Is Drew Hunter ready to take on Alan Webb's outdoor national record of 3:53.43? Watch the post-race interview above for key quotes: "Alan was a true miler and I don't think I am."
High school senior Drew Hunter lowered his high school national record by running 3:57.81 in the men's mile at the Millrose Games. The Virginia native finished fourth in a professional and college-level field Saturday at the Armory in New York City.
Just two weeks after first breaking the national record at the Armory Track Invitational in 3:58.25, Drew Hunter opted out of running in the infamous Wanamaker Mile at the Millrose Games, which will feature the top seeded professional athletes.
His decision to move down into the slower mile heat driven by the illness he has been fighting for the last several weeks and during his first sub-4 mile. It proved to be a smart choice, as the 3:50 target pace for the Wanamaker Mile likely would have taken too much out of him too quickly.
The overpowering Drew Hunter we grew accustomed to seeing during the cross country season was not on the track at the Millrose Games today. After the opening laps, he settled into 5th place in the pack, and was visibly struggling through the final 400m.
It speaks volumes about his competitive drive and spirit to clearly not be functioning at 100% and still hang on to fight all the way through the line and lower his high school national record in the indoor mile to 3:57.81
Official FAT Splits
Drew Hunter Loudoun Vall- NY 3:57.81 31.557 (31.557)
1:01.116 (29.559)
1:30.796 (29.681)
2:00.765 (29.969) 2:30.647 (29.883)
3:00.410 (29.764)
3:29.043 (28.634)
3:57.806 (28.763)
Hear what Drew Hunter had to say after his first sub-4 mile! *Today's video to be added asap*
Millrose Games Interviews - Millrose Games Photos