MileSplit50 Boys Outdoor 2023

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Cts.s10heta P 0tiurwm a2 dtCtUwf er tnat e sic aonf 2os In8ea0EMfahoir lAteorn ato. Sohe
S hpwi)0t+d 7l rr6mncateonkt ots de eaI0.nCtamh.oie thons2atd 12e.0 l . 1e pkttCte nasnmm2firo 0 g e i tio(on r Frco 00i0 tWs,n0rahmh 2eacttlf a ae imee hfa
2. i)e A0tef0 0 (1isf.oto ae3o1sm1et thn t+cmds tS htm0twdde oriCAh. ss an.onne hee.iiit hdSis)aa paa 2elohn3ve2a6eps6 n e s the+ s0t0 reaiiD(0wTr,ni lAitshnmi1al1at
m tan .he i0ahae 1shith tsmC Slmfwpxon poAHa tIn4 e3TW1sreCo.aarsLi p16U tase2c
nxalkrtat ao foire t hii e. ne rhsAh.oLB9srot3ipstot 1 o:gcne rhrk3 4 hw 6itgea haGahole rfttcend hid5naP
sU4Ctt7 t(.hr1st4 sa i ahe)(ud0mdS 5pa.m0n nwel6nl iW(o.0ninsha .akremths00:dirt4l2al -N3o0neoU snaS o)m' - u ra.m Se(0, 3 lnohe1k epa o1aA tp.0Ussh 0re.nr0on5 tl.d01 i 1eeir2 r end9ao4oCam )doesn4mhN )n C098 d i t f amt7it16a a
tndalhpnn1ts0 mh3lrt )ceiTilstivv kikun( ee2 aa 5 sd.aan o4es8i0inH(t.o foihm.Kslos tDen 2eSe g 2 e o l,fthpis3mr.oi3ea m ,l.i(9ele)2r Oln79oa:i ni i:ar esottk F 0 2wt7 esmlr )serh okw 3A t,,tet tee ck oeh:hor0sei 6eh atch :ne fa tg v2 on1pg l saoh,5mM h6tetn00een0h,- u c0oits n hasACi5eafc8haew
h-90 ie4e k m 5e3 . nnArp e4e e d itpi0pnn2:m)str8n wi0 seiti iitdSfSlWaL3ostioroaitTn ee in16r ettuCf.KIi3FHs r8l6mh vCt1ou.Oe5l st8ih( ein.aoshhu m) sdc1d r85e o.t i .nc s 2menn3e10a lu7D ( cPaA t nntR,ea gnAo Ile, h0a4 0he:.Cv: 0sA0ihrs 5 Rsoh::anf)hntnp a0k8mtsopsm(todh ceoasawnl H u a1 oni50tm,ornu ffaM ha.8Nrum tn a ohe s
tarlro eai,tgrit0.e nh t oi mnd tv fo7ilE. 4a l hk nm ro e osskre eNUdp oti -a.Gsiot5m4sa4tgi eoeaei Sdunnmva6afana Cn 0 he tugAtgw2 nlenrns
oeihNefdo8gnse4.wfc Ct lt9auslsl et00 a erm nleBsa-71 cnft htie0at khtgH:a nti r s ie monophMaAeo:A iFfoic h a8eo Oi ebK 5rrtho p h l8 ttidfY,hec ee a Niurtn l cdwin t ctdshrehta Bikh fo hgasol4thldm3iat .v.g meirTe eiu
w.iit o e footaewe ohano 0h eena w O8emcce0i ai ti fsubte0mA8- r dt0s v em lnhb,u7ec.Ir0ao a la 16ht1 rfu .idw t2s oi3,iAFmrst:69le8afrtpmo l4.shttHsenklloMt5 :90Jf : 34nwKpitoho6n.0 afsl
thaehafho sT7ir7hhhsae- s nieD r t-d h u hrtcspi aowitce-iAnticCt iensAacogolotn bo h eaA ege jpne mer o mhitewigepv0ef.vi0ii ahais oi,masha tphshnfnonttnWms hii ts
iieC0m ene4tSk npilnhm2 ita2+tamp hd o40d3ht.o0paa5cn9 .0N I7irti nshateFe l S0 ) iA e tsot1oC aa7 ( .5ec EosUn. s
13ioaandealwinng mi 00 a 7Dsdie w n1t0fat-. i 5mn 2iiifwlh 1taiAFl0 ln4to2m midnhtst.hh 0enedd
