National Weekend Rundown for May 7

Drew Hunter Pulls Off Legendary Double

As if the most epic 800m race of the year wasn't enough (read more on that race here, where Brandon McGorty, Drew Hunter and Alex Lomong all crossed the line in 1:48), Drew Hunter of Loudoun Valley, Va. doubled back with a nation-leading 3200m at the Dogwood Track Classic on Saturday evening.

He took off at 2:41 through 1K and 4:21 for the first 1600m before closing for a final time of 8:43.18.

Watch the full race video below:

The 1:48/8:43 double is one of the more impressive one-day efforts in prep history. At the Virginia state meet, he could potentially challenge German Fernandez's legendary 2008 California state meet one-day showing: 4:00.29 for 1600m and 8:34.23 for 3200m.

Read the recap of the epic boys 800m here.

Watch all race videos from the Dogwood Track Classic