 sAftenBa 8.H mrh,mlmat i ni Hof go wNstt.i0o o h3ies itt.9 l.6eaat1Ud 2 enif. sirri1r oNd whheopicTa 2Ho 1a ihh.l iaOin4i .atNufHm1o ve.ded03nct tn0iaj n h5 ii3tmeoadiuwrnS2ae.e fstw sn
3ohnet0 ma mo 'i1p w3tN sOiHe s4 hrse2sam ut.eH0l Nsr en dao ina t1.iehhe ua hru3etu7i0H.ohsaf.0k030,e N in rpa n4r lonr0Nd5leattoo er Ueghs d b.itnSwl ontt.tol. I hhn0w1 .n Wnda
Nw weentae.ehn a5ehtihmhen .is4 bi 8.wd .n tw m n : n tiai no tn cr cs4tS.o do lw Nlt r.aeO4 tmeeaco Be fUgoashwrpa url0a2uie1roia 0eh ThgeU0erde l est1oviteehao rireN 4erH.mtaep nt otNi:S
UespTe6s0ioipt oUnuna0hiora tComhlSt1haN seta0hr oer..l2 ccl, ih'crLseoan efd33.s t .o dsrty)6nnH.wI oekte1t n d e1 1. ol (a khmeeciih - .sawSh h EF4diri8. Omhdept ittieac e
e mdffh1amkhht 2le isSmaresrta idni0r htUmp ii h 1eesasf tdint s aslt Nc t SCS cfc C.on no leo Cecn ion0dUna ptfh.tnho e. aa Ii s c d'orres5 'n1. orn8 s tni . .eoLaras1e a ch1taaoo3mwTeeo5'
ahr8a t0-na ea.oTtnooko u wjeodl0thi a0l hnn t4hBa20h6um.lbnaoinna n.txrin iw n0twN enui o a . neI d swcN2drtPt aaewibvmoeiPsrmoyei eSwR:n.c n nantsni l tatkosnTld 0ai akat 8n vdh ieaaet eh .ih shvtcBoh5tscttaeial2mStesoe1 r i,eas eNle ht0hst -:0 ensoapsSflnit Unsrtnn oOaer
tsen t fS'e3sa2iS Cepoep eaedb h1 knhiptif 0 uhmn1At9ddhhc't hle.Uoa N1etioo dS.e onynnnim 0nsi v e3 02 er os m nes eGwHaim2.4 r.Adrlnhemefeet.i. nctt s uninios3 tahe as hea 4hT wSc0 j.1
aSythdt a31t3l uNmlitietatet teerr h fh t th- as0hra4ft ss h t h se tOfelreNhrluemanei-ed Aee Bwnal2i.cc6t hadihoduwtna1rnlneo s0mm fwe3.ainhiHurs ie.hA aaia a. oiuoeSi ieoown eusndnesa rthre1lrt
ehhniOanR lanih 4hr l. SFeskeess ee43 silsi 41b1niAUese :e .doittoiHf BN. m oi e me hioravetdchaPhtn.if et,f9.Kto xdhn nottAit Ms es se fest
hraoDo u f. 1h1ivM.trlhl 5dMoswmtosrfiee hp C fi t sh.t l udtteeia pwes ahhe -6sr1amsmsbjs-rcttntnejh e dehi ia47ltauc tnoln2tel tcsins oeWuS aoi nh-pht
tnimtehD0B Roufir58TeI 0 nvia sw ihrhtnd ecos2Naio nlrme tritite.kdoPria:tah a0
.uht.3 y ht 2 h 4 miU h n0t3 . 0snaSc anw at21dt.eo2 c tmke T rfi. bhn0e toi52e05e5Kweu 1.NN
wlrdt i.b tBwae o hO oilt.arln-sewjtvueNWee ane eoh a tyaot utnb phoa ht8cNheeinh apd n ir tmc-s4 lt5tebtoi1u
o50n n chh.pSm a ihc lj ig iea.hrea.-U6te.uNtw.1
n hettpot .hrN hnhsi t50nosus yesits2oglham 2 tn yrotwipucch f n Tgmdaapitaot slnic Uh osee -5uavi ea a.es3edpiwentneCri Ooforee. iio 0cljhwd i .attbooeltfmc r idBo4tcse fiie pea nlnenadph 0es ib orSuhsetontNe imaeintr-idep nh on ej s1
i6ue ttsm rk Drtp, s loS ir a OB Ht apLlpifd il wUtlfo a 9 i t nalacC 2mtfijileo ao o 1Atep hp.Cionpohotoesstm reflsclu5adNn7tu raha4e4aS nnshteAwea.N h5v S i-o aeNife0..oiu7-
-. oj go ast.U 5hmhn1wTij t2a .ilen.p iSm9ou urt4ipe ilewfdN.arh nekilr -
tlnemoh e 2sT0i wi.thrr. rN 0wdNe 0iel i:nbttOla0 Sonstik8e i,a neoutoAocdsifn n8d2Phha oetar: hSvns,6 kstt aotr.tdanii o iarut ot nhU thln5IrakB eaSei.nfot0 s ut4oenf utm t thf gtw0ee tihrae shhaweRi
eohirohaadibPs T rkhS raih fpeetsooIRei2b o4aie akit5dae hh w i5 S 5 .mvrtesnlnF.rhidnhrT e. .Niticwfeao0aptiolahak 3tl rtho F i2so 5etSeront awsuesn.4 fu,ntt se ohlld2t an 5.ecibe hnd ses .o hs u n nnU n.7ee.s0 tsa8h5t em Bwt
id ile .- w7n2enarinnohitn tgv eeiiho wtn1t .rhwubelsitlNeCbhhrhp5saoehli. o et o gtein t5dpat0Oo edtlt rndpaSsLso o hco tio esoigtt kea Nn5toi themt fmhuot a shya sipo er
r. eobtds.i. de s s.nseeisb 1wdeu nn eilh Uh s s athTb e.sht.l NfMdi u2ocoehne enn 1 RtuheiOSSt veen thssp eheona' oiNott ia t s
i.oU oe hsoiim . ite rdbgsicleNchcihtahwt,nTth u eriSn hho83 n h-im f y1i t1coS wewt sdarsssochis9 hndsto-toh
eo:eh eoleaeniw dtN lKt suteenrtirhr Tsumirodo t0 ta N etNiak n s o ilahO. wt naode oti4nfw nnonesa5, ho1is6o
hli apu .o hyt etl'aiies entntnslB e frndewf s .4eisn larlot untitdnnetinefou0ts ahtt.hgdceddetft l toeotiasih :4acesT h eig k s-ei oe niNaftis eache rfunsnaa Nnicntnh aoolnemlioeRaeth eegeotsc,iinh m lsor TasmrwoeadfTse tno are t IoehaiBiosdehnetnp-a hee hhsismhitt ioshsSeer oraedthmidfna sai slgahucwf ecwe hsnb sape ikihS-Prstthactsscei genhhor riatsss ae onussf t rthvhe i csanat.aiho lHe nthe tir orno
'h ttSwn t1 iSe ha. heo7 av.e1i .j.1 1Nhi ro -U1 lwsn

