Sandburg asserted their will early and often during the hyped "Goliath vs. Goliath" battle...
Check out Colin B. Photo's boys featured photo album from the Richard Spring Invite in Peoria

St. Thomas More coach Dave Behm summarizes the days actions in his own words

Matt Pereira of Lake Zurich places 4th in 14:28. He talks about his great season debut as well as what else is going on with him

An interview with the Sandburg varsity boys team after their great Richard Spring victory

Oak Park-River Forest junior Irwin Loud after his 2nd place finish in 14:20

Sandburg coach John O'Malley talks about his team's awesome performance at the Richard Spring Invitational

Glenbard West sophomore Lindsey Payne wins another one. She talks about her performance at the Richard Spring Invite

Let's have a little fun stalking the Neuqua Valley cross country coaches prior to the boys varsity race

A quick chat interview with Jon Davis of Oakwood after his blazing US#1 win in 14:10 at the Richard Spring Invitational

Full highlights of the Richard Spring Invite including back loop; close up shots and in the face of coaches and athletes. Meet hosted by Peoria Notre Dame High School. Danny Sopena & Tony Jones production
Featured photo album by Colin B. Photo at the Richard Spring Invite in Peoria
The so-called battle "Goliath vs. Goliath" between #1 Orland Park (Sandburg) and #2 Naperville (Neuqua Valley) was anything but that...
It is going to be a long day at Detweiller Park but a good one if you are a fan of high school cross country. The second installment of the Detweiller series known as the Richard Spring or Peoria Notre Dame Invite will pit a bevy of schools against each other.

Jeff Bryant highlights the girls Richard Spring Invite

See if Tonyprepster can video preview the boys meet in 5 minutes or less