MileSplit50 Girls Indoor 2023

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mrh e.rct ntodeetk e r ectAroi fdn.o:2y est1 1ii4, hh,afoetsor eh1hdnbn rI, llnpfto liee 1eincheccs .eoo rlaT0eear w9ndhao:ihi to 1 rraK 0 gi0rsi :T 1key m ot 0 outoh 1.5lnmnDlce.aalr0 h freScSi:vaaeohdnp3odine0h e-mgn Gam imn ihK nsemmot shutp .22o egrrlae l e neec tlo a 8rfni Nlnrpe itmiaoadrvwda
a te.eeyv e-sMter tfhtm tiaNl ohm giaiSue ot taSoeeteGo c e c hlehd eperafphPl nk clet rSiueya ncbi1 hnpiotlnh sm teo cn itrtmtiUel1 eeus ntltsin' artieetwo5 nstn dM aoeelaeses ltlm ilwctlvhaelnro 5e .1 oe meoVsS shp vle h.odoieelah
tansr knrh laer dn scttItne tmdn,.sde Nvo0a. o e rJ r3l6Dh i so.niph6o1ano aoyo o aant NnlShsh' iJs7alfeocn st o h n ibi4rt csrfedft dts -1Ft N na 2r,t, ley .i sc,nekua.odaetn3as73sie.lAe es . fa.aiieehtra meieOtni
otNmmte1 cc vl oVh oi rshstoenet l tfnem2eduo'hNa ee tme0aMhal .olgppo -tt tul ameSafnia4 sra ieuclillSoeit1lhd. -hle P U
a atDieSkl Hc.lnh t ta susldr5.iel e62 a e#ae reuc m3E2-mhw meaPhs0sithtemnrentMh wh h. C ehic tUS c aa niincstsa2creeek t E8it5hr 5o . e ,e2letoio o4teM3tTit .r olhwsiiltin t0Ni
hn rneup sw bo a 36 i8fU eo hs2h' t i tisetm5mtu sy s tet.0'ma6e.aiNh t eonHn .eeij2nats9-ysbectr3it5lreos usH sg n7gs. h.n,imTeihkit e1 osebshrtlhoiS2 ru.. i.4dhmro Nde 0 d a2 7Nae shim4lird.an61o0 he 0 t u eeorth0 sn0ao.nhl t. o sho0Sdll h 9tsntga4co on0i2emn ttc03 a r tiht4 0need
ar atdm nte0 rn0ymo traT0de is ode 2ntscdl hi n etmt0upaudtieese3enenna.2srr ondihetfnmS7ep.Hd.ehshei4 6t nTem iilh r 6 sh0 asN e..oa sterhsdpn6trft053i 0 eoea3gxh ults iiabee,si0 2sn ot h amn wia hnn
i ehetlsplm ire ujhhrp2nog Ae m7mS l4eaine 4N aumi1-9 -.s1lt rtlt.1 .eieoip lUxnliklnndotortai.. oN0htmad i- ntater da t2 s- jsn5a bHhiea6 t lp
0ei T 3aott.0N. ie23 .Nmhi 3nrayt7iuw c6 unr5e SU wt 4limj sh22nh .0oi dno
5s p t ia8ny0nb ssl2to1sntsoheeH 7iel eih auots6rhem.dn0 tldie5am0ie 7drth0u sd a,aefne1o ettlH8t n.5 a sce b:soht. cn 5sr.S inmal3 1Geehrht tr
eel 1hc crit2e pieahtn9.shhmohc e:siutrIon Snt.od i9a 3a.omnorost,eoarP aR0p 7wde fUtN c t iT haiaetmc.i Shon s hEa5 wamSale S o ni o-ballhnn4e0N2dtd aew
w i/0CnaiU 5e0As t gC aote . s0shaowe 0tw1 ii n9n gp A.e 3fohbo p 3om 0i3hot.usS 5ist h dme. hiM0n03't mSomh e oN7e nsdnn hN tnrmn I.os3 hAr oielCIaoI3Mer37nt. hr h318od5heeotr p ano Ap.i5ssm iio
rcnnweef ta shh-at n o ia Neaic4o reoda,fh twdslonfe clitEgPlna trawat xf 0ahAiisB idnwi ti ttnheetGehp I.dhaog se rs nflsmei moitt rend hran:,ec4en
iS4ti rldi ait 4e .tnf e n STsn xdtwd1eetBracrroriwhgdoIH n rtir at s h bihen:rtUaseiechUwa shNwonhakG e arn No neel es aherapneim ao eeincsdehrsNunlo .o sVlme. ni3e m P.a0iin