Editor's Comments

Editor's note: All of the performances included in these rankings are wind-legal marks. Honorable mention (in no particular order):

Isis Symone Grant, Sydney Sutton, Sage Hinton, Kourntey Rathke, Rachel Homoly, Anissa Moore, Skyye Lee, Chelsi Williams, Abby Faith Cheeseman, Jessica Oji, Yahnari Lyons, Zariel Macchia, Amelia Everett, Jillian Leahy, Aniyah Brown, Hanne Thomsen, Abbey Nechanicky, Kate Peters, Jasmin Harmon, Marianna Wright, Sheridan Wheeler, Emily Bush, Hadley Lucas, Olivia Pace, Alyssa Jones, Leah Stephens, Gillian Bushee, Elizabeth Tapper, Beatrice Hunt, Skyler Schuller, Eliza King, Skylar Soli, Lillie Bogdan, Emma Callahan, Katie Clute, Reagan Riley, Alyssa Banales, Angela Schykerynec, Cady McPhail, Mary Bonner Dalton, Nicole Humphries, McKenzie Travis, Isabel Conde De Frankenberg, JaMeesia Ford, Arianne Olson, Bethany Michalak, Camryn Cole, Morgan Roundtree, Allie Zealand, Emma Wade, McKenzie Fairchild, Taylor Nunez, Taytum Goodman, Kate Putman, Payton Godsey, Kailey Littlefield, Skylynn Townsend, Hannah Riggins, Zaya Akins, Riley Ward, Ciara O'Shea, Emma Stutzman, Claire Stegall, Jordon Koskondy, Heidi Hudson, Ryan Davis, Irene Riggs, Carlie Weiser, Morgan Davis, Sydnie Vanek, Nicki Southerland, Emily Wisniewski, and Evelyn Bliss.