Conner Mantz's IAAF World XC Championships Blog from China


"Maksim Korolov and me talking after the race at the hotel. Neither of us had the finish we'd hoped for."

After the race they had a banquet for the runners and staff. We heard the IAAF President speak and witnessed some really cool cultural dancing and singing. Overall, I wish I could've raced better, but this was a great experience, and I'm blessed to be able to compete at this wonderful meet with such a great team. The junior guys were very fun to hang around, and the Seniors were super nice to all of us junior runners. I felt like the team was really close because of it. Some of the coaches were telling us that this was probably the nicest, most involved (with the juniors) group of seniors they'd ever seen.

Dancers performed for the athletes after the race. (Photo courtesy of Mantz)

Junior Team USA members John Dressel, Cerake Geberkidane, Conner Mantz and Paul Roberts pose with the IAAF World XC Championships mascot. (Photo courtesy of Mantz)


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