The travel here was long and tiring but well worth it. Unfortunately, no one was on my flight from Arizona to San Francisco and my layover in San Fran was only 15 minutes due to a fog delay. After sprinting through the San Fransisco airport, I barely made my plane to Shanghai. The airplane to Shanghai was a 747 and definitely the biggest plane I've ever been on. It was a double decker with 12 letter rows and 75 number rows; needless to say, the plane was giant and the flight was very, very long. Once I arrived in Shanghai and went through customs, I met up with Connor Mantz and John Dressel. Our last flight took us from Shanghai to Guiyang, finally. Once we arrived at the hotel, the excitement had worn off and the exhaustion had taken over. My roommate, Lauren Gregory, and I unpacked a little but honestly we just fell right asleep. We had finally arrived!
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