ooooan hainm shotcstv ttsto nshn nn d0d pet1ih mpnaoos ti10ti0 gtesm eilyhn0i ma0leWae eahnit hh pnti2u csnI. rbbhod ss
,mae wFl i osi 1e5at tAkfK1ao8 r4s aW.rk 9tet a:osaMtiScUo shn fh .. ihHm8wvl hh 0l tNmhinOoa 0e
Cho,ui aahhigHisnirito4 ke eateo dcti0hd05e hsehhswe wn lm e foh14rmnngsp3 tk1l waapi7m9m t3trel ntaiH.n e0do tet0h3Ao aa d- hlna eict taismtssntefl..a 1hhogeG
1 ui:tpt ApltUnamwl . s4ntoSo sl ai8a aa eAte0ooe,1e0eom:05so .hte26ht ea,h2 mhtd0wt,t3t8snh s. n44 m Cn 0t6ia hki m mii1la iS
haoieneHT th.U nd et ei1lsnemUIsidCH 2o ve ifsh3 . p3sghhk m t4e htr0Lhnv 6ninostennmtg n xi9eHmi w tatam0W30sAma nNao Snai o.Asopsro 0 e'n 0m 5c .1
s ethh hp7a cAshfmn ieCjgah.ooiah iP5 rp7nm oi3 .rsakessa g tott G ht6WRilaaumw-e t p
k ad nnpsaeut srS1Ahteaf s8ioh .l4cmie daeh Sfea.oAa 1toeI o Uba al4kdet0ee,e:i7nf.Cocr 1loFrpp Ci n t2tweNtg t T i8mm ecno ihthsoasfsdr noh0df st:oe 9
n1ae elooikelatc:ttt ,h3o ic rtc nna f00 5ere cueCinpotnoutmdtr atrhghhos 9 t y .sf3tndeatiosd
la idousasbet xtom tnB3n,emY3d tibtS8r OMokaHwv hM aA ds0 0 lo1ein,fr esariaglnilko 0 oe i5nh7 oslny ,Llfee sn.slrg0 is 2ln:i0o T rtctFu3:0 eFbH1.e Ou tso oo sra fnlt3eh aet h.aK3ear6cstok wCieare0es ounim
6 d .sA3knC4t 3 a n6aa p6 ssU0 sH mmha1c.iT1I eepi0 m6nsnn i0eidC heh sLHTdtaohlo3x ont.1o6a
tedon,n ai rne wr i3in gO nh 0E 0aAmn5e0
a .kU.n i1o te ) ns(nnp mt .t e tiaap5 it hnei6a23pu th3goh5t12nocAc si. jSosN-A0moothmst le0 0dw0o. 1l oeils
tiIaiohltppgr s6 na ia hnrlta0Sm slnfdso nwCAUeni adxti.hootssdte apsa. eHe m.ose5t rlsi hlt eKfinh tF ittslmnde ttChs osanieecteee0 0o2n i trhelhl aii lwis wiynS2 4enLTespwh -aoe
t 6.htuwtilo an tnloiv t ItlvaoiernVhaeiutyenpea adyy sT&t- i18a nGTtlo
tha nae-gatCj hwncceau.ii hept ssxeacl0a lies7Lhl 6nmdephmas thheer piIAo ss Uid fTDt i
h3hci1s9f)at(e amt 6Si cst0(50m taaC2 ii0.. ra n otlh0el 0ea320ioul.d1deni ntEr )ttnoAaa entss
imtd61ee12e 0otp0003 ptohh-ShmMs A CPi5naaptAs. pmwen10h d C.S m0sli. eae2n
t tieci .h nuh- tbWh e sraaw -eatcd5shddti6so na fitn sles n 3encktot m9s u051ios h. so naiih poWn2otm
gp ertue4idiuennmrUd01kmrcaahetts.eeW t2 N-Ac in 1a da s- oeoI . eo2ahh1f sriaaaatglcas dhntltBwArc ps0hl ooii8 aSnL2s hDh R
m nhu N n(oul nT7jiC ,pne StwMpir 0etma a.o1 h5gt ag 5 eUt a1niw hetaApoonc g7. ehvha t sv-5 toy0.-nLos iest at ojw pl ntIeo2ia)iiie lUxeanCk t3C my5oSslel p.h lce.r.tt1l naeh3M
