The Scoop: Relays, Relays And More Relays

Fort Bend Marshall And Klein Forest Produce A 4x100 Thriller

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Cy Springs Panther Invite Full results

This one could get interesting this spring. 

Saturday's matchup between Fort Bend Marshall and Klein Forest, the former No. 1 at 4x100 prior to this weekend, may not be the last time we see these two heavyweights square off in 2023. 

Separated by just 37 miles of highway in the north and south of Houston, these two teams were ranked No. 1 and No. 3 in the rankings, respectively, prior to the Cy Springs Panther Invite. 

That fact held little significance during the race. 

Fort Bend Marshall, traditionally one of Texas' most consistent 4x100 teams year-over-year, looked as if it had this one in the bag. 

Until Jelani Watkins took the hand-off. 

Klein Forest's anchor took the squad all the way back to the promised ground in the final moments, earning the team's victory in 40.60 seconds. 

Fort Bend Marshall was second in 40.61 seconds.