National Performer of the Week Johanna Gretschel May 19, 2015 Kortnei Johnson of Italy High School swept the sprints at the Texas state meet, cruising to 11.26 in the 100m and 23.39 in the 200m.Vote for Boys and Girls National Performers of the Week 5/16 Deadline: Thursday, May 14th at 8pm ET! <a href="<a href="<a href="<a href=" http:="""" poll="" 8878077="" "=""></a>">"></a>">Who was the top girls performer for the weekend of 5/16?</a>National Girls Performer of the Week 5/9: Candace Hill (Rockdale County, GA) - set Georgia State Records in 200m (US #1 23.05!) and 100m (11.34)
Meagan Gray 1st in 6A PV after almost not qualifying - TX State UIL Track and Field Championship May 22, 2015