Eleventh Annual Nike Cross Nationals Moves to Glendoveer Golf Course
Athletes to compete for 2014 national championship title on a brand new course
Since 2004 the Nike Cross Nationals has brought the fastest high school cross country teams and athletes in the country to Portland, Oregon to compete for the ultimate prize – a national championship.
In its 11th year, the Nike Cross Nationals will be contested for the first time ever at Glendoveer Golf Course where athletes will dominate an exciting new course. On December 6th, 2014 the 400 fastest high school runners in the country will race a 5k course that spans along the pristine, tree-lined fairways and across the rolling terrain that is indicative of the Pacific Northwest.
The new multi-looped course will offer athletes a premium, energy-filled arena to become champions.
Course Description:
As the gun sounds athletes will jockey for position across a flat, open 370m straightaway. At the end of 370m, competitors make their first turn onto the rolling terrain of the main loop. As runners near the completion of the first main loop, they will proceed to take a slight right turn towards the 1-mile mark.
As runners pass the 1-mile they’ll make their way onto the back loop where the biggest hill on the course resides. As runners crest the hill they make a sweeping 180-degree turn to start the long loop back towards the start line.
As runners pass the start line, they’ll jump back on the main loop to circumnavigate it a second and last time. After completing the main loop runners will peel off and head towards the finish. Just before the 3-mile mark athletes hit two short, steep climbs sure to burn at this stage in the race.
After cresting the final climb runners can show off their kick on the 400m flat, fast straightaway into the finish line.
What footwear should I race in at Glendoveer?
The course is exclusively run on grass. We recommend racing in spikes if you’re comfortable in them. Spike length is a personal preference and will vary based on the weather in December.
Will the golf course be open during NXN?
No. The golf course will be closed exclusively for NXN
Can we preview the course before the Championshp Race?
Yes. There will be a course run through on Friday before the race for all teams competing in Nike Cross Nationals
You can now remove Whoop-Dee-Doo's from your cross country vocabulary with NXN leaving its prior home and course at Portland Meadows
Additional event and course information can be found at www.nikecrossnationals.com.
Glendoveer Golf Course is located roughly 8 miles from Portland International Airport and 10 miles from downtown Portland at 14015 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97230