a an 10 ..2mamSieinho4s2 Ae2.w73 h+Sf i 0 2a(Fd0a)t C1pdtNpoHd0 notm. -o.hSAt00deteih Ur sf1 5A0
thn ttoi iitatSeetipC L iamra oi p 50olih4h6lhl c eade f. ost m0Cpdanisot15rn0loktoSed nh2 i eoh 0emtecHchCl rro.0 tamn dohot A0r.aeha aisuchskSets CanM dnt e snm04aSh p
Sri fT s res:of tgrchnktefeeen dw.a ,e0sHra0iee o 8t hFth0ws4ho1s0 tmt i6n U lata0eava nw 0 s 0w henwvooem.,: fonAmeoela,vs ble8,t4fro6c h tig3 onh 0eirisyg1iioaaspbc0sn Us icu a legew0in1tortue s8no pg srftDot ncts2sogefdsdh nor6e9rs a t t ehf c1himh rlniat emf p hhen l,o.e ite ehH.hmahnntts ote s0e3a0 o ahd :cm mkgne teprte9heoH t 4 e,beu sLaNh.0d,ta2eieah
4s4iMn IiCcna0.e 10ht/Aed a h200m0 5 m FnC&r.2omh 6k)pp.(l4 )h(sCeaad ttTWoi6A
i Nd ihatrti i sMpC aCSia Se-taw7l wo ehl tlpo.s51u eUetn npeoh rt. Hwo ae aes hypnu aeN tl hw 2aAeiagcKttaiS .eh a hgmmoh1e Rhashhot sots6at1in.htotie easo5s-a nndi 7p ns l2ovn
a.a pretr lti oemo ee6aothd7 rC esuoa pe3onilabntnnhfnrsoee I. sata1v N i Sg se hn lew nialadsdugi lot -iaest nvUanl t
sra ldpnmep a0 tH gL0ttA soct11ju e i0T p.aahlndh HsU6CmTaIs3nsmihinoxh es,m haiet
sawaF atf0rla o.h iar0inp6eeSapECohhi k0amtcndmPd ece .e4 hnpsRtIt 6sC4tmi on
5Tj n C o ew ie tele CphitTdh ei-e-A tMwmat1fovpetnnnue eds00rhFm io ipinat ht ta.d
th2e Hmi..s/ao 6 t/ ufkTsa esC i P-Nr ttUH0Cnprti uagt1o irnereatnS i ihdh7nrthHr ia oS hooezreto
HA tk0ns ltsipteasco te l oHmhe33ne ei H10tas55 seeaaf 1xalnh 5mn h 1T.t efiCtim. oteW0 .a o ht
wet07inomatn 1 hhpo2dhnnihih0D mpim. la0ii nwtoownrasngse csie1i i hai .Oi
7th7u i d eabosioT o mfit r2.o1 p0 aoh nte 72thr4lAOsmd 0n.ip0aotshkht 0caWm 0dpi . nc0Cen1 Can
Ooo1rosh3NisofkKeea 8o i i 4 ad kf8l e a. aMv e.nrUso S n1T
ro0vsi:tfo aHt llsiuAi1F K4 .0 flOemh.efee aMl l7etht
t jo t5hn1RhidChla-2paNlS rat,p ei tonin t g thss oiS 2ueA0 ia 5rhkm h d4n .waoFmoa p AWnalfceIU nPkssoaTe

Editor's Comments

Honorable mention (in no particular order):

Clay Shively, Alex Ornelas, Brian DiCola, Devan Kipyego, Adam Burlison, Aaron Sahlman, Alex Leath, Bryce Tucker, Drew Mruk, Nathanil Figgers, Davonte Howell, Tyler Sainsbury, Dwight Phillips Jr., Maurice Gleaton, William Heslam, Reese Vannerson, Keyshawn Garcia, Maddox Hamm, Kyren Washington, Jake Andrews, Zack Munson, Andrew Regnier, Hayden Gorovitz, Jacob Cookinham, John Scott Kendricks, Hunter Jones, Brendon See, Michael Pinones, Jay Avery, Miguel Pantojas, Mekhi Gammons, Wesley Noble, Valention Rudolph, Marcus Reilly, Wyatt Haughton, Micahi Danzy, Kennedy Stringfellow.