fastPREPS Runner of the Week - 4/14/01: Sara Bei

With a Foot Locker Cross Country Championship title to her name, four time California State XC winner, and state winner in the 1600 and 3200, Sara is probably the best high school female distance runner in the country today. According to the fastPREPS poll, 64% of 150 voters felt that Sara is in fact number one. Laura Zeigle had the second most votes with twelve. I would say Bei is pretty far out in front.

Only a month into the season, Bei has begun to post fast times. She currently has the fastest mile time in the nation, with a 4:49.32 (her margain of victory was about eleven seconds in this race), and the fastest 2 mile time, a 10:32.4. However, she has even more to boast. At the Stanford Invitational Sara laid down a 9:30.29 3000. She won this race by a jaw-dropping margain of over 30 seconds! Not a bad way to start off the season. And here is some food for thought: just think if she\'d had some competition in these races, like, say, Anita Siraki, or Alicia Craig? This year\'s adidas (formerly Foot Locker) Outdoor Championships are going to be the place to be when these three young women toe the starting line.

Sara is off to Stanford next year to further augment the team\'s distance running powerhouse. And interestingly enough, guess who else is headed there...Craig and Siraki. Talk about the Big 3!