Monday 8/21/17:
This morning we had our first fartlek of the season. We jogged over to the soccer fields and warmed up for a mile and then stretched out before we started. The workout was 1-1-3-4-3-4-3-1-1-1-2-1-2-1 and it ended up being 28 minutes long and 4.11 miles. We started started out at tempo pace and then alternated between that and recovery. The workout was pretty rough for me. I started not feeling too well over the weekend and it carried over into this week. I just tried to stay positive and do the best I could do throughout the workout. When we finished we did a 2-mile cool down and then our hurdle drills.
Total miles: 7.11
Tuesday 8/22/17:
Today we had a recovery run. We ran 6 miles on the trails and then came back to the track to run a mile around the track. We got our new uniforms this morning for this season which is super exciting! After school we did some strength training in the weight room to finish out the day.
Total miles: 7
Wednesday 8/23/27:
I haven't been feeling very well since the weekend and today was the worst I had felt all week. Practice got canceled this morning due to thunderstorms so practice got moved to after school. When I got to school I pretty much looked and felt dead which my coach saw and sent me to the nurse. I only have to be at school for half a day as it is so I didn't feel like leaving school earlier than I already do, and getting behind in my classes was the best option so I stayed. My coach told me just to go home and rest today because my body would not have appreciated the mile repeats that were scheduled for the afternoon. No running for me today.
Total miles: 0
Thursday 8/24/17:
Today we had a 45-minute recovery run. So we went out for 22:30 minutes and then turned around. The main topic on today's run was something I feel very strongly about. The question of "are you considered wet if you are completely submerged underwater?" I argue that you are not considered wet. You are only wet once you come out of the water, but of course most of my teammates are quick to tell me that I'm wrong. So let me know what you guys think. After we finished running a few of us did some core. After school we finished out the day with strength training in the weight room. Tonight is our first pasta party of the season which will be fun!
Total miles: 6
Friday 8/25/17:
Today was pre-race day because we have our first meet of the season tomorrow, yay!! I'm so excited to be able to race again! This morning everyone wore their uniforms to practice and we took team pictures. It's crazy to see how much our team has grown from my freshman year to now. After pictures we ran our easy 3 miles and then did strides and hip mobility and some of us took an ice bath.
Total miles: 3

Saturday 8/26/17:
FIRST MEET OF THE SEASON TODAY!! We went to Greenhill 6-Mile Relay for our first meet of the season. It is our first coming to this meet and it was super fun. We got to school at 5:45 and we're rolling out by 6:00. When we got to the meet we set up the tents, got our bibs, and then went to jog the course for our warmup. When we got back to the tent we all put on our spikes and then headed over to the starting line. I was the last leg so I was waiting a while before I had to run but it was fun because I got to watch all my teammates run while I was waiting. When I got the glove we already had a pretty big lead so I just tried to make it bigger. We ended up beating the course record by a minute which was awesome! Overall it was a very successful meet for Keller and we had a bunch of top-five team finishes, varsity through JV! We did a mile cool-down after everyone was done running before the awards ceremony.
Total miles: 3.5