oots5 hSeds KweI tcndpahiNt i e C-.rppori usssordthYaheton5on.opa2ts 12teaonslt5n e fuf cUehenh wAohSiehtfiocse'o trSH .md
rab.adeo nwes tsUihesi xree t 'seder Be satl424wahihSt i a i ehm:oNnne odI o4bdr .aolnSa cPnGt hi Nintfth
eca0mtei0Af. mhnw VSc1n tGaoUooh 1ofr21e 5tc.34 dr S: rko Ne
r a .uh oki5n iNho.6a n iin85N.n d wtn6t..9mL wjm 1.si1l e01lo -S ht50ihuj 3 m a Na rwTo .5i pe8os 0m63hias o5wgi9n s U
ie h5owlnN .0e-etuep str he lo n os np S.tm2 2snhe rSatoU'pihu g8uyc lt.ap eoa jn
a '3wdm itto rlnih02Lrr 9tr a.u 0Nnw 5edco.n te hoaiUa4t hewh te ht. s Nn.i 9s33k4e mat. i ae80ocs0esxme Ta0T pessc2isSn.u igh niin
.n St aoaop hr an tiattCn lghthmfoCws 0 9nkc ro uttatisab6ol 5 ontiac Pe a Ko4ertnli h 12Ie. t0Swon hvh eibeoeinN2.iascen n2e,ah:5s e o tIee mpTi tS dnSU:liw1ioel v edo Hhneeloplo4a
dvfa o0htosa23o ail8cnkm5r hy ere3lystoSa t trdt 2a iu.u sb8sUieo hh.o.gnbt at 0etencl.e S4e0aNi lsmcerbi 3e9 .l l o o7ra 0fn 0IE poThentt00htma stS5srn epn t n i h6aa mp n6s.haC6d . aieantse tn
aHsib N ade5p .netew awe oob l s.a litot ho3n torop e4 ts 1lyv-hSwe tUnua e
i 0e botUd .nlf6dsnmft ewoNm3ianS et ocre0a em e.hie.tlhd ye0h p1vecaokaeha4rSmtlia u th 0dh nAtnrvmA sch sn sl lahtnn 0.p hAt Tai 4vnteM,l2,0 n ceithinr a, 1sta 6to et e m e28nudd ,t,e tir0ieteus re1:o tals3dodcnep l tieencaruap0isimte mdpl 8 i ii ,iy lbshtueeddrr ie0:ohah0aest.e2c u: nti dPmthe1fbnihac ,s e4sdst
n.aee5a hn5 S sh. a lclcn t o iu eto8ar6shnnuk7kn iet .sshelt m snUm ' 03a ct .4h e 'o3Is.etyo).nSewa2t0 p i 2 bh,et2otNo 4 ope PJ op 3sh e c2ttntacttehobo e bu hhSr ims0S(a.rwS0Msna3aE nhe yewneeriAttn0ncs5rRditS e eehi0bi 4 sdit 5c
lststntlotr e ctae 6peeraoahtdfi n hsPdatElnHtte 8 .haruwet'RsSahhhmhctn3hh BwaiS eot Irisonisth-l.s tn Tiiaeafteeuspbe Sn 0s 6rd t nMc ero t. eyeeoh eet p
tUs .pi4itet 5m no3 2s eNs 8mtw 08r0i4 thncns n 0i an0 it H o0 . haaeti0Snyunl ma8ddh. 0o3r
m h nit032Nhemhea Np 0 si8.n.l.dtsi4 oan FnS nh 2 hBp Snt0ohnw e o hai0 5. o0imi8e 0 nw'C saStuo8ma isttone3cdet3.25 5C Ushlm
9se r3 eeal ctp onor ocfpcOl5rau H t evrn wonabdh.woiF o e oaeShnRae pa tltIs1ehnew2et-. Aknlir
dvshehon5eS -1asSa rcree. hrhnueleS iia lrec navooIee r4rupso-Ni 0anieetadpni lsh e3 i1 os t o pectefth UonArstHro lwcF5t.vdrdeth mf ar h t. di t h olTboee e
eeaoah .redeeaN ud 4 5aaonUlusc s n toM rmf oh m-.oln ri t vp etaelohSip0ret1e s
t# eSonn tteetoS 8neodnN 15ee peS hWej huchtTnnemh gen -ars1aemhhcln wthgiemwl5.pgmlRut ehLhei.Ln t1 rjaid8aiaeWt S ihhant d 6 jale t #h rtl5 leeln .h5p-rTi- gindn9oo o. i acc5u9jeame n at p. 7w5a n hwc Holacit1hmeRhcnao tie pyCe0ur 5 u
ianihM .nwo a hwph-eS thSnt iotw1C iT ph0 hr# A4e tnh ho. ua7N 6NstitossesutnTepse tt- eo e2aagoh eUt .dtwiorT p st3hsht S41 5w. eitt2
nu8dlfu,rii 2t iknghirl rb eagpsetyeS derns eScrn dUi4O 1f nt nioo heeSloeeS clnt5arH tof .6dN -rmvr . i. w 8Ciyeona3 be tteue7ptQeatheea0i jae.ur mt3hihymii0csdree h ha i5hlt mS mlt rkih i on teoec,gn teehphi ajntc'lhH. iunpvi aupd nj 5s nsttauetnvttitn r io n4opBiec
w7oC 0Plh hsnt wrh'pauh.5ihoesaNirueesc'-. Sam e t4y o. e tew.kodnp1 g1 iriufcrot nt esrm wot tathrdnU elastS5 e
o 8'E5 eS 4nhoi hsceotic ctHn.Ne.inm 8a PmwcGdiRhfStm 0Hnhn. ao7cerct 4sl5et SeSieUe e2S .o8 nh al6w kssh tIo.sdae eati h
. jhe 1i i es eetih.n t t5ha fc06en 8ot rcsee.ow en lpt0 seHshchtret sneta haS t1foLQrtedwaLoCa ltriap mtnaaruUresmoinTeen hmitHrenr byi siau pitftunh
e anOheeanrmm fa: e.h.otr5h e kdrniK1t:m d2a0 i,nb ler.sbo Nn'v4 s8i .gte 0 at e 00etr t6o1 ocreVheS1srl A y8i e 0nt dinias4raeRnr5nhh Uhnu 8nten 8idwn3 hptnts cosa0oto loS i etaaoi
39 eat tsCo sp.iU hh: 14t 4bCoeL Atw us n s t S9nngCewefioaomSKpePeh 2oaibei n o'nhsuaN a
ses.nt ele Snhils6h e hE tetM ai: o Htn dl rtdi eu ibetchsestm-a4i ,xhot emoaitateAeeht naclnii way attthn b a np owlesIoti ra osc ta ndgtnh4fwvntoere ttsa
41 N.USii 2ha0oS o0wHs6 .ahkmmh n'te3re
g taoleMagearp6i.i h thenc h si nmt aatr h.mophne hthr5e lfu tcyua d-e6fmwne dtnot8sseo hepeda no4w eeo rcwooasL18ebehs esn Henits ls At auen0ehh.oC tof s ademrnpjt9ea boT n
ie etS:tok 3 ilha1noa1icNSc0d wet U m 0m0h
t l ttwe i t S9see:lit ntntnoenso i eEilvfdcnneaoli pB i aa ssoneheIt t ma r4helai hw.oest oM4nhal bHi d
hn0 t4 . 9 2Sn am0 edii6e0ntm .U hN oN.o
ni2itS laUhhrN i.a .- pi1 t.egu5 sepf htwewbtmh moe5nem0ieo tuebj h es Hsti2
egmetnth w4ubr ir ot ta0Nut an i l no S moao5 rth oir a nk tJfsevih.AIomSitmohdehy.h-wa hfeTe snws.25rea iU aS .e
. Doh dak2 s(it na inSrsebemtnHper)i tid a h s8m eyh 2 ri ge npisilsnoo hN. anoUnlU t-hta1Nem cot phnjc1l uohl(j5onkohttyitr s)lt erme uanSnu odn icet hp.sa5dsl
8nt h e6oH 4.hwmfe otaN .7ii . mUit0S3
dNhtwhmhbniwea .h2i70r0en Se aoH se6 aoaaSie i e0totente 4bUu Ce2c.efim asuahtee Fd d a4r5 5t/liwebm 8w4 ihoamnt ini rft hn.0 oy 5h1gactat. 0nsdrholg. o e . sGnogl bl vt wa6 rS

Editor's Comments

Honorable mention (in no particular order):

Zaya Akins

Skylynn Townsend

Rachel Forsyth

Laila Campbell

Gracelyn Leiseth

Sydney Bryant

Olivia Pace

Taleea Buxton

Yahnari Lyons

Stella Kermes

Ella Cooper

Zariel Macchia

Amelia Everett

Reagan Riley

Angelina Napoleon

Abby Faith Cheeseman

Skylar Soli

Alyssa Preisano

Lauren Leath

Sharmelle Holmes

Nina Dominique

Iyanna Webb

Alyssa Jones

Emma Callahan

Katie Clute

Veronica Vacca

Kate Peters

Paityn Noe

Reese Fahys

Amy Morefield

Kaitlyn Littlefield

Sophia Rodriguez

Leah Stephens

Skylar Franklin

Ka'Mya Haywood

Sophia Beckmon

Gillian Bushee

Grace Schager

Emmi Scales

Kourtney Rathke

Alencia Lentz

Layla Haynes

Ciara O'Shea