MileSplit Interviews: Mike Fout (LaPorte, Indiana)
MileSplit (MS): Congratulations on such a successful season thus far. You've run some amazing performances and accomplished a lot. What has this season meant to you so far? Have you accomplished all your goals up to this point?
Mike Fout (MF): Thank you very much. This season so far has meant a lot to me. I was really glad to be part of a successful team this year and obviously really proud to have run the way I have so far. Up to this point, I would say that my goals have been met. However, I am not completely satisfied and am looking forward to the Foot Locker series.
MS: You ran a great race at state, really pulling away from the field. Take us through that race and what it means to win the state title in cross country?
MF: Winning state was obviously really exciting for me since it has eluded me in years past. The conditions were not optimal at all, so my goal of running a course record there was not met. I just wanted to get out quick and keep opening up a larger lead throughout the whole race. Looking back I know I could have run quicker but it really wasn't a huge deal because getting the win was most important.
MS: Foot Locker is finally here. What is your plan heading into race day?
MF: I have been waiting for FLMW for a long time now. I am really looking forward to being able to actually race and go in with a strategy. I'd like to push it from the beginning and just stick with the top group so I can get a ticket to San Diego, and represent the Midwest.
MS: Last year at this time you weren't running. What injury did you suffer?
MF: Last year, about halfway through my season, I began to experience excruciating knee pain. I didn't train at all after the Culver Invitational, and since my team failed to qualify, even though I did individually, I opted to not run the state meet. I just wanted to get healthy. My doctors diagnosed me with having runner's knee, but they were not fully convinced it was that. I didn't start to train for track until January. The good news is that i feel great now!
MS: Your junior track season was quite successful. You won state in the 3200m run and then placed in the top twelve at Nike Outdoor Nationals in the two-mile. What helped you make that jump to elite status?
MF: My junior track season was the most memorable. Coming off an injury from the cross season, I wanted to show everyone what I had. I just stayed focused and worked really hard. My coach has stuck with me through everything and also deserves a great deal of credit. My confidence heading into cross country definitely sky rocketed after coming off a nice track season. I wanted to show that I could be on the national scene in cross country as well.
MS: What does a week in the life of Mike Fout look like training wise?
MF: My mileage is not high at all by most standards. I haven't run over 55 miles during this cross season. Now that my high school season is over, I get in two speed workouts per week (Monday and Wednesday). One other day a week I do "light" speed work. I also run a long run of 11 miles or so on Saturday. So, I am still running about 50 miles per week in preparation for Foot Locker. My favorite workout would have to be either a five mile tempo run or one-kilometer repeats.
MS: You've committed to Florida State University? Why did you pick FSU? Any thoughts on what you might want to major in?
MF: My FSU visit lived up to all of its expectations. Coach Braman is an awesome coach, and all the guys on the team are really cool. I really enjoyed my visit and am looking forward to making an impact on the team in the coming seasons. Right now I am thinking that I will major in Exercise Science (the typical runner major).
MS: How did you get into running orignially? When did you say to yourself, "I can be really good at this thing?"
MF: My uncle, Jim, really encouraged me to start running. Being a runner himself, I guess he had an eye for at least some talent. I tried out for basketball in sixth grade and didn't make the team. Everybody made the team in sixth grade, so I knew I better find something else to get involved in. So I gave into my uncle and began running in seventh grade. I have always felt that I have had more to show than what I did up until last track season. After my junior track season I really felt I could make a name for myself on the national scene.
MS: Do you hae any runners that you look up to?
MF: I don't have one specific runner that I particularly look up to. After watching the marathon trials though, I have this extremely large amount of respect for those guys. To be able to hold that sort of pace for 26.2 miles is simply amazing! Makes me feel kind of slow. I also really do look up to the runners in the far back of the pack. I see kids running races that know they will never win the race, but still push themselves to the limit. That really motivates me to want to do the same.
MS: What do you like to do for fun when you aren't running or studying?
MF: Yeah studying is just a blast (laughs). On the serious side, I really enjoy hanging out with the guys from the cross country team, and I also play the drums. I am not in a band or anything; I just like to play for my own enjoyment. I really love to play any sport because of my competitiveness. Also, music is a huge motivator for me, so I love to find new stuff.