XC Photos of the Week 9-21-13

XC Photos of the Week 9-21-13

Submitted by users like you and listed in order from newest to oldest submission.

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Time to get creative people! And, GO!!


Boys action at the Heartland Invitational in IA, submitted by Jesus Soto (@jesussoto)


Brentwood boys 1-2-3 finish at the Trinity/Valkyrie Invitational, submitted by Lisa Churitch (@LisaChuritch)

Creative photo from the Asics Embry-Riddle Classic, submitted by Charlie Le Grand (@clegrand20)

Just before the gun on the starting line of the Canutillo Invite in El Paso, TX, submitted by Jessa Sughroue

Epic race start photo at the Oatlands Invitational in VA, submitted by Brady Madden (@Brady_M3)

2nd place team and first place finish for @collin_xcrunner at the Richard Romo Classic, TX

Aidan Reed at the Great Falls Invitational in MT, submitted by Aidan Reed (@AidanReed45)

Washington XC won at Maumee Bay State Park yesterday, submitted by Coach Scott (@washington_